May 2017 Mummies

Anya does 1 explosive poop a day and she's ebf.

But other than that I know nothing about formula

. I'm worried about telling the doc coz they will want to stick things up my bum and I would want to be really clean there but that's like next to impossible I wipe I use moist tissue then jump in shower and wash with plain water but I do a tiny fart and it's like I have poor hygiene! I watched an embarrassing bodies with a man with a similar issue and they told him he wasn't wiping properly. And it's really shook my confidence seeing that! If the doc told me that I'd be absolutely mortified so I just haven't told them in 8.5 years. :blush: but now my foof is starting to smell like poop I don't know if i can keep up this charade any longer. I'm already stopping certain things in our private life I can't go celabate I'm too young!
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I understand your reluctance Ery. It's not nice to have to go to the docs with personal problems like that but it doesn't sound like something you can continue to live with.

What are people's views on dummies? I don't like them but I'm thinking to try one with Harper as they can help with reflux. Even when she's full after a feed she'll whinge and suck on her hands. I think because of the pain of the acid coming up her oesophagus.

Eleanor has a dummy.

It's a lifesaver as far as I'm concerned!

I am desperately trying to get Sophie to take a dummy, She's having bone of it!! Xx
Aww Ery hun, deffo see the doctor about it. It's horrible having to go about anything like that ( I swear I only ever seem to need to see the doctor about my vagina!! Lol!!) but you need to get it sorted hun, that's not something you should have to live with.

Aidan took a dummy initially but he absolutely refused it now. He gives you this look like, 'Are you kidding me? This doesn't give me milk. This isn't mum's nipple. I'm not stupid.' We've tried when he gets upset when he's trying to pass wind and he'll have nothing of it.
I tried her with one we got with the steriliser. It's slightly big but it definitely calmed her down and she's asleep now. She spat it out eventually but I think I might have to get a couple.

Sounds awkward Ery :/ I have to admit, I'm a bit itchy there at the moment. I thought the piles had gone since birth, so I don't know what that's about. I'm not bleeding anymore, thankfully, but there is a very stringy/goopy brown stuff coming out. I wonder if it's CM with some old blood.

I've heard of Hipp Rachel. Can you get it from the supermarket? I think it's more expensive. They told me in the hospital to use one brand of formula as it can upset their tummies otherwise. I was thinking of switching to Hipp too.
I used Hipp with Cam as he was a really Sicky baby. It is more expensive in that you don't get as much for your money. I can't remember if it helped Cam or not though!

Sorey butting in your thread again but I was subscribed from when I commemted before and just seen about the Hipp organic milk. I defo recommend it..we went through so many milks with Imogen...aptamil, cow and gate, cow and gate comfort, cow and gate anti reflux, and the aptamil pepti from the docs and then we tried hipp organic and it was the best by far for her reflux xxx
Sorey butting in your thread again but I was subscribed from when I commemted before and just seen about the Hipp organic milk. I defo recommend it..we went through so many milks with Imogen...aptamil, cow and gate, cow and gate comfort, cow and gate anti reflux, and the aptamil pepti from the docs and then we tried hipp organic and it was the best by far for her reflux xxx

Thanks! Where did you get it?
I think some tescos do it and asda :) . It's in a cardboard box thing rather than a tub or tin lol xx
I'd advise getting a tubberware tub and putting the foil bag in that and justusing a knife to level off. When i tried doing it with the bag in the box like it said using their leveller it was a nightmare and I lost so much formula down the sides lol xx
I've just bought some of the ready made cartons from Tesco to try. She's had 150ml with a tiny spit up which I would consider normal baby spit up after feeding. I'm crossing my fingers that this works. They also had boxes of powder at Tesco. I think they have the powder at Asda but not the ready made. The ready made was 75p for 200ml so the same as the other brands.
Millielaura butt in all you like :-) Advice and experience is always welcome!

Ery that sound awful, defo get seen although I know what you mean I really hate going to the doctor for anything but especially if they have to touch me!

I'm a bit thick, what is the point of a dummy? I have one that came free with something but not used it, my mum said oh that will be useful on a plane to stop his ears popping but other than that what are they for?

Having a screamy evening tonight!
Babies find sucking very comforting so dummies can help to settle them. We mainly use Eleanor's to try and get her to sleep.

Ery that sound awful, defo get seen although I know what you mean I really hate going to the doctor for anything but especially if they have to touch me!

I'm a bit thick, what is the point of a dummy? I have one that came free with something but not used it, my mum said oh that will be useful on a plane to stop his ears popping but other than that what are they for?

Having a screamy evening tonight!
Stick the dummy in and the screamy eve might be better :) haha.
Imogen still can't sleep without her 'dumdum' lol xxx

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Hmmm hope Asda have it as that's my local. I'll check this weekend when I can drive again - yay!

I need to get some suitable bottles. The Tommee Tippee ones leak all over when he feeds. I've heard I can get softer teats for them. He's used to the soft teats on the ready made bottles.
I'm hoping I can get Aidan to take the dummy again. Right now he's back to sucking on his hand. But I'm planning on booking a flight to Ireland soon and will be most likely flying over with him alone as my dw may not be able to take the time off as the CEO's wife is due around the time I'm looking to book and she's the no. 2, so she has to be available when he goes on parental leave. But really want to take him to see her parents. Hopefully I can feed him and he'll sleep for that short flight.

Hopefully this flight will be good as we have a much longer flight coming up in Dec as we're going to the States. Hopefully by then he'll happily take the dummy. He'll be almost 7 months by then.
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