May 2017 Mummies

I would do the same Dovekie, you are his primary caregiver and I would prefer to have the same name as my child.
Dovekie, I think you did the right thing! I'm engaged to my other half but I wish I'd given Harper my surname sometimes. We don't have a date set to get married and tbh it's not on our list of priorities at the moment, so now I've thought about it more, I should have insisted on my name. I'd like to have the same name as my child, plus my surname is better, lol!

Yeah, he's still here now Emily. He leaves tomorrow morning. It's been ok. He's helped me with a few things in the flat and shared the night duties (still haven't had a whole night off). However, last night he got really paranoid and thought he wasn't Owen's dad. All because of a packet of mystery biscuits that appeared in my kitchen! He also got annoyed when we got to the office today and I said I was giving him my name. He accused me of not discussing it first....... yet hadn't tried to discuss it with me himself?! He's still the named father, which I hope doesn't cause me problems in the future.
Dovekie, I think you did the right thing! I'm engaged to my other half but I wish I'd given Harper my surname sometimes. We don't have a date set to get married and tbh it's not on our list of priorities at the moment, so now I've thought about it more, I should have insisted on my name. I'd like to have the same name as my child, plus my surname is better, lol!

I would have been happy to give him his dad's name, but our situation is too volatile and unpredictable. I can't guarantee we'll be speaking tomorrow, so I couldn't risk it. If you're happy, I think you did the right thing :)
arias got her first jabs tomorrow and im absolutely dreading it :( do they have 3 now? seems so much for such a little baby i wish oh was off so he could take her :( i want to cry already lol
I'm in a bit of a dilemma. My milk supply has really dropped (if that's even possible!) and I'm wondering if it's because I'm taking the pill. I've read up on it and it does say because of the hormones in it, it can reduce supply of breast milk. I've been on it for a week and today my supply has been shite! It's like before I started the domperidone. It's a combined pill rather than the mini pill.

I'm going to give my doc a ring tomorrow and ask for advice and see what she thinks. I also want my prolactin levels tested to see if I need to alter my dose of domperidone as I could go up to 4 tabs 4x daily max dosage but don't want to increase it if low prolactin isn't the issue. I'm still certain I have IGT but if prolactin is low too that's going to make it even worse!

I really wish I could just stop bf but I'm just not ready to yet. It's so annoying to have my life ruled by my boobs! I just wish I could wake up tomorrow and be like right enough is enough but I'm just not ready to stop and I'm feeling like the choice might be taken out of my hands soon if my supply keeps dropping like it is.

Aww hun I hope you get answers r.e. your boobies soon x
Yes it's 3 jabs and an oral live virus that protects against vomiting/diareaha. The meningitis one is a known reactive one.
Anya got the runs and was sleepy and cranky for 2 days.
Now she's hungry and sleepy lol they told me to give calpol ASAP after the jabs luckily I brought some with me and so gave it to her whilst still in the room whilst she was filling out the notes

As for surname issue I think you did the right thing if things miraculously change and you get married you can change surname then. In the hospital baby is automatically given mum's name. When we registered my son he had dad's name as we knew at some point we would get married. What we didn't know back then was when we got married we would revert back to his mother's maiden name so we all had to go via deed poll to get our name changed!
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Yes, it's 3. I was surprised, I didn't know before going. I cried, baby was over it quicker than me. Give some Calpol before you go xx
I hated the way she stared in my eyes when it happened like "why are you doing this?" I know it's for her own good and even that was too bad I don't get how anyone could hurt such a little thing. Breaks my heart. But after having 2 of my cousins catch meningitis there is no way she wasn't getting the jab!
Dovekie, I think you've done the right thing. I'm married but kept my surname and gave our son my dw's surname, but I was happy to as she comes from a long line of only children. I'm not too attached to mine and would've meant he would've had deal with misspellings and mispronunciations hi entire life. Plus, I can always change mine later if I want to.

Emily, I hope you get some asnswers. I really admire how determined you are to bf when so many would've given up. I probably would've, with a lot of tears.

Aidan gets his jabs on Wed. Not excited about that at all, but I should be given the all clear to exercise again!
Awww thanks hun. I know I'll never exclusively bf and have to accept that 99% of her diet is formula but I love bf her and just don't want to stop. She's feeding from me know and it just feels so perfect to look down and see her there.

Emily I feel for you. I was told I couldn't take the combined pill whilst breast feeding so check that with your doctor. When I went to get the gaviscon the doctor (who is female and has just had a baby herself) said "it's easy enough if you want to get back to exclusively breast feeding" I nearly strangled her, it must have been easy for her to breast feed or her baby must be formula fed, she has no idea how hard I've tried and how difficult and traumatic it's been.

Having a bath this morning and the bath is turning red (sorry tmi!) So need to get out and shower instead! I spoke to the Dr and she said unless I feel dizzy and pass out or its green with large clots then not to worry! After the pph at birth though I'm obviously worried. I've never known anything like it! It is making me feel pretty tired. Think I'm going to cancel all my jobs today and just rest. Xx
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im still bleeding 9 weeks on :( need to go to the doctors this week.

im absolutely dreading the jabs but i know its for her own good. i will cry though :(
Emily I just read up on what causes low milk supply on baby centre and it could be the combined pill. They also say that having a pph causes low supply too, I had a major pph so could be that for me, also this latest blood loss probably isn't helping:/ xx
It's the combined pill that I'm on although I've not taken it today and I'm going to stop it altogether now. My Dr said that it was fine to take the pill while bf as there is little to no transfer to baby through milk. I did specifically ask if taking it would reduce my supply and she said no but I found multiple sites stating that it can reduce breast milk due to the oestrogen in it. I guess we'll just use condoms until hubby gets the snip ( if we ever DTD again that is! Lol!)

I think I'll up my dose of Dom to 4 tabs 3 x daily and just try and get her to the breast as often as possible, express when I can and I'll chat to the gp when I see her next week for Eleanor's check up.

I hate being so ruled by my boobs! I just can't imagine it being so easy and having enough milk to feed a baby. Hell I'd piss glitter if I could express a single ounce!! Lol!!

Anya i's having a really fussy day today. She won't go down which is unusual she hasn't had her morning sleep which is unusual she seems to be crying for no reason ehich is unusual and she's wanted boob almost every 45 min which is unusual. Before she had a ma-hoo-sive burp and milk came out her nose. Maybe she's got trapped wind or something?
Ery, it could a developmental period- one occurs around this time. Aidan is doing the same.
Harper seems to be going against what all the guides say will happen about now with feeding. Instead of having bigger feeds less frequently, she seems to be taking smaller amounts more frequently. We were getting really good blocks of 4.5 to 5 hour and then 3 to 3.5 hour sleeps at night but the last couple of nights she's been waking every 2 to 3. Probably because she hasn't been finishing her feeds.

Ery, Sophie does that too on the odd day, I do think its developmental/growth.

Betty, that doesn't sound right with the bleeding, if you had a PPH they should be more cautious as your iron will just go down lower with heavy bleeding, did you have blood transfusions?

I was also told you can't have the combined pill when breastfeeding, I am on mini pill, I don't think sex will be happening any time soon though as still bleeding and too tired!!

Rachel, I read something about this the other day, if they feed for a short time they just get the low calorie fore-milk which I imagine doesn't fill them up enough, it said to start the feed on the same side on the next feed so they get the higher fat milk xx

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