May 2017 Mummies

I hand express 4 x daily approximately, including overnight between 2-4am.

Not sure how much difference it makes, what with the small amounts I get but it makes me feel better doing it

That's not rubbish dovekie, that's a good effort. It's hard work expressing and feeding. I may be a little excessive but I can't let go of how much I want to breastfeed. Nothing else about pregnancy or birth went well or to plan for me so I at least wanted to be able to do that for her, also to help us bond because I don't think she bonded to me so well after birth as I was so ill. So yes that's 10 times half an hour in one day! I'm actually aiming for 12 x 20 mins but that seems harder to fit it. I can't remember if I said but I've cut holes in all my bras (so my nipples stick out!) so I can walk around pumping. I also pump when I'm feeding daisy as the visual stimulation helps and it saves some time doing both at once. I read up about domperidone Emily and if my supply doesn't keep increasing that's next on my list to try xx
Betty if you can, try a nursing vacation. You and baby spend an entire weekend in bed skin to skin and just feed feed feed. If she won't latch just having all the skin to skin while you pump will help. I couldn't do a whole weekend or even a whole day as i have Cam, but I did from about 9-2 just cuddled up feeding and swapping boobs, feed and swap. I did give her a bottle too and naturally it didn't help me at all!! Lol! But if you are able to do it for a weekend it could help.

hi girls went to the dentist yesterday and got to have my wisdom tooth out :( been referred to an oral surgeon. got to go to the doctors this week because im still bleeding on and off. i thought it was only when me and oh dtd but i started bleeding at 10pm last night and now its stopped again. feel like my body will never be back to normal i dont understand why im having random bleeds for a few hours everyday
Eleanor keeps rolling over onto her side. Surely she's too little for that still??!!



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aria rolls on her side lol she cant get any further than that tho! just rolls on her side and rolls back again lol
I wouldn't have thought they'd be able to do that yet!!

Clever little bubbas!

Our perfect prep arrived and it's brilliant! Beeps bloody loud though so I'm going to see if there's a way to turn it down especially for overnight!

Sophie has been rolling onto her side for a while now but I also thought it was early for that xx
She's so cute!!

Eleanor's hair has all fallen out at the front! She's got a proper receding hairline!! Lol!!

Thanks xx

That happened to bubs too, I said she had old man hair lol. Its starting to grow back now but she has cradle cap at the moment, annoying xx
Have to say the month of May resulted in some traumatic, long and difficult births buy my goodness we have all got some blooming cute babies :)
Ayda this morning, 8 weeks this Saturday :)
hi girls went to the dentist yesterday and got to have my wisdom tooth out :( been referred to an oral surgeon. got to go to the doctors this week because im still bleeding on and off. i thought it was only when me and oh dtd but i started bleeding at 10pm last night and now its stopped again. feel like my body will never be back to normal i dont understand why im having random bleeds for a few hours everyday

I'm having this. I'm so confused as I keep thinking it's af and then it stops...then it's back then it stops! Let me know what the Dr says xx
Betty if you can, try a nursing vacation. You and baby spend an entire weekend in bed skin to skin and just feed feed feed. If she won't latch just having all the skin to skin while you pump will help. I couldn't do a whole weekend or even a whole day as i have Cam, but I did from about 9-2 just cuddled up feeding and swapping boobs, feed and swap. I did give her a bottle too and naturally it didn't help me at all!! Lol! But if you are able to do it for a weekend it could help.


Someone else suggested this today...what a great excuse to spend the weekend in bed! Xx
We do all have cute babies don't we :D Daisy has been rolling on her side since about 3 weeks, she smiled her first proper non wind smile a day before she was 5 weeks too, I managed to get a picture as I had my phone out photographing her at the time anyway! Since then I've been busy tickling her and chatting to her getting her to smile. It makes up for all her screaming! She really is bad, she goes for 12 hours sometimes with no break. Everyone that has come to visit said she's another level. Three different people told me that today so I've booked a Dr's appointment with a different doctor for a second opinion.

I've already got the same amount of breastmilk that I got yesterday and I still have one pumping session to go! So happy!!! Xx
That's fab news hun!! Yay for milky boobies!! :-)

Breast milk is made on a supply and demand basis so nursing vacations help because you repeatedly empty the breast which stimulates it to make more. Definitely try it if you can and like you say, great excuse to spend the weekend in bed!!

aw we all have such gorgeous babies :) aria is 8 weeks tomorrow i cant believe how quick its going i want to stop time lol
Anya was really really upset today for seemingly no reason she eorked herself up in uch a state she was doing that thing toddlers do when they sort of shudder and shake ro catch breath between crying. And now she's calmed down she's sounding all raspy when she's breathing she's looking knackered though. She's also 8 weeks on sat x and yes very cute babies all round! Look how much hair you're little ayda has !!!!!


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DAnya has also done the roll to her side thing her fave game is lying flat on my chest then rolling off to one side so she slides down into my waiting arm's. The other thing is when she's she struggling to sleep she finds the oddest position to be the nights chosen sleep position


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Aww cute photos everyone!

G is 10 weeks tomorrow, double figures! We are going to try the sling library, I fancy trying a carrier like the ergo or connecta, anyone tried one?

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