May 2017 Mummies

Oh joy. So yep.. . Anyas well placed chuck up has given me the live virus from her jabs!
Yeah I get enhanced pay for 12 weeks, I only have to pay that back if I don't go back. I only work just over 3 hours a day though so don't mind going back, although I would of course prefer to stay home with her xx
Kabuk he looks very grown up already!

I'm only on stat so no worries about paying back, not that I'm going to leave anyway. I'm part time already I wouldn't fancy going full time so pleased things seem to have worked out ok in that respect. I think if I was still in my old job I would find a way not to return at all, even though I enjoyed it I want to make the most of G. They forgot to pay me in June though!

I can feed virtually in my sleep now, just unclip the boob and roll him on. I've actually had reasonable sleep for a few nights, he is starting to get a bit of a pattern, feeds at midnight when we go to bed, 2 ish and 5/6 ish. He is then awake for an hour or so before going back to sleep for 1-2 hours. My oh doesn't wake at all until the 6am feed (usually as I go for a wee and G kicks him or cries while I've gone!) so that is good as he is shattered.
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I must take him to be weighed as I have no idea how heavy he is now. He is now in 0-3 clothes and I'm thinking he will be in size 3 nappies next week. He was 9 lb 9 at his 6 week check up.

People who express, how much do you then give in a bottle as a feed? I'm wondering whether to try a bit more with this for the odd occasion I need to nip out and leave him with someone, although he isn't keen on a bottle and it does seem a lot of work compared to just flopping a boob out. Also how warm should I do the milk? The only way I can heat it is standing the bottle in hot water, I'm not buying anything for just an occasional feed.

G has one of the baby vests from spiral, the one with the vampire kitten, super cute for those who like the alternative styles. I still have most of my alternative clothing although it doesn't come out much these days. G seems to like all the music I have on in the car, it is very varied! I guess he is use to it after hearing it from when he was still inside.

Totally off topic, anyone recommend me a nail varnish that has a goo solid colour in just one or two coats? Looking for a pale blue for me and a white to touch up my bathroom cupboard that got chipped! Paint isn't glossy enough.
Dovekie I can't remember exactly when it was but G had a phase of just eating all the time. It didn't last too long but I was knackered. He does have odd days now where he doesn't get off the breast for any length of time at all, but he will now sleep at night in reasonable chunks.
Missy I hope the chicken pox clears up soon, I wonder if it is better to have it as a baby rather than a child, I remember having it when I was about 7 and it was awful.
Snowbee Jessica OPI and Barry M are good 1 coat nail varnish I got a gorge pale blue Barry M one. imgong to look at alternative clothing soon I think
Ery, it's so hard to get a pic of Aidan with a big smile. As soon as he sees the camera he stops.

Dove, it's not easy, but that is why I only do it locally right now. I'm hoping that I'll find the best way to tie it up and get used to the weight so I can take him with me in it in central London. Once he's big enough, I'm moving back to the ergo as I find the carriers offer a bit more support for me (at least I feel that way), but for now, he prefers the moby wrap.

I'm guessing Aidan is around 13lbs now. I'll know for sure on Wednesday. He's really engaging with patterns and bright things. I ordered a baby gym that was 50%, but apparently it's out of stock. It's the one I really wanted too. I had to contact them to find out. I don't know when they'll have it back in, but surely it should've been listed as out of stock then. So annoyed. These things aren't cheap at all. All the others I like are between £60-80, which I just can't afford, especially with just paying for 2 passports and his aquatots class that we'll start in Sept.

Hope your little ones start gaining weight as they should. It's no fun having to keep close track. Hopefully those fortnightly appointments will be in the past soon enough.
i had the worst day with aria yesterday from 3pm she screamed the entire night but like the proper cry where they sound like a sheep lol. i had to get oh to come home at 7 i couldnt take it anymore i was so stressed and tired and upset. might start putting her in her crib upstairs for naps and at bedtime im not sure if she gets overtired because theres too much going on with the other kids
Thanks, ery. I looked at that one but am concerned about how small it looks. Aidan is so big and I don't want him to outgrow it too quickly. I want plenty of space for him to roll around on it when he's ready, too.

