May 2017 Mummies

That's unfair of him Rachel I wouldn't make him breakfast either!

And yep af is here wtf :cry: least I know our slip up hasn't resulted in anything!
Sorry AF is back Ery.

That's rubbish that it's back so soon!

Rachel, I wouldn't make him breakfast either, that really isn't fair of him.
Ery, sorry AF has arrived. I am still bleeding from birth, 8 weeks on!! The doctor said it was fine at 6 week appointment but health visitor is not happy with that and said they need to refer me for a scan. I don't have any signs of infection or anything. Don't know what's going on with it really xx
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Yea I've only not been bleeding for a week or two time passes weirdly! Apparently my milk can taste funny the few days before and the first few days of af which explains why anya has been fussing on the breast. It makes them feed less amounts but more frequently. It's not a heavy as I usually am though.
Lisey, I stopped bleeding for a couple of weeks and then started again last Saturday and it's been infrequent since then. The HV said it's normal up to 6-8 weeks after delivery.
I didn't make him breakfast. He missed out on waffles with toffee sauce and banana and a caramel latte! Apparently he's rough. I told him he shouldn't have stayed out so late and had so much to drink. He agreed. It's one of the few things that really annoy me about him. When he's with "the lads" (he's 37 for god's sake), he doesn't seem to have his own mind and make his own decisions. He has to go along with the group. Grrrr!
Anyway, I've left her with him now whilst I have a bath. I think I've been generous allowing him that time!

hey girls i havent been on in a while been suffering with pnd and weve been on holiday this week which was lovely. cant believe aria is nearly 8 weeks old already! its going far too quick lol got her letter through for her jabs today from 10th july :( lisey im still bleeding too its very light but its always there. doctor said if im still bleeding in a week to go for a.scan. heres some updated pictures of my little beauty


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She looks so grown up in that dress lol. Sorry you have pnd hope it gets better x anya sleeps all day in sleepsuits but put her in a dress and she'll cry all day lol she's a gone off the boys and become clingy to me. Apparently its snell normal 7-9week thing. Can't believe none of us have fugly babies I thought at least one wouldn't be much of a looker but we've all been really lucky!
i know that was her all ready to go out for the entertainment in the evening lol i much prefer her in sleepsuits but i bought a few outfits and want her to wear them before she grows out of them lol. weve all got very cute babies :) shes being really fussy at the moment and cries alot
Aww Betty, if it's taking it's toll on you to that extent then definitely think about changing what you're doing as there's no point in making yourself poorly over it.

It doesn't have to be one or the other. You could predominantly ff and pump once or twice a day when you have time and give her that so she's still getting some breast milk. Combined feeding is very time consuming as you're effectively feeding twice! Just tweak what you're doing to suit you and do whatever works best for you. I don't always get time to bf before I give her a bottle, for example when I do the school run but there are other times when I can just sit and let her feed away for as long as she wants before I top her up. It's certainly not the way for everyone but it works for us.

Lisey that's great that you are feeling better about feeding in public. It can be so nerve wracking the first few times.

As she pretty much always does, Eleanor fell asleep on the breast in Costa and came off. The thing is I have no idea when she unlatched as I was on fb on my phone! Hopefully I was still pretty much covered by her face still! I then clipped up my bra and pulled up my vest top but forgot to pull down my other top. When it came time to leave I was putting Eleanor in her pram and getting all my stuff together all with my top bunched up over my boobs!! Classy eh??!! Lol!!


The problem with expressing once or twice a day is that I only get about 10/20mls now, it just seems so pathetic and pointless :(
Betty, if it's that stressful, especially for both of you, then there is no shame in formula feeding. As the link I posted earlier says, 'fed is best'. Formula has come a long way since all the advice for bf has been written. It doesn't kill the stomach like so many piece of bf literature claim. I've had several mws tell me that. I'm lucky that I can bf and that for the most part it's going well. Whilst I would be upset if I couldn't, knowing he's not so stressed and getting fed would settle it all. I know there are advantages, but you have to weigh the cost, and to me it sounds like the cost outweighs the benefits.

