May 2017 Mummies

Sometimes she makes little noises as she swallows and as she's feeding but that's generally when she's having a bottle as obviously the milk flow from my boobs is really slow.

Are you still feeling worried about feeding in public? Did you try latching in front of the mirror?

You could always take a friend or oh with you when you do it as a bit of moral support. Sit yourself in a corner or where you feel less on display and maybe go somewhere queer or at a queer time of day.


No, I am ok, I have done it a few times now, feeling more confident, I was just imagining when you said you were in Costa that if I was feeding in there, they would all hear her lol. My milk comes out really fast from one side, it squirts her in the face and sometimes makes her cough but I think thats when she is being too frantic. You actually hear the gulps from her, generally people find it quite funny (people I know) but imagine if I took her somewhere really quiet xx
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Daisy is the noisiest baby. She makes SO much noise feeding and the reason I hardly sleep even though she sleeps well is because she is a wriggly and loud sleeper, and I am the LIGHTEST sleeper in the universe!

Sophie is quite a noisey sleeper at times too, she thuds about in the moses basket when she is in a lighter sleep xx
Aww Betty, if it's taking it's toll on you to that extent then definitely think about changing what you're doing as there's no point in making yourself poorly over it.

It doesn't have to be one or the other. You could predominantly ff and pump once or twice a day when you have time and give her that so she's still getting some breast milk. Combined feeding is very time consuming as you're effectively feeding twice! Just tweak what you're doing to suit you and do whatever works best for you. I don't always get time to bf before I give her a bottle, for example when I do the school run but there are other times when I can just sit and let her feed away for as long as she wants before I top her up. It's certainly not the way for everyone but it works for us.

Lisey that's great that you are feeling better about feeding in public. It can be so nerve wracking the first few times.

As she pretty much always does, Eleanor fell asleep on the breast in Costa and came off. The thing is I have no idea when she unlatched as I was on fb on my phone! Hopefully I was still pretty much covered by her face still! I then clipped up my bra and pulled up my vest top but forgot to pull down my other top. When it came time to leave I was putting Eleanor in her pram and getting all my stuff together all with my top bunched up over my boobs!! Classy eh??!! Lol!!

Betty, if it's that stressful, especially for both of you, then there is no shame in formula feeding. As the link I posted earlier says, 'fed is best'. Formula has come a long way since all the advice for bf has been written. It doesn't kill the stomach like so many piece of bf literature claim. I've had several mws tell me that. I'm lucky that I can bf and that for the most part it's going well. Whilst I would be upset if I couldn't, knowing he's not so stressed and getting fed would settle it all. I know there are advantages, but you have to weigh the cost, and to me it sounds like the cost outweighs the benefits.

I think Aidan has grip pretty bad. He goes through stages each day and at a few points really struggles and is clearly in pain. It's so hard to comfort him. I've now increase the infancol to 2 drops per feed, unless it's been 30 mins or less between (sometimes he eats, takes a mini break and comes back).

I still can't get over ow quickly he is growing and changing. We already have a good pile of clotes he's outgrown. He loves the changing table. I take my phone with me there and record him after his change as he starts talking away. He's really been using his lungs and trying different sounds. It's really cute. I do get at least 2 very cute sessions of talk and smiles a day. He's now really focusing on the toys on his bouncer. I really need to get him an activity gym. He's got pretty good head control already too.
Anya still hates the baby toys lol much preferin to "sit" and look at people and the trees on the wall. She's has a weigh in today. She's still gaining weight she's over 9lb now but she's dropping on the percentile chart so I'll get her weighed again soon and maybe bring in my son's book to show where his weight started to drop off
Harper initially moved down from the 98th centile at birth because of feeding problems, but she was just weighed on Tuesday at 5 weeks and is back up to the 91st centile. She weighed 11lb 11oz!

Owen is 9lb 12, at 3 weeks old.

Betty, I think I remember you struggling around that time too. I'm glad it's not just me! I moved into my flat with Owen today. It was a bit stressful moving all of our stuff from my parent's, but we're in now and it's ok. My ex is coming tomorrow, for the weekend. I wonder how that will go....
Little Sophie was weighed yesterday, she is 11lb 4 now at 8 weeks. I have to take her to be weighed in a months time at the baby clinic.
We had a full on day yesterday, she was so fussy and wouldn't settle for a good sleep. She slept, at the most for about 2 and a half hours (broken up in to multiple naps) in the whole day, until she went down for the night at 10pm. She didn't want to be put down and wouldn't go to anyone else, I was exhausted by the end of it and then when she went to sleep I wanted to spend time with my son before he went off to sleep as hadn't had any quality time with him before that. It can be tricky spreading the time between the two xx
Owen is really fussy at the moment too. He's been up most of the night and morning. Wants fed every hour. I'm giving it to him - hope I'm not creating bad habits. I haven't got a moment to do anything!
Eleanor has been quite fussy in the evenings the last couple of nights. Not crying and upset as such, just cat napping, frequent feeding but only little snacks and wanting to be held constantly.

It sounds like this is just the norm then. Some fussy days, maybe down to growth spurts? Xx
Yeah could be growth spurt or maybe a developmental leap.

It's around this age that they are learning to smile and vocalise etc so that could well be part of it too perhaps?

Harper was unsettled yesterday - wouldn't sleep in the afternoon/evening and seemed to just want to cry, but today she is literally sleeping like a baby!

So I finally managed to book in my 6-8 week appointment as I still havnt heard from them. good job I called today as there was only 1 spot left before she turns 8 weeks! 9.30 then she is 7+6! luckily they are going to do her jabs then too. Shes been more settled today less so than when she was a newborn but she is awake a lot more too. Thankfully shes Usually settled by10pm and then sleeps well through the night just brought the fisher price 3in 1 swing (with £15 off thanks to Emmas Diary's Argos Vouchers) and finally we have a baby thing she doesn't hate! And-it lasts much longer than most swings she'll have this until shes probably 3 or 4! much better value then the ones they outgrow at 6 months.
Eleanor is having her jabs when she's 9 weeks as they didn't have any appointments before then!

Sophie has jabs on Monday. Dreading it!! Xx
NI nor me.
I'm spotting. I think af is here :( knew bf wouldn't stop it I'm not that lucky!
So pissed off with my OH. He went out last night but swore he wouldn't be back too late. He came in at 4am this morning! I let him sleep every night through the week cos he's working. He doesn't get up at all to feed/change her and I'd just like a little help at the weekend and now he's just going to be a right off this morning and prob afternoon as well. Plus my bro is coming up with his little family to meet Harper today and I wanted him to actually be functioning for the day. She was incredibly unsettled yesterday evening and I'm just annoyed that he's just fast asleep next to me and I'm responsible for her yet again. I'm going to make breakfast in a minute when I can actually put her down, but he can sod off if he thinks I'm making him anything. Petty maybe but tough.


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