Nikki, that sounds awful. We've had a couple of spells recently were Aidan just screams. He doesn't seem to respond to anything. It's mainly at night. Eventually he just wants to play. Last night I saw signs of wakefulness and wanting to play, so at 3.30am we sat in the living room playing and then moved to the kitchen and his tripp trapp chair for some soft singing and dancing. An hour later he was hungry and spent, but there were no tears!!!! I hope you find a solution or that she starts to calm down a bit. Those loud cries at night are the hardest.
Here's what anya looks like on it if you want a rough idea I know she's smaller but it may give you some sense of scale!


  • 2017-07-08 15.52.27.jpg
    2017-07-08 15.52.27.jpg
    509 KB · Views: 17
Snowbee, do you co sleep then? Don't you get nappy leakage if you leave it for a long time?

Should I be doing something to encourage a routine or will Owen do this himself? He usually has a sleep for a few hours in the living room before I take him to bed. What happens after that is different every night. Should I be putting him to bed (in the bedroom) earlier, say from 7pm? Should I turn off all TVs and lights from then too? Also, I don't know what to do when his dad stays as that sort of routine can't happen really. Last time, Owen slept with his dad in the living room so that I could catch up on rest.
Eleanor has a clean nappy and barrier cream on at her last nappy change before bed around 10-12pm and I only change her if she poops overnight. I did the same with my son. You may get the occasional leak if nappy gets really full but on the whole it's fine and not having to change them means they don't wake up as much and go back to sleep quicker.

Dovekie I wouldn't worry too much about a routine at this stage. Of course if you want to try and start getting him into one then you can but youll need to be flexible as they ate still so young. Eleanor is 8 weeks today and not really in a routine yet but I know we'll get into one eventually. In regards to nighttime, she's awake for most of the evening and only cat naps, crashes out at about 10ish and has a dream feed just before being put down for the night but we pretty much go with whatever she wants really.

Its daunting as a first time mum, but try and remember there's nothing you SHOULD be doing except what works for you. If you want to co sleep then do, baby in another room then do, regimented routine then do, flexible and baby led then do. There are so many different styles of parenting and so many different ways of doing things, all you need to do is what you want to do. Everyone will be an expert on your baby and what you should be doing with him but you decide what you want to do. Owen's dad will just have to suck it up, deal with it and fit in with what you're doing when he comes to visit.

When I had Cam, I basically did what I was told by everyone but I'm much more relaxed this time round and confident to do things my way for sure. Get advice so you can make an informed decision but do it your way.

Yes he sleeps between us, I always said I wouldn't but it seems best for us at the moment. He isn't keen on his basket as he likes to sleep with his arms right out or be cuddled! He will nudge me if he wants milk, one night he woke me up by sucking my side, he had come to find me. He has a clean nappy around midnight and pretty much always goes to bwtween 6-8 am before changing. It is pretty full with wet but he rarely poos overnight. We use pampers premium protection and no leaks so far. He does sleep on his own blanket to catch the milk spillage when he eats as my boobs can be a bit fast for him and he can be a messy eater.

We don't have a routine as such, his dad works until late, 9pm would be early ish home so if I put him to bed before he wouldn't see him. I don't think it matters at this stage but I am just winging it and don't know if I will regret this at a later date! But now seeing his dad for a couple of hours is better than having an early bedtime.
I do pop him in his cot in the day if I'm doing things upstairs, he hasn't slept in it yet but seems happy to lay there and look at things.
Any a co-sleeps with us until around midnight then she sleeps in her basket waking up for a feed or two then around 5-6 she'll be taken out and sleep on my chest until around 7. We haven't strictly given her a routine but we have a routine is with my son and she fits in around that. We go to bed when my son does most nights. But anya is quite independent already lol every now and then she let's us know she's sick of us nd wants aline time in her swinger or basket lol
Yay awake at 4 with night sweats and my old faithful drool makes a comeback. But Anyas last feed was more normal rather than snack so hopefully that means she's feeling better after her jabs.
G has always been quite busy moving his arms and legs but the last two weeks they have been going crazy! He is on the bed now wide awake and they are going mad! Think he must be trying to figure out what they do. He seems quite happy about it but it is funny to watch.

I should also add about the co sleeping that we don't sleep with a duvet, we use a sheet and a cellular blanket instead that you can breathe through if it went over his face ( which I never has I'm just cautious).
I put Oli down at 7 last night and he slept until 1! Flipping over the moon with that! Probably cos he's poorly though, no doubt he will wake up extra tonight to make up for it haha xx

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