May 2017 Mummies

Wow he is huge kabuk! I must get G weighed, he is only in 0-3 clothes (and strangely one marked as newborn, which is huge!).

Last night he ate 8.30-9pm, then had a bath and fell asleep on his dad while i made tea. He didn't wake until 5am for milk! He has never gone so long before. Normally he eats at midnight and 2am.
Ok spotting now turned into full flow wtf! Is this af or just normal bleeding I don't understand!
Ery what contraception are you using? I went on the mini pill after my daughter and I had bleeding like that. Ended up stopping that. Also tried the mires coil and had bleeding on off the whole time so had that removed too x
Hope your bleeding stopss soon Ery, sound awfully annoying.
I'm not on any contraception. Hubby is getting the snip as I'm allergic to progesterone. It really annoying! And sore! It's not sore as in crampy period pains it's more like a sharp bruise if that makes sense. And it's near constant. Sometimes less painful than other times but always there Its the same pain I've got in my hips just now spread to around to 2 or 3 fingers I've from where my leg meets my torso. Be just taken a pain killer as the pain is he tying tiresome 8 weeks on from the birth now
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So after having a few lovely days with daisy were now back to long hours awake and crying. No idea what is wrong. I posted a new thread asking if anyone has experienced similar. 15 hours and counting so far!
So after having a few lovely days with daisy were now back to long hours awake and crying. No idea what is wrong. I posted a new thread asking if anyone has experienced similar. 15 hours and counting so far!
Sorry to butt in your May thread lol. Imogen was exactly the same! I replied on your post. It's so so hard. Hugs.
Forgot to mention on that post there is some facebook groups for reflux that helped me if you wanted to be added to them? xxxx

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Thanks for your reply, it's so helpful just to know I'm not alone, and that it probably is just reflux. I'd like to be added to the Facebook groups, I'd pm you my Facebook but can't even work out how to do that right now, I'm feeling so traumatised tonight! She's just gone off to sleep so fingers crossed I can get some sleep too. I've had two hours over two nights! After everything that's happened I just wanted to bond with my baby over breastfeeding but I can't even manage that! I'm so so sad. Oh has gone off to bed so I can't even get a cuddle- we have to sleep in separate rooms so he can get sleep for work. Xx
It is so hard, I still feel sad I waited so long for Imogen and now she's very nearly 6 months and seems so grown up and I wished away every single day of that tiny baby stage. I couldn't sit and stare at her tiny hands and feet amd features much as she'd just be screaming and screaming,couldn't interact with her really until after 12 weeks apart from the odd 5 minutes a day where she'd be okay and I'd talk to her and take pics. The rest of the time I was putting her in the swing sometimes she just screamed in that too but that was the best place to get her to sleep. You definitely aren't alone. It does end as sad as it is to have to wish away days. It seems a distant horrid memory now. She stays awake ages interacting and smiling and she sleeps okay overnight etc. A totally different baby! I can enjoy her. Never thought the day would come when she was younger. It's so scary as you think there must be something reallyyy bad up ! The groups are really good. I'll try work out how to PM you my facebook link and then message me on there and I can add?
Another thing that helped was raising the head of the cot/moses/crib. We just put books under. She may start to tolerate it a bit more then. Xx

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Hahaha let me know when youve found it and will delete the post as scared of people i know in real life like ex colleagues or something being on here and realising its me and getitng to read all about my CM on my ttc journals etc hahaha xx

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
Oh god its done it as a direct link lol! Any of you other girls on this thread if you see before bettyhoop can you pm her it if your pm is working then i can delete? Keeps saying network error for me haha xx

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I think I'm going to call the doc tomorrow as I've got this weird pain and after going to pee just now the blood smells bad. I think I may have an infection. I have some pee sticks that the mw use in pregnancy to detect glucose etc do you think that would show an infection ?
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thanks :D do you know how i delete a post on tapatalk lol

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
im bleeding bright red blood again today. going to go to the doctors tomorrow im feeling so sorry for myself ive got major toothache but not having my tooth out till next wednesday, ive got a cyst on my bikini line that on antibiotics for but its so painful when i walk and im bleeding again :(
I'm bleeding get again too. :( 3rd time since birth. Phoned docs she said it sounds normal. I mentioned the smell sbd that im ebf she said it's probably old. I told her about my pelvic pain. I said tbe blood bright dark red and smells like feaces she said keep an eye on it if it continues over the next few days phone back. (I sampled my wee with a dipstick that mw use and it's got some ptetty darn funky results hence why I called but I can't say I've tested it at home can I!) Lol oh well. I will wait and see. And then find out how they treat I fections with someone allergic to omoxycillian and erythromycin :D

I have my suspicions as to what it is. That's not an infection though but it's embarrassing hahaha lol
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what do you think it is? ive stopped for the odd day here and there but mines been pretty constant bleeding for the last 9 weeks. not heavy but always therr
Well I have had bleeding from my bum in the past and they said I had a fistula but nothing was done about it. I now bleed from both areas my new bleed smells like poo I'm tmi farting from my foof and bottom leakage is getting worse. I think childbirth has made the hole big enough to go right through. :( I have been leaking poop since my son was born 8 yrs ago but was too embarrassed to tell the doc but I think the time has come maybe.
Oh Ery, definitely tell the doctor. You shouldn't be putting up with that! God, babies can't half do messed up things to a woman's body! It's a good job men aren't responsible for carrying/giving birth to babies; the human race would have died out already!
Harper had 150ml of expressed breast milk about 40 mins ago and has so far managed to keep it all down. I say 'so far' cos sometimes she manages to vomit an hour or more after her feed.
Has anybody tried HiPP Organic formula? I've heard good things about it. At the moment Harper has Cow & Gate ready made for a feed or two during the day and SMA Staydown at night as she's refluxy and lying down after the C&G (even after I've kept her upright for a while) is a problem. I've heard that HiPP often stays down better and would like to move her into one formula really. I think sometimes she struggles with the formula thickening in her stomach and I think it makes her slightly bunged up and then this turns explosive at least once a day.


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