May 2017 Mummies

They certainly are keeping us on our toes :) xx
Emily, I hope you feel better soon!

My leakage is really bad. Any time he feeds on one the other starts to leak. Feeding from late morning to early evening isn't too bad, but he is super messy in the mornings and at night. I think he also gets too much at times- he sometimes pull s off with a mouth full and spits it out before reattaching. I put the muslins all around as well.

Aidan was really fussy like that for about a week, but not anymore- thank goodness. He was chewing his hand a lot a the time too. He still does this, but not as often. I don't know if he's feeling the teething yet or if it's something else. Babies can start teething as early at 7 weeks even thought the earliest they get a tooth is typically 4 months.
The leafelt from bounty says around 8 weeks they can have separation issues too. Anya likes to suck and lick her hand too. She really likes to headbutt too. If you have boobs she will headbutt them then grin at you lol
lol . . . Aidan does the headbutt thing too, but even worse is his kicking. When I have him sitting on my legs with his feet on my belly, he kicks away. It hurts too. He always manages to get my boob and ribs. He'll also extend and push, which really hurts as he gets his heal well stuck into my ribs while the rest of his foot is pushing on the boob. You'd think the kicks in the ribs would stop now that their out, so much for that.
Hahahaha yea! At anyas 8 week check the doctor was taken aback by how powerful hee legs are I knew that from the time inside. When she strops if you hold her upright she can and will support her weight on her own legs obviously her balance isn't there lol but we were playing a game where she "sits" on your knee with your arms round her like a cage and she'll flop onto one and giggle (she likes being able to move herself) and for pne she sat unaided for 2 seconds we we all amazed she then promptly flopped back and giggled lol amazing how strong they are already!
Emily I hope you feel better, having sickness with a baby to look after can't be good at all :/

So - for those that have had their first period, was it unusually heavy? Mine has been going for a week now getting heavier and heavier until now I'm soaking a maternity pad in a couple of hours so I'm getting concerned. Doctor isn't calling back until this afternoon and the health visitor isn't answering. Xx
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Feeling fine this morning thank goodness!

My afs have been normal and not heavy, just like they were before my pregnancy. If you're bleeding that heavily, you've done the right thing by seeking advice. Hope everything is OK?

Mine was much lighter than usual but my gp doesn't think it was my af... I do though!
Aidan loves to stand up. He often pushed up onto his legs and then gets annoyed when you sit him down. He loves to look over our shoulders, so will push up onto his legs and rest his head on our shoulders. Holding him over the shoulder is one sure way to get him to stop crying. He may continue to moan a bit, but he calms down almost immediately. He's been chewing on our shoulders and we end up with lots of slobber down out back and arms from it. He's really good with holding his head up too. He love to look around.

This is him being stubborn. So tired and refusing to sleep. My dw holding him over her shoulder was the only thing keeping him quiet. He ended up finally falling asleep about 5 minutes later.


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No af here and hopefully af will remain hidden for a while. I did have a couple of days where I felt like I was going to get af, but never came. After all the bleeding during my pregnancy, I'm really hoping not to see af for as many months as possible.
I have to cover under my boobs with terry cloths and have another on standby for when he lets go. He sometimes will flick my nipple as he comes off and then milk just fountains everywhere! I got through 6 breast pads last night, 2 on one boob and the others on the other, I find them more absorbent and more comfortable than the disposables but washing them every day can be annoying. He ate as normal yesterday so don't know why they were going so crazy. My flow can be quite fast for him sometimes and we both end up covered. I have to take spare clothes for both of us everywhere just in case! He seems happy enough though so that is something.

In general G isn't too fussed who is holding him, he certainly knows who his daddy is and seems to save all his extra big smiles for him. He had a bit of a phase last weekend where he wouldn't settle with my dad at all, I hope it doesn't last too long as I think my dad was getting a bit upset about it.

I'm amazed how powerful his legs are, I didn't realise babies were so strong.
I'm sure you'll all fall over in shock to hear that I've never suffered from a leaking boob, spraying boob or ever needed to wear breast pads!! I know right!! Who'd a thunk it eh?! Lmao!!

Eleanor is quite happy to go to whoever at the moment. Occasionally when she's unsettled as she's overtired, she just needs a bit of boobie to send her off to sleep.

Aww so cute! That's anyas fabe sleeping position too. I'm so chuffed my new leather cosy arrived today it's so gorge it's one size too small but I will be in it come the colder months lol
I'm sure you'll all fall over in shock to hear that I've never suffered from a leaking boob, spraying boob or ever needed to wear breast pads!! I know right!! Who'd a thunk it eh?! Lmao!!

Eleanor is quite happy to go to whoever at the moment. Occasionally when she's unsettled as she's overtired, she just needs a bit of boobie to send her off to sleep.


Lol I'm not wearing vreast pads now either I had leakage at the start but I can feel my production being better now af has gone but still not leaking only what comes out her mouth every now and again. My theory is that girls are tidier from birth lol (I must have a fault on my tidy gene though lol)
I wore breast pads while I was using lanolin, to protect my bra from getting all greasy. I've never had to worry about leakage!

Despite all the issues I've had with bf, I'm now 8weeks and 2 days into combination feeding which is a personal best! :-) woohoo! Go me and my malfunctioning mammaries!!

Finally- he's asleep! i hope it's for more than 20 mins. Only nap he took was right after breakfast for 2 hours. Had one 20 min nap since then. Entertaining him and trying to keep him from screaming has me exhausted. Walking for an extended period carrying hims just isn't an option right now as my shoulder really hurts. Upside to lack of sleep is how much he ate- boobs not feeling super full and painful right now!
Strange how they go quiet when you put them over your shoulder.

Owen is very alert these days. Registered him today! I gave him my surname. Hope I did the right thing.

Given your circumstances hun, I think you did the right thing by giving him your surname.

Did his dad stay over at the weekend or is it this coming weekend he's staying?


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