I think Aidan has grip pretty bad. He goes through stages each day and at a few points really struggles and is clearly in pain. It's so hard to comfort him. I've now increase the infancol to 2 drops per feed, unless it's been 30 mins or less between (sometimes he eats, takes a mini break and comes back).

I still can't get over ow quickly he is growing and changing. We already have a good pile of clotes he's outgrown. He loves the changing table. I take my phone with me there and record him after his change as he starts talking away. He's really been using his lungs and trying different sounds. It's really cute. I do get at least 2 very cute sessions of talk and smiles a day. He's now really focusing on the toys on his bouncer. I really need to get him an activity gym. He's got pretty good head control already too.

I couldn't read the first article, it wanted me to sign up and pay! Xx
Owen is 9lb 12, at 3 weeks old.

Betty, I think I remember you struggling around that time too. I'm glad it's not just me! I moved into my flat with Owen today. It was a bit stressful moving all of our stuff from my parent's, but we're in now and it's ok. My ex is coming tomorrow, for the weekend. I wonder how that will go....

So happy you have your own flat. Hope the weekend goes well and there is no upset xx
Rachel I'm sorry your oh did that :/ not very helpful when you have a newborn.

Nikki how adorable xx

Someone told me to download an app called wonder weeks as it helps you to know when babies are due a growth spurt.

Not much going on with me. My neighbours came round and told me they are taking me out tomorrow (my oh is out at a regular social meet up and not around) were going to a craft fayre. I feel a bit forced into it and not ready and not really up to it to be honest. I'm annoyed that people think I need forcing out the house! Daisy is so grizzly all the time it's hard to be out in public and it can be just plain embarrassing! Not to mention I still don't feel good physically to be marching her round in the pram all day! Xx
How annoying Rachel! Does he go out often?

I'm not sure I'll ever breastfeed :( Stuff keeps getting in the way of expressing and I hate putting Owen on my boob as he tends to get upset. The nipple shield keeps falling off too.

I took Owen out for the first time today, with my ex. We went for a walk in a local park. It was nice, but I do find it a little stressful. I'm always on edge waiting for Owen to want to be fed. He's quite fussy at the moment too. Not sure what is going on with my ex...

She's so cute Nikki! Sorry about your pnd. Think I could have it too :/

Betty, it'll hopefully be nice to get out somewhere tomorrow! I'm fed up with all of the various appointments I have at the moment - doctors, hv, mental health team, Sure Start, etc. It's stressing me out!
I've got the wonder weeks app. It goes from the due date rather than birth date, which is odd but makes sense! So I'm on week 5 now.
dovekie if you do have it get help as soon as you can. im still struggling when oh is at work but my hv is being really good. what happened with your ex? ive missed alot :(

ive got to get aria weighed again this week she was 8lb 15 2 weeks ago
Sorry my post was zipped yo go somewhere but any started crying now I've got no idea what I've as saying lol
Dovekie, no he really doesn't go out a lot at all, which is why I haven't made a massive deal out of it. I've just let it be known I wasn't too impressed but I think he was disappointed with himself as well. He pulled himself together and we went out for a nice meal with my bro and his wife and my nephew.

dovekie if you do have it get help as soon as you can. im still struggling when oh is at work but my hv is being really good. what happened with your ex? ive missed alot :(

ive got to get aria weighed again this week she was 8lb 15 2 weeks ago

Well, he was visiting this weekend and it's ended terribly. I've been wanting to give it another go and at least try, if not for us but for Owen. He just keeps playing the victim and saying how horrible I am/was to him. It's so incredibly frustrating how he ignores me being nice to him. I tried to tell him that and he said I just put an act on! Anyway, I'm not proud, but I went crazy and kicked him out. I got lots of sleep this weekend too, which won't happen again, unless we can arrange not to see each other when he visits Owen. :(

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