May 2017 Mummies

I think Sophie is practicing her counting. She goes down at 10, wakes after four hours, then 3 after that, then 2 hours lol

I think her gums are sore already, she is chomping on her hands all the time and dribbling loads, I know it's early but my son started to get sore gums v early too. I wish she would take a dummy as would help.

I wanted some opinions, I work in a school and said I would take her in before summer holidays but now I am worried about illnesses, for now I have arranged to meet a couple of friends from there for lunch but what would you Do? Am I being OTT? Xx
Aidan is sleeping longer during the day rather than at night and it's killing my boobs. I think it's the heat again. I managed to pump 5oz in about 30 mins as they were that full the other day, and that was early evening. I already expressed 4oz today and feel I need to again. I'm using reusable breast pads, but they don't help all day. By early evening they are rather damp. By morning they are soaking wet.
Lisey has she had her jabs?
Kabuk Its hard when sleeping habits change Anya has been all over the place recently and my boobs are either full to bust or empty!
Quick Question for those who have had jabs. We took her plasters off today 24hrs later I know the meningitis one is very reactive (but with 2 of my cousins having had it I felt it vital) but round all 3 jab points there is a perfectly round red rash the exact size as the plasters. Do you think she may be allergic to plasters?


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Lisey I took oli in to school and pre school when he was a couple of weeks old and he was fine. Obviously I didn't let the kids near him, the staff who had a cold or anything kept away. I think she would be fine :)

Ery I remember my kids having marks exactly where the plasters were but I think it was just baby skin being delicate. Just maybe keep it in the back of your mind for the future? Could always mention it to your HV xx
When I say didn't let the kids near him they weren't touching him :p obviously the pre schoolers all stuck their head in the pram and played every musical instrument they could find to try and wake him up but the older kids were just introduced from the front of a classroom xx
Ery I go like that I'm allergic to the adhesive.

I get through loads of breast pads, I'm using bamboo reusables, have more than 12 pairs, and need to do laundry every other day to have enough!
Aww bet they loved it missY.
Thanks snowbee I'm at hv in 2 weeks as she needs regular weighing. I have sensitive skin too but mines triggered by washing powder and some not all cosmetics. I hope it's just as missY said and she'll outgrow it. This is my current reaction to something. I'm not even sure what. Top guess is a midge bite as that's a known allergen but I font know when!


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Eugh, I'm not feeling well at all. Really nauseous and been sick a couple of times. Hope to God it's not catching and Eleanor and Cam don't get it :-(

No roast dinner for me :-(

Ha's Eleanor had her jabs recently? One if them is a live virus which can cause nausea/sickness and or the runs. I managed to catch it off anya!
No, she's not having them until she's nine weeks as they couldn't fit her in.

She has had her first set of jabs. Maybe I should take her, would love to see them all xx
weve sort of started a routine at night. ive started putting her upstairs for her day naps when she starts getting grizzly she sleeps better otherwise the kids keep waking her up and she gets over tired. at night she has a bath about 8, bottle and then upstairs to bed at 9. weve only been doing it a few days
Snowbee, glad it isn't just me. I have 6 pairs and have been struggling. I guess I should buy another set. I feel I need more nursing bras too. Even with new pads at night, my bra is soaked. I only have 2 regular nursing bras and 1 sleep one. I think I need more for sleeping.

Ery, good to know I'm not the only one. Mornings are bad too. He feeds at night but he doesn't eat as much. My sister said when her son started to sleep through the night that she couldn't even completely enjoy it at first as she'd wake up needing to pump twice in the night. I don't like the sound of that. It has been making it difficult to sleep on my stomach though as being chest down on the bed hurts when they are full.
I'm worried my supply will take a hit now.

I've been sick five times on the last four hours and will be away to my bed shortly so no bf for her this evening. I'll see how I feel overnight in regards to bf and expressing. I don't see much point on taking my tablets as I doubt they'll stay down! Oh well, what will be will be eh?

Take on as much fluid as you can Emily, hope you are better soon.

Kabuk I have to change pads in the night at least once, I also need to get a sleep bra as I'm having to sleep in my nursing ones at the moment. That is the thing I;m finding really annoying about bf, having to wear a bra at night and the leaking!
I've just had a few mouthfuls of water so fingers crossed it stays down. I've got an upset stomach too so I could well be in for a fun night! Going to try and get some sleep and hopefully I'll be all better tomorrow. Just praying that neither of the kids get it :-(

Oh no!
I'm not leaking that much anymore I can usually sleep without a bra. Sometimea I leak if she skips a feed. I remember much more leakage with my son lol but apparently you make milk differently depending on the gender of your baby! As you two have boys maybe it's boy thing!
Oh Emily. Hope you feel better.
I get lots of leakage when feeding, she pulls off and milk squirts everywhere lol, I also think too much comes out for her sometimes so she can't swallow it all. I have to put a muslin under boob and over her clothes as too messy!! I get paranoid when I feed when we are out and about that I will have it all over my clothes by the time she is finished.
I have the reusable breast pads too, they seem far less absorbent than the disposable ones but works out cheaper of course xx
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Is anyone else having separation issues with baby? She gets upset if I go out of her sight or if someone else dares to hold her!! Even OH can't hold her at the moment. She screams as if someone is hurting her, it's extreme so can't leave her with them. I feel so bad as I hope my OH doesn't blame me for it, I encourage her to go to others but she just won't. She prefers to go in her bounce chair rather than be held by anyone but me. It is hard as I can't get help from anyone so that I can get on with things and I know people will say to be firm etc but she cries to the point of not being able to catch her breath and that's not fair for her. I just feel bad as OH keeps saying she doesn't like him, he says it in a jokey way but I know a part of him is thinking that. I don't know what to do about it, she seems a bit young to be going through this already!! Xx
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Yep Anya is doing the same. She will quieten down for other women but boys no way. (As long as she still like that at 16 her dad won't worry as much lol) we are getting a bit if success with my hubby through perseverance. I know nothing is actually hurting her and I'm right next to hubby. When she's finally quiet for 5+ seconds (so jot just taking a big breatg) he hands her back to me for a cuddle and it's taking less time now so hopefully she's learning she doesn't have to scream to get me back.
I also go back to her basket before she cries and sometimes get her out for a cuddle so hopefully with that she's also learning she doesn't have to cry to ef what she wants. (Sorry if this is garbled nonsense I can't see well too tired lol)

Anya hates heating my voice from a distance too. So if I do leave the room I have to whisper lol or else she will scream!
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