May 2017 Mummies

I've read that too Lisey but we're combination feeding and it's happening when she has formula at night too. We give her SMA Staydown at night because of her reflux and she was taking between 120-150ml and sleeping so well. Now it's more like 80-90ml!

I thought they should be more cautious with any heavy bleeding as apparently a pph at birth makes you susceptible to a secondary pph. I live half an hour away from the hospital too :/

Emily I'd be pretty annoyed with that Dr if I were you. I'm putting in a complaint against mine for palming me off as a stupid first time mum and not helping me with the issues I had with daisy, which meant she was in pain with reflux for an extra week more than necessary, also left me to feel inadequate as a mother for not dealing with her excessive crying as "normal".

Emily are you getting any support? I'm going to ask the health visitor tomorrow if there's any extra breastfeeding support I can get. Xx
Betty are there any NCT groups near you? How old is Daisy? If she's under 6 weeks they'll come to you.

No, other than the domperidone that's it. One of the HV I saw suggested a nursing vacation (which I can't really do because of my son) and everyone else has just sort of smiled and nodded when I've said I'm combination feeding and left it at that.

I just don't see what anyone can do. All I see everywhere on all the advice and support groups I'm on is about pumping between feeds. Well that's f all use to me as I can't pump so I can't give my boobs further stimulation other than what I can hand express.

I did toy with the idea of getting a Supplemental Nursing System, which is basically a tube you tape to your nipple so as baby feeds they take the formula from that as well as stimulating the breast still. Other than that, I don't know what else I could do. I've heard they can be quite fiddly to use too and not sure how practical it would be out and about.

I'm also thinking that maybe it's just a bit late now? She's eight weeks old so maybe we've missed the boat with bf as her demand is only ever going to increase and I couldn't produce enough when her tummy was marble size!!

I'm at a bit of a loss and feeling a bit defeated if I'm honest.

There's a bf support group at the children's centre on Fridays where they have peer support but I think I'm beyond that and need a proper lactation consultant/miracle worker/magician!!

jabs are done :( was awful shes sleeping now but screams everytime i go near her legs or pick her up
I might give up on the "idea" of breastfeeding now. I just can't find the time to do it.

Nikki, how's your pnd now? Did you get medication for it?
Gosh she is still attached to the boob just go to sleep you're shattered! I'm dry I'm out there's no milk in the well!
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arias been awful since her jabs yesterday :( she screamed so much yesterday wouldnt sleep and was up every hour. shes a bit better tonight but its made her constipated i think and shes lost her appetite.

dovekie my pnd is up and down. some days i have good days and bad days. i chose not to go on medication most of my family are dependant on them. ive got counselling and a session im going to to talk about what went wrong at the birth, the health visitor comes to see me.every fortnight. ive got the childrens centre people coming friday and will hopefully get me into some baby groups. they come round so i know someone there because i get anxious about going on my own but i am getting better slowly. ive joined mush to try and meet some more mums aswell to keep myself busy
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Dreading the jabs today. Hope he'll be okay by Friday as I've planned to take him to graduation.
Ayda had her Jabs yesterday too :( I dosed her with Calpol as advised (she had three doses as recommended by the nurse). Am worried she has hardly had any formula since, she is so sleepy. Took her up last night at 11 and she woke at 7 had 2 ounces and has gone back to sleep....she is still in bed sleeping and its now after 10! If I wake her and she is not ready she likely wont feed as she will start crying and gets in a state, dilemma!
Hate the jabs.....why do they have to do so many at the same time? surely its less traumatic and safer to stagger them a bit! :(
thats what i think gesic. aria has completely lost her appetite aswell shes hardly had any milk since yesterday. if she hasnt gone to the toilet by tomorrow im phoning the doctor
Are you trying just cooled boiled water too Nikki to keep her fluid levels up?
We are still getting wet nappies (fewer) so am reasonably happy she isn't dehydrated and we had one poo late last night which was pretty normal for her just less volume.
I keep checking her temp and I guess the Calpol is keeping it normal (went up to 37.7 and she is normally 36.5 ish), its a blooming worry, and we have to do it again next month!!
yeah im trying but she hates it lol shes still having wet nappies just not any dirty ones and shes constantly trying to go but nothing is coming out and then she gets really upset. cant wait till they are all over!
Keep trying them with milk as if temp is high they will need fluids more. Sophie was very sleepy too, even the next day.
Apparently next jabs aren't as bad with side effects as it's the meningitis one that causes the temperature. It is horrible still :( xxx
she hasnt felt warm but i gave her the 3 doses of calpol anyway she didnt want that either lol she has 2 ounces of milk about 7am and then another 2 ounces about 11 but thats it. she normally drains a 7 ounce bottle lol hopefully she will be back to normal by tomorrow. ive given her an ounce of water aswell
At least she is taking something which is good.
It was a nightmare giving Sophie the calpol too, she had a temperature, sore legs and was screaming, not the easiest task xx
Anya is very adept at spitting out anything by syringe! Her jabs made her sleepy with the runs and vomiting for 2 days then awake for a day today she's back to normal it seems.
Anya is very adept at spitting out anything by syringe! Her jabs made her sleepy with the runs and vomiting for 2 days then awake for a day today she's back to normal it seems.

I don't know what's going on with my bleeding. I bled for ages then stopped then started with a "lighter af" for only 5 days (I'm normally heavy for 7) been off for 7 days and I've started spitting again. Both times I've started bleeding I had had sex recently the first time we did I didn't bleed afterwards but it wasn't long since post birth bleeding had stopped. Ugh. Joys of woman.!
Aidan really screamed and took some time to calm down. Gave him calpol immediately after. He fell asleep on the way home and was then fightin it at home, wanting the breast for comfort. He's sound asleep now. For how long? Who knows. He is a whopping 6.59kg or 14lbs 8.4oz. So he's gained just under 6lbs since birth. He's already fitting 3-6 month sleepsuits quite well, trousers too (some are just slightly long). His weight is 98th perceentile and his head circ is 91st percentile. Not sure how I'm managing him in a sling.

I also got the all clear, so I'm looking into starting crossfit again! YAY!
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Yay! That's a good ol' weight that he's put on. Anyaa only put on 2lb :???: !

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