May 2017 Mummies

Eleanor has been really fussy at the breast today and yesterday. She's latching then unlatching, crying, beating at me with her little fists,latching, unlatching etc.

I hope it's just a little blip and not the end of our bf journey. I'm worried that she is getting frustrated at the slow flow/ lack of milk and then as she's getting upset she isn't nursing and as I get so little out expressing my supply is going to plummet :-(

She's just stirred now, so I've tried to get her on the boob asap before she's gets too fractious to be able to nurse.

I'd love to be able to combined feed until we wean at six months but I think a more realistic goal was 3 months/ 12 weeks. Or at least I thought it was more realistic! I guess I'm just going to have to be guided by her and what she's happy with. If that means we can't nurse for as long then I'm going to be so disappointed but so be it I guess.

On a positive note her 6 week check was all good and she's following her centile perfectly :-)

Sods law! She is feeding beautifully from the breast now! I still need to give her a bottle and I've got to leave the house in 20 minutes to get Cam from school!! Lol!! Ah well!!

Don't worry Emily all bf babies do that at times! Anya was doing that as I read and she always does it if she needs the loo or noises distract her too. Sometimes she just needs a good burp lol
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First lot of jabs done, he was not amused! Hope he doesn't react badly to them.
Awww bless. I have to make an appointment for them too soon. Poor little mites
Ah Snowbee, at least they're done now. I'm never that impressed with injections so it's understandable that they get upset isn't it really, when they have no clue what's going on.

Hmm. You've worried me Emily lol. Our BC is going to be hubby having the snip obviously that takes time. We had one slip up since birth and that was the day you got a positive OPK and a pains. so I did on OPK(as our daughters have the same birthday) and whilst not positive its pretty close I thought LH was supposed to be low when EBF? isn't that why its an (unreliable) form of contraception in 98% of EBF women for the first 6 months. :walI2: I think we were safe enough just though :dohh: LOL. I am just going to have to go nun like for the foreseeable future :cry: :rofl:


  • 2017-06-29 03.06.32.jpg
    2017-06-29 03.06.32.jpg
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I thought bf meant that cycles took longer to return, especially if you're feeding exclusively. But i suppose there's no hard and fast rules when it comes to stuff like this.

Can you use condoms in the meantime?

I am impressed you are even thinking of sex. I am still bleeding so can't but even if I wasn't there would be no time!! Once baby settles for the night we are both exhausted xx
Thankfully Eleanor seems to be over her fussiness at the breast (so far at least) which is just as well as we're currently feeding in Costa!!

Just bf Eleanor and when she unlatched she had milk dribbling out the side of her mouth and a few drops on the top of her cheek!! I should have photographed it really!! Could be fooled into thinking my boobies are working well!! Lol!!

Its silly to feel so happy over something so silly but it means she's definitely getting milk from me and possibly an OK amount too!

I know I'll never be able to ebf but I really hope to be able to combi feed for as long as possible.

I've been researching issues with bf over and over and I think my issues are low prolactin which is why the domperidone has helped a bit but, I think my main issue is Insufficient Glandular Tissue. I've got all the symptoms associated with it during pregnancy and post partum as well as many physical aspects of it too. Obviously I've not been officially diagnosed but I'm so certain that's what's wrong and that would also explain why the eleventy billion things I've tried to increase my milk haven't really worked.

Its not silly at all. It's a great sign.

Are any of your bubbas (when I typed bubbas in it changed to ninjas on autocorrect lol) noisy feeders? Sophie can be so loud with the sucking but also little hummy happy noises too, no way ibwould feed discretely xx
I'm so stressed! I just don't know what's wrong with this baby. His feeds are all messed up now, he refuses his bottle and cries. I've changed nappies, burped etc. He just won't settle.

I don't know if I can do this. It's like a never ending nightmare. I haven't got time to eat or shower. I'm knackered.

Daisy was the same at 3 weeks. I specifically remember using the phrase "never ending nightmare" in a post in here too! Hope it's better now xx
Sometimes she makes little noises as she swallows and as she's feeding but that's generally when she's having a bottle as obviously the milk flow from my boobs is really slow.

Are you still feeling worried about feeding in public? Did you try latching in front of the mirror?

You could always take a friend or oh with you when you do it as a bit of moral support. Sit yourself in a corner or where you feel less on display and maybe go somewhere queer or at a queer time of day.

Gesic I would talk to someone about your section pains. I have different pains - my stomach feels bruised all over and sensitive to touch and is not getting any better. I keep being told by the health visitor I had major surgery but that also in my case daisy was stuck and they had to move my organs about and push really hard to get her out! Gruesome..

In terms of birth control we are just using condoms at the moment but I'm terrified of getting pregnant again. I'm not sure what to do as birth control doesn't agree with me at all. Didn't think I'd have to ever address these particular worries! Oh said today that he doesn't see why I couldn't have another child if I wanted to as long as I got as healthy as possible beforehand, and then opt for an elective cesarean. No matter what I say he doesn't seem to understand that I'm pretty badly emotionally scarred from daisy's birth so no matter how healthy I am physically I don't want to go through that again on an emotional level. traumatised as I am from the birth, this whole breastfeeding saga is breaking my heart even worse! I think I have to call it a day now. I'm so so stressed and upset with it. I literally spend all my time either sorting formula and sterilising, I spend hours and hours pumping each day and then I also try and keep putting her to the breast despite her hating me trying. I have had one cup of cold tea today and wonder why I'm feeling so ill again. I'm supposed to keep well hydrated so my kidneys can repair so I'm not left with permanent damage. Daisy is so fussy in between all this feeding I am on about 2 hours sleep a night and can't seem to manage to sleep in the day. Oh has started to show the signs of annoyance with the situation too and it's taking a toll on our relationship. Even though we can't really afford it he wants to hire a nanny to help as the house is a pig sty and my health is going downhill again. But to me that's like having to admit failure as a mother.

I miss the days of feeling strong, attractive and capable! Why does no one talk much about this side of having kids? I wouldn't change her for the world now but I might not have wasted so much of my life wishing for this when I should have just been enjoying my youth, health and strength (and getting more than a couple of hours sleep in one go!!) Xx
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Daisy is the noisiest baby. She makes SO much noise feeding and the reason I hardly sleep even though she sleeps well is because she is a wriggly and loud sleeper, and I am the LIGHTEST sleeper in the universe!

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