May 2017 Mummies

It's been ages since I've been on here. It's been busy with sorting Aidan's passports. I've been going to a postnatal support group every week, which has been amazing. I went to the same one at a different location (I live midway between the two) and it was even better. The age range is greater, from 6 week to 8 months. You graduate when your little one crawls as you can't chase after them during the session. This one continue after as everyone usually goes for lunch, which was really nice to have adult conversation about things non-baby related (well some of it was).

I've started using a sling/wrap. I have an ergobaby, but he doesn't like that one as he can't see out of it yet. So I got a moby wrap off ebay. I'm still getting used to tying it up. He likes it better as he can look around. I've only used it when going out locally. I'm hoping when the weather cools and with a few more outings, he'll really like it. It would be so much easier getting around London with that. Now that I need transport with step-free access, I so feel for those in wheelchairs. It's so not easy getting around London on public transport other than busses.

We have our 8 week check up next week. Interested to see where he is on the growth chart. He's a big boy & most think he's already 3 months. Some of the clothes he's wearing are already 3-6 months. I also can't wait to get the all clear for Crossfit! I'm also registering him for aquatots- hoping to do that come Sept.

He's been a handful lately. It's been 2 weeks of crying and not wanting to be put down during the day. Now that the heats back, he's no going down during the day. But I was in tears last night. He just wouldn't settle. I tried everything. My dw heard me and got up and walked with him. It eventually calmed him. He was still fussy when I took him back, but eventually sat in his trip trap newborn seat and then decided it was time to play. He cracked the biggest smile. As stressed as I was, a sense of calm came over me and I couldn't help but laugh. He was just too cute. Within 15 mins he was rooting for food- he ate and then slept for almost 5 hours straight. I was so thankful for that after everything we went through.

Here is a pic from Tuesday. He's wearing his 4th of July outfit that my sister sent over. I wish I had more smiling pic, but just have vids I've been sending to fam.


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this is my new one my favourite song by my favourite ever band :) and got arias name and date of birth added to my other arm. oh had some done aswell and were booked in again in october getting my thigh done next lol

im craving attention from oh at the moment, we dtd whenever possible when i stop bleeding for more than a day! but we dont just cuddle as much anymore feel like im craving it.

my pnd hasnt felt so bad this week ive tried to keep busy but come 4pm aria just cries and cries i really struggle :( just taken her out in the car just to get her to sleep!
forgot to attach it lol


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Aww look at him kabuk! Those groups sound fun. We had lots here I used to live we will have to see qgats in this area. It will be curious to see where he is on growth chart anya is not gaining much weight st all at the moment they told me I may have to start topping with formula. So I'm desperately trying to get her weight up more now.
bullet for my valentine? been one of my fav bands since i was about 16 lol.

aw kabuk hes so cute. aria isnt putting on much weight she weighs 9lb 6 at 8 weeks ive got to get her weighed every 2 weeks
Yep anya is 9lb 7 at 8weeks so needs weighing every 2 weeks
Staying loyal to a vans for that long is dedication. Ibe had too many fave bands pantera mushroomhead distrubed muse one minute silence a perfect circle lacuna coil ... argh no I couldn't have a band tattoo I'm too fickle lol
Managed to catch a pic of a smile and a gurn but they are blurry lol she was thrashing her head about.
Also she's just had this live virus that causes diarrhoea and vomiting and it can be contagious without good hygene I was told... but she just threw up in my mouth... looks like I'm getting ill lmao!


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Aww, cute babies :)

Owen is 10lb 10 at 4 weeks. How do you carry him in the sling kabuk? I really struggle with the weight.

Did you say Disturbed Ery? Get down with the sickness! ;) I used to love them.
Oh gosh down with the sickness makes me so horny lol. :blush: argh I wanna purr and scream now hahahaha

My current favourite band is in this moment esp sick like me and adrenalise but that may also have something to do with Maria brink lol

Gah hope hubby's op comes round quick! Hahaha
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i saw disturbed at download festival last year and their own gig and they smashed it :) love them! arias got plenty of band tshirts and vests already lol and skulls :)
Aww wow fantastic. I've only brought one thing for her and that waa a dress for the really hot weather. Rest assured she will have goth/rock things soon lol.

Her fever is really spiking after the jabs. I've just given hr next dose of calpol but geez she's boiling.
Hey ladies, haven't been on recently. Tried to have a wee catch up there but there's a lot! Hope you are all doing well :)

We are OK in general but oli has had chicken pox this week and it's been so horrible. The Dr's have said it can give him calpol but he seems to have a cold as well so he's really pretty miserable. My 3 year old also has chicken pox so we are not a happy household this week!

We have an appointment for his 8 week jags but he will be just about 10 weeks when it comes around, should give him time to full recover from this.

Hope every one else's babies are happy and thriving :) xx
Aww no. That's awful poor little mite!
I'm wide awake and checking on anya every few mins due to her erratic temperature fluctuations after the jabs today. For some reason my boobs have gone into milk overdrive (also stopped bleeding too so maybe bleeding has interfered with milk production?) The more I'm off work the less I want to go back to my job. I even started browsing for new jobs today. But only thing I could find cut my wages in half. Gag sometimes I wish I wasn't so well paid I feel trapped now! See I shouldn't be awake alone I think too much lol
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I have been considering a career change too Ery. Thoroughly enjoying mat leave but its going too fast and dreading those 12+ hour stints, but someone told me if I leave I would have to repay the money they paid whilst off?? I am only on stat mat pay, so hope that's incorrect.
Sorry to hear about the chicken pox Missy, hats off to all those with other young children too, I don't know how you do it lol
I cannot complain though, Ayda fell asleep just before 10 last night, took her up at 11 and that was it till 5.45 this morning!! She also went back down after that and is still dozing now....way to go Ayda and happy 8 weeks Pebble, Mayday, Kabuk and Ery :)
You only have to pay back any enhanced maternity pay. I get full pay is for 16 weeks so I'd have to pay back the 10 weeks they paid me over stat pay. Anya is dozing but she's unwell after the jabs still. Happy 8 week birthday to the 13th babies!

That whole album is great nikki disturbed are one oc the only bands I like that have remained consistent over the times and some of the political lyrics are pretty spot on too lol. I think I'm still stuck on a semi goth phase lol
I had the worst night ever!!! He was up every half an hour feeding on small amounts. I had to sleep with him in my arms and bottle in his mouth in the end. Is this normal at 4 weeks??!
I'm lucky in that although I get enhanced pay, I don't have to pay it back if I leave.

Dovekie to be honest I think when it comes to babies anything goes! Hope you can get some shut eye today.

They go through a growth spurt about 4 weeks I think. And it's hot except last night thanks to calpol when it's hot she can drink every hour. But yeah anything goes with babies lol.

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