May 2017 Mummies

I've had pangs of missing being pregnant but on the whole I don't miss it because it made me feel so ill! Not to mention all those months of anxiety over her movements! Now that she is out she's the same - she spends so long awake and fussing that after a while she just crashes for sometimes 5 or 6 hours! When I was a bit deliriously ill after the op and in the following week I thought I could still feel her moving inside me, at one point i believed there were twins and they had left one inside me! I am a bit sad that that was my only pregnancy but at the same time I don't feel like I'm missing much not having another. Had a chat with oh this morning and he says he is happy just having the one child too which I'm glad about! Xx
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I don't miss the anxiety side of it at all and the thought that I was going to lose her but there are parts of it that I miss for sure.

Yea I both miss being pregnant and not. I miss the nice bits but don't miss the sickness or the labour! I didn't get reduced movementa until labour but I don't miss the not knowing. I think being given pregnant again would need very mixed emotions I'm kinda glad I'm not doing it again and I'm can concentrate on getting my body back in shape and working out all the health issues they discovered when i was pregnant.
I miss it at time too. I really missed it the first few weeks after he was born. I just wanted it to be me and him again. I miss it less now. Feeling him move and that bond is what I miss the most. It's fading as he's becoming more interactive. He really focuses now and smiles in response to things- and the cooing is so cute. I can't wait for more interaction.

I was exhausted this weekend. I had work to do (standardisation for exam marking) and Aidan decided that he wasn't going to be put down. He would only stay on my dw for short periods. He just wanted to be on me and attached to the boob, even if not feeding. At least he is back to normal today and is sound asleep in his basket for the second time today. He's now refusing the bottle too. With his craziness this weekend, he was very fussy at night and with him on my boobs all day, they were tender. After a week of no formula, I tried to give him a bottle of formula on both Sat and Sun to give my nipples a rest. It was a struggle to get him to take it on Sat and then he completely refused on Sun. But on the bright side- he's no exclusively being bf.
I don't miss it at all! I had such a difficult pregnancy and all the sickness, heart issues and swollen everything etc, I am just happy to feel human again xx
Daisy has been sleeping so much today I think I'm in for another rough night! :/ xx
I worried that I'd miss being pregnant, but I haven't at all. I don't think I've had time to! I can hardly remember what it was like now. Unfortunately, my pregnancy was ruined by depression and my ex, so I'd rather forget about the whole thing. However, there are bits I'll never forget, like watching his kicks and feeling the hiccups. He still gets the hiccups quite a lot now! I appreciate having my body back and clothes fitting me again, I must admit!

I'm dying to do some exercise though. Is it 6 weeks I have to wait? I want that swelling above the wound to go down but the midwife said it'll take a few months.
I did miss it, I wasn't ready for it to be over! For a while afterwards I was sure I was still feeling movement, must have been things moving back into place.

