May 2017 Mummies

Anya kicked off when we tried her with a bottle but she soon got the hang of it. Maybe this not expressing much is pretty normal if we are all struggling with it! Anya has been feeding loads too. But Even when I'm full to vesting I can't hand express. I'm really struggling finding a bra that gives me support and allows me to nurse. I thought I Create ked it I found a really good one but the sizes are off and the 34e is just too small and that's the biggest one they do on that brand do back to the drawing board. I've justried ordered a few more from a different place hope these work. Also ordered a hold it sll in body stocking that's designed for bf too. I have 2 stone to pose at some point. I'm as heavy now after birth as I was when I was 9 months pregnant with my son! After feeing her just then I strocked the very back of her head Nd got the biggest gummy grin I've seen her do yet! I just want to play now but i dint want to ruin how good she is at going to bed lol
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Sounds similar to a mooncup type thing where it collects all the mensuration inside it.

THE THOUGH OF HAVING TO EMPTY IT GROSSES ME OUT. WHAT IF you were at someone's house and you dropped it or something??!! Ewwwww!

Soz for the capitals! Not shouting just accidentally hit caps lock!

Lol Emily, that did make me laugh. I tried the softcups, didn't get on with them. I prefer tampons, hate pads xx
I'm wondering (hoping and praying :pray:) if the nursing issues we've had are to do with the arrival of the witch? Apparently it can drop your supply (wonderful! Cuz that's all I need!!) but it can also change the taste of it. These changes can last a days before and during but can apparently last the whole period. I hope it'll all settle back down again soon.

Yea I've wondered that too. Now I'm slowing down she's feeding better (lol my predictive text changed that to feeding a beetroot!?) again and I feel like my boobs are heavier. Who knew boob feeding was so confusing I thought bottle feeding would be more confusing but it sounds easy in comparison!!
Try doing both! Lol!

I'm wondering because despite the fact that she was crying and hungry this morning, she latched and fed beautifully so perhaps my milk tasted different during the lead up to my AF?

Probably just wishful thinking but you never know?

Thankfully (touch all the wood!!!) I don't think my supply has dipped. It seems to be holding steady (touch more wood) and as I'm expressing it's squirting more and even made a noise as it hit the side of the pot!!! Woohoo!! Don't get me wrong it's still only a few mls but I don't think it's dropped thankfully (wood!)

I stopped bf my son at 7 weeks and Eleanor is just over that now so each day from here on in is a personal best :-)

Just ordered a couple of bits from everything5pounds and got my £5 off - thanks Ery :-)

I ordered a top and a playsuit! Never worn one before so hopefully it'll look OK (the playsuit obviously not the top! Lol!)

Lol :rofl: never worn a top! :holly:

Yea I don't envy you!
Yay for squirter noise! I have filled up my ice tray part I the freezer with milk bags but I should start expressing again soon.

And whoop for £5 off!! There are some really nie things there and don't get me started on the shoes! I don't know what's happened to me I've turned into a proper girly girl lol.

I just did a brummie accent for anya she looked puzzled then proper grinned she's gonna find my brummie family hilarious lol
I couldn't fill a single cube in an ice tray let alone an entire drawer!!! Lmao!!!

I could have ordered loads from there and I barely even scratched the surface of what they have!

Eleanor has the cutest smile and makes the cutest noises. I can't wait to hear her laugh properly and not just in her sleep!

She just fed again beautifully, even though she was upset before hand she just latched on like a pro. It really encourages me to keep going when she feeds so well :-)

What is this ice cube business? I have just been using the storage bags?

Sophie has an adorable smile, her whole face lights up and she gurgles away at me when I am talking to her, she is so interactive.
She had high temp last night from injections, was horrible but she is fine today thank goodness xx
In my freezer I have a tray at the top for ice cubes ice put my milk storage bags in there. I did that T the start when i was constantly full now I hardly get anything when I express. I don't know what we're gonna do when I'm back at work!!
Eleanor has fed like a dream on the breast today! Even though she's gone from fine to hangry and starving in a split second meaning she's been very upset when I've latched her on. Yay!!

Anyone going from extremes in temperature? I'm either too hot or too cold!
Eleanor has fed like a dream on the breast today! Despite the fact she's gone from fine to hangry rage in a millisecond!! Yay!!

Didn't realise it had posted the first time! Sorry for repeating myself!

I'm finding I feel hot more often than not and my night sweats are back with a vengeance!

Anyone going from extremes in temperature? I'm either too hot or too cold!

Yep! Think I'm sure I have af now. It's increased and is dark red. I've also been quite moody (more than normal!). And....I got 10mls more than yesterday from expressing! 75mls today! She hasn't wanted to feed on me at all though...not that we breastfeed hardly at all anyway but I try to put her to the breast a couple of times so she doesn't forget. So it's taken pumping 10 x half an hour to get it up by 10mls though! Xx
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How many times do you pump per day and for how long? Is that 10 times a day Betty?! I'm rubbish. I range from 0 - 4 times for 10 minutes!

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