May 2017 Mummies

Rachel glad he made it up in the end.

Dovekie I'm sorry it wasn't a more positive weekend with your ex. How overdue were you in the end? I wasn't paying much attention to the forum when I was in hospital.

I did end up going out, but won't be doing that again for a while! There's a reason they say not to do anything for 6 weeks after a cesarean. Xx
I was 14 days over.

I went for a walk yesterday and got tired quite easily, but I'm so sleep deprived at the moment. Are you still in a lot of pain Betty?
Yep. I'm just starting to wonder if I will ever feel strong and healthy again, I feel like pregnancy and birth has ruined me completely! I still have a lot of joint pain so I hobble about in the mornings especially, my stomach all over is still so bruised and sensitive, like it's burnt skin on the outside. I get random sharp pains loads too. On a positive note, my hole in my wound isn't getting any worse. How about you? How are you feeling now physically? Xx
I also have a permanently numb hand on the side I had lots of fluids and various drugs pumped into. And I don't think my back will ever feel right again!! Xx
So looks like AF is here again already!! Second one since she's been born but only a 23 day cycle and 7 day lp!! Not that it really matters as my baby making days are done now anyway!

I thought I was getting af but I think it's just a second round of lochia.

I'm up and dressed before 8am! Baby fed, me fed, dog fed! We're off to register daisy today.

So instead of giving up the other day with the pumping and breastfeeding I decided to just try harder! Haha! What can I say I like a challenge! So I've upped the pumping a lot and making sure I put her to the breast as often as possible without distressing her too much. Last night I got NOTHING from my pumping get session! First time that's happened. This morning I only got 15mls when normally it's my best session at 20mls at least. It seems no matter what I do my supply just falls day by day. Bear in mind I was getting about 80mls per breast in about 5 minutes in the first couple of weeks.

So I've come to the conclusion that without the nhs we would have both died in childbirth, so effectively we shouldn't really be here and are living on borrowed time and this is why! I think I'm just not physically meant to have children! For someone who wanted it all to be as natural as possible it couldn't be further from it! Xx
aw betty sorry your having so many problems :(

ive got to force myself to phone the dentist today my teeth are awful from pregnancy and i havent been in years i have a massive phobia but ive had chronic toothache for 4-5 days now im living on ibuprofen :(
Betty have you considered trying Domperidone? It"s the only thing that's really helped my supply to slightly increase. It helps to raise prolactin levels. I have other issues too which is why it hasn't worked brilliantly with me but it might be worth a shot if you're determined to bf. I'm on a couple of fb groups for it and there's loads of info on line about
it - see Dr Jack Newman articles.

Mines deffo AF but at least I can use tampons now! I hate pads! Although I'm wearing panry liners too but that's too help prevent an ooopsy from the battered pelvic floor!! Lol!!

I wouldn't know if this is af or end round lochia but I'm guessing af. Betty my pumping amounts have gone down drastically too dunce getting massive amounts at the start and I'm not sure why but she's started not gaining weight as much so I'm going to doc to talk about it on Friday. Judging by how much she throws up I'm guessing I'm still making quiet a lot BT maybe not enough to cope with how much she pukes as well as eats.

I hate tampons Emily lol. Always yes pads and my pelvic floor has bust too. It didn't after my son i was amazed but now I can't stop my pee mid stream and when I sneeze there us a 1 in 3 chance I'll pee myself .... not good with hayfever :rofl:
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I thought I was doing OK as I've had hayfever and sneezed loads but the other day it happened! I sneezed and peed myself a bit :shock: so it's back on with the liners! Lol! I can't stop mid pee, once it's coming it's coming!

Lol aye. Apparently trying to stop mid flow is the best time to practice as you can tell if your doing it right. Bit holding your wee too long is bad lol
Hi all :)

Betty sorry to hear you are having a tough time, hope you start to feel less battered soon.

Dovekie what a shame things didn't go better with your ex. If he is putting all the blame on you though you will be better off without him, you don't need that kind of treatment. I hope he can behave himself in front of Owen.

Emily and Ery af already poor you. I suspect mine may never be seen again!

Nikki I had to go to the dentist kast week for xrays to decide how they are going to mend the tooth I broke in Jan. Not looking forward to the actual treatment that will be starting in August.

Anyone heard from Lou recently? I was wondering how she was getting on.

I can just about walk upstairs again, although my hip is still sore. My first drip site is no better at all, the gp said give it time as it suffered a bit if trauma and will take time to heal. G is growing well, not been weighed for a while now but he feels huge! Moved into 0-3 clothes now! He will be 10 weeks this week, the time seems to be flying past. His first lot of jabs he did not enjoy. I'm not looking forward to the next lot.
She commented on millies journal not long ago but other than that. My hips are still bad at night and when walking not really sure what triggers yhe soon with be honest I'll see what doc says on Friday. I'm dreading my next dentist visit too. My teeth are ruined before my son my teeth were good crooked but good lol
I must book me and Cam into the dentist for a check up. Can't remember the last time I went :blush: and really should take advantage of it being free!

I'm thinking of getting a perfect prep machine. I used to put her to the breast while her bottle was cooling and she was content to feed until her bottle was ready. She's getting really agitated t the breast now when she's hungry and ends up crying while waiting for her bottle and I find it quite distressing hearing her cry. She's obviously not satisfied with how slow my milk comes out! Perfect prep makes a bottle that's good to go in under 2 minutes. They're on Amazon for £50 ATM so I can get a good deal on one.

I'm thinking I could try bf her part way through the bottle when she's less hungry and hopefully she'll be happier to feed then. I'll still try her on the breast first but I need to get her on before she gets too hangry!! Lol!

Of we ever go to formula I will have to buy perfect prep as Sophie doesnt do waiting! She would go into full on ref faced, can't take a breath crying. Its awful. I did buy a prep before as was planning to formula feed bit sent it back with all the mould issues that were being reported. I would make sure i cleaned regularly and checked it often though.
Injections done this morning, I cried. Was awful, 3 injections altogether. She doesn't seem to have fever but has sore legs and cries every time she wakes up, she has been v sleepy which is good in a way as she is sleeping through it in a way xx
We're going to order one. I'll Amazon Prime it and hopefully it'll be here tomorrow.

I read about the mould issues too so I'll make sure I only use the tommee tippee filters, clean it regularly and check it regularly too.

phoned the dentist today and i have to go tomorrow im dreading it :( my 4 year old needs a filling on wednesday his dads taking him im scared for him :(
Betty, I'm not too bad physically. Just a little uncomfortable holding Owen on my belly. My back has improved and I think it's just normal aches and pains now. I don't have to catheterise anymore but I've lost the sensation of needing to pee, which is strange.

Mentally is another story!

How strange - I got nothing when I pumped last night too. I'm not drinking enough though! I do feel that things are drying up, however :( I just don't get the time to pump - I need to eat, sleep, shower etc., when I get the chance.

Is anyone going to baby groups? Someone is visiting me to discuss them soon. I do really need to get out of the flat and meet some people.
I tried expressing the other night and got next to nothing. She had been feeding lots though. Today, she hadn't fed for a while from one side as was sleepy from injections. I was in so much pain from it that I hand expressed. Was so much easier than I imagined. Got around 3oz but stopped as she wanted to be held. I will try her with bottle tomorrow, I worry she won't take it and will only accept breast, in which case I won't be able to leave her with someone to even pop to the shops xx

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