Gesic I would talk to someone about your section pains. I have different pains - my stomach feels bruised all over and sensitive to touch and is not getting any better. I keep being told by the health visitor I had major surgery but that also in my case daisy was stuck and they had to move my organs about and push really hard to get her out! Gruesome..
In terms of birth control we are just using condoms at the moment but I'm terrified of getting pregnant again. I'm not sure what to do as birth control doesn't agree with me at all. Didn't think I'd have to ever address these particular worries! Oh said today that he doesn't see why I couldn't have another child if I wanted to as long as I got as healthy as possible beforehand, and then opt for an elective cesarean. No matter what I say he doesn't seem to understand that I'm pretty badly emotionally scarred from daisy's birth so no matter how healthy I am physically I don't want to go through that again on an emotional level. traumatised as I am from the birth, this whole breastfeeding saga is breaking my heart even worse! I think I have to call it a day now. I'm so so stressed and upset with it. I literally spend all my time either sorting formula and sterilising, I spend hours and hours pumping each day and then I also try and keep putting her to the breast despite her hating me trying. I have had one cup of cold tea today and wonder why I'm feeling so ill again. I'm supposed to keep well hydrated so my kidneys can repair so I'm not left with permanent damage. Daisy is so fussy in between all this feeding I am on about 2 hours sleep a night and can't seem to manage to sleep in the day. Oh has started to show the signs of annoyance with the situation too and it's taking a toll on our relationship. Even though we can't really afford it he wants to hire a nanny to help as the house is a pig sty and my health is going downhill again. But to me that's like having to admit failure as a mother.
I miss the days of feeling strong, attractive and capable! Why does no one talk much about this side of having kids? I wouldn't change her for the world now but I might not have wasted so much of my life wishing for this when I should have just been enjoying my youth, health and strength (and getting more than a couple of hours sleep in one go!!) Xx