May 2017 Mummies

finally got some smiley pictures :)


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We have loads of poop! At least 2-3 huge ones a day and then smaller ones every couple of hours all day, sometimes every hour. He tends not to poo between midnight and 8am though (which is handy as means we can often get away without a nighttime change). He eats loads though.

How much is everyone drinking? I've found I need to drink at least a pint every two hours, or I don't have enough milk.

I've hired a sling. I wanted a buckle carrier as I found the wrap type too much fabric everywhere for me. The one I fancy buying he isn't quite big enough for yet so have hired a similar one to try for a couple of months to see how we get on with it. It is the storchenwiege carrier, it was fairly simple to put on and he felt really light in it. When it cools down I will experiment with it a bit.
aria suffers with constipation ive been giving her cooled boiled water and that works like a charm. she has 2-3 pooey nappies a day

I was told not to give him water?? Do I have to wait until he's so many weeks? How much do you give her?

she told me to give her it from about 2-3 weeks. she has an oz at a time maybe 2-3 times a day sometimes they get dehydrated. just make sure its boiled water :)

How do you give her it? I made a half milk, half water bottle last night, but it means he gets less milk. I don't think I could get it down him without it taking the place of milk.
i give her it before her feed when shes hungry then her milk after
Having a really bad day today. Daisy has been awake for 10 hours with only a half hour nap on me earlier. Oh has just taken her out in the car. I had to call him home to help. It's been awful. I thought babies slept more than this? Does this happen to anyone else? Xx
I'm definitely more thirsty imy drinking almost 2l everynight when she feeds most.
Having a really bad day today. Daisy has been awake for 10 hours with only a half hour nap on me earlier. Oh has just taken her out in the car. I had to call him home to help. It's been awful. I thought babies slept more than this? Does this happen to anyone else? Xx

It depends on the baby my son was a very awake baby and hardly slept a bit like daisy. Anya is a really sleepy baby. Sometimes I put her down just while I go for a wee and I come back and she's asleep bit see previous picture for some of the positions she has to be put in to be comfy enough to sleep
Does she insist on being held? Is she crying? Will she sleep more through the night? Owen is awake for longer now but it's different every day. Yesterday I was quite stressed. My parents took him for 4-5 hours and said he hardly slept. Today he's slept more though. I wonder if taking her out for a walk would help.
aria is like that she hardly sleeps now and cries alot i really struggle when hes not here i end up in tears. she will fall asleep and 5 mins later shes awake again
aria is like that she hardly sleeps now and cries alot i really struggle when hes not here i end up in tears. she will fall asleep and 5 mins later shes awake again

Same here. I've cried in frustration a lot today. I hate that I'm so dependant on oh now. She went on for 13 hours in total :/ it's just awful, I think she's in pain and it kills me I can't soothe her. Hope I get some answers tomorrow xx
Does she insist on being held? Is she crying? Will she sleep more through the night? Owen is awake for longer now but it's different every day. Yesterday I was quite stressed. My parents took him for 4-5 hours and said he hardly slept. Today he's slept more though. I wonder if taking her out for a walk would help.

We try everything. The car, walks, bouncing, singing, playing...etc...nothing works. Nothing. Holding her, putting her down, either way she still cries. Screams til she's purple. Hopefully she'll sleep for a few hours now. She must be exhausted :( xx
Having a really bad day today. Daisy has been awake for 10 hours with only a half hour nap on me earlier. Oh has just taken her out in the car. I had to call him home to help. It's been awful. I thought babies slept more than this? Does this happen to anyone else? Xx

It depends on the baby my son was a very awake baby and hardly slept a bit like daisy. Anya is a really sleepy baby. Sometimes I put her down just while I go for a wee and I come back and she's asleep bit see previous picture for some of the positions she has to be put in to be comfy enough to sleep

So this could be normal?! How will I cope!!!??? Xx
With my son he
Started dropping weight around 8 weeks and ended up in hospital where they diagnosed a problem with the valve at the top of his stomach meaning food kept coming up and creating that burny feeling. We had to start weaning at 3-4 months and after that he was a totally different baby. He was then awake a lot but happy and smiley most of the time!
When you have you appointment mention it. If desired showing any signs of heartburn/reflux let them know snd ask of gavicon or rantitidine would help. My son found gaviscon and omeprezole was the combination that helped but never warned it stains everything purple lol
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So we've been given gaviscon to try. We're already having a similar day with her today and oh has had to leave to go to work. I'm starting to get really stressed. I had to make him late for work so we could both have a bath as we hadn't had one for a week :/

So, I'm finally sure I have af now. Lochia stopped at 4 weeks, then I got af at 5 weeks pp. Just bloody brilliant! Now I definitely need to sort some extra contraception out! Not that we have had time to dtd, not much fun when you have a screaming baby that never sleeps! Xx
Eryinera do you remember how long it took to work, the gaviscon? Xx
At least you have the chance to dtd! I'm wondering if it'll be years before I do it again. It's awful because I'm really craving affection and sex from the father of my child - must be a hormonal thing?
got a new tattoo yesterday after nearly a year of waiting :)
Erm the gabison did take a while to work I think to get the timings right before the feed it took us about a week. My son was breastfed so I'm not sure if that makes it more difficult as my friend found it easier with gaviscon and a thicker formula.
I want to dtd but I thunk i had af though the doctor seemed skeptical that it waa and hubby is terrified to go near me incase it causes an accident! I always said I wanted 2 and an accident lol. Now I'm scared too!
Nikki we needs pics of tattoo!
I really want my dragon tattoos but I'm scared in a way (though I wasn't scared to have metal pushed through my tongue!) I think once I'm back in shape and have the money (!?!) I'll go for it on my thigh. I do have a high pain threshold and I best get used to needles as they will soon be a big part of my life lol! I really want to have something perm with me to remember my angels x
At least you have the chance to dtd! I'm wondering if it'll be years before I do it again. It's awful because I'm really craving affection and sex from the father of my child - must be a hormonal thing?

You want to feel like a woman and a lover as well as a mother it's perfectly normal! I had a hard time wanting to be a lover after being a mother with my son so I'm trying really hard to feel sexy this time round as it took far too long for me to want affection last time. And Im in danger of permanently losing my libido so I need to try hard to keep up that side of our relationship. That being said I'm still a saucy mare at the moment enjoying it while I can hahaha

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