We dtd at 4 weeks, my stitches had been fine the whole time an the bruise feeling had gone. Not sure how different it would be after a section. We are still undecided about having another, so condoms while we think about it. I do think I want another but think I would prefer a reasonable age gap, although with our age and history that may not be possible.
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Thanks for the advice ladies, I think I was just having a very low few days not helped by lack of sleep (I am on the sofa!) lack of food and lack of support from my other half. It came to a head, I threatened to leave and he has pulled his socks up ( its not perfect but I can see he is trying). It may also only last a few days before he slips back but at least I have got him doing at least one nappy a day and the best thing, actually picking her up and holding her instead of just waving at her from across the room and thinking that's sufficient interaction lol.
I also really miss my pregnancy and that has not helped my mood as I feel like I am grieving a loss....except I haven't lost anything, she is currently sat in a swing seat in front of me! Seeing pregnant people or seeing FB announcements really bizarre is that! Still tearing up at any birth announcements too, good job the June thread is really quiet as cant cope with all this emotion I feel at the moment!
C section queries, mine has been great compared to the troubles some of you poor ladies have had to put up with, how ever its over 6 weeks and am still passing "stuff" its not a lot but it is very thick, very dark brown almost black with occasional fresh blood appearing now and then too (sorry tmi) I know its old blood but its never been that dark before and its pasty consistency rather than mucous?? Does that sound normal? My wound is fine (tbh I hardly look as I have a bit of an overhang so have to use a mirror and I don't like looking as am squeamish on human stuff) however I do get a bit of a deep burning sensation where it is and quite deep in the muscles, not enough to cause major discomfort but it does remind me I have had surgery - anyone else the same, I just assume its normal healing and not to worry about it, I am not over doing things as I spend a lot of time with Ayda on my knee or in my arms.
Progress on that front too, creating a softer sleep surface has def helped, she has now gone all night in her own bed for a week! Waking for her feed and going straight back to sleep! The colic, well I am guessing that will resolve its self over time, we are now a week and a half into using the colic milk, tonight is a good night, her witching hours are normally 7pm ish till 10+pm ish with full on inconsolable screaming and sobbing, tonight 10-15 minutes and now sleeping. She does get over tired too I think as rarely sleeps for any length through the day, that again may contribute to the evening issues we have had and blamed all on colic when it may be a mix.
I haven't had a good proper read over the last few days, just a quick scan through, I hope everyone is bearing up well and all the little ones are thriving :) x
We had a bad night lat night as her nose was stuffy and she only got comfort on her belly so she slept like a long on my chest all night my boobies acting as a barrier so she couldn't dive off. Today she was awake most of the day and got overtired trying to sleep but now she's down she woke once for a feed so far then straight back down again.
She's properly mastered holding her head up for a food while today she was loving it. And in bed before bedtime she loved looking from mummy to daddy depending eho was talking she got a proper smile with a cute little dimple I can't wait to see if that stays lol.
I feel like a superhero! So read to my son at bedtime as usual he brought his tablet in to me after 30 mons then went to bed to sleep... and then got daughter off to sleep hubby woke her up by mistake I got her to sleep again she woke for a few feeds this last feed I put her down awake in her basket and she got herself off to sleep woohoo. Then hubby woke up at 3.45 he's trying to give up smoking he said I'm going for cig I said it's quarter to four you just need to sleep he goes OK and then he goes to sleep.. I'm on a roll got the whole family to sleep tonight woop! ....... now if only I could sleep....... lol been up since 1am lol
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I'm so stressed! I just don't know what's wrong with this baby. His feeds are all messed up now, he refuses his bottle and cries. I've changed nappies, burped etc. He just won't settle.

I don't know if I can do this. It's like a never ending nightmare. I haven't got time to eat or shower. I'm knackered.
Is he having a growth spurt Dovekie? G is always very unsettled (read screams for no reason all day and makes me wonder if I'm going insane) when he is growing. It isn't that helpful but just remember it won't last too long.

We have his first set of jabs tomorrow, don't know how much that is going to upset him. Also I found out those due smears can have them at three months, G is 9 weeks this week so I'm going to book mine in when we are at the doctors.
Thanks snow x I'll get mine booked soon. I've still not got an appointment for her 6-8 week check she's 6 weeks already.
Anya is having a screaming day too.
My pelvis has been really playing up too

:rofl: just handed anya to hubby as my arms are killing she's wanted a feed almost almost day. She's latched on to him and I heard her proper sucking he was freaked out lol
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He might be? He's 3 weeks old tomorrow. He's feeding every two hours through the night but more erratically through the day. I thought he was constipated but he has just done a mega poop today.
Screaming afternoon and evening here too. I don't think she knows what she wants. Twice today she's shown all her feeding cues only to then throw up her feeds afterwards - 1 x formula and 1 x breastfeed. I don't know if she's got trapped wind or she's going through a growth spurt. I've just handed her over to my OH who lies her on his legs and rocks her from left to right and she's gone off to sleep. We joke that he has magic legs, lol!

How old is she Rachel? Owen likes lying on our legs and getting a leg massage :)

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