Thanks for the advice ladies, I think I was just having a very low few days not helped by lack of sleep (I am on the sofa!) lack of food and lack of support from my other half. It came to a head, I threatened to leave and he has pulled his socks up ( its not perfect but I can see he is trying). It may also only last a few days before he slips back but at least I have got him doing at least one nappy a day and the best thing, actually picking her up and holding her instead of just waving at her from across the room and thinking that's sufficient interaction lol.
I also really miss my pregnancy and that has not helped my mood as I feel like I am grieving a loss....except I haven't lost anything, she is currently sat in a swing seat in front of me! Seeing pregnant people or seeing FB announcements really bizarre is that! Still tearing up at any birth announcements too, good job the June thread is really quiet as cant cope with all this emotion I feel at the moment!
C section queries, mine has been great compared to the troubles some of you poor ladies have had to put up with, how ever its over 6 weeks and am still passing "stuff" its not a lot but it is very thick, very dark brown almost black with occasional fresh blood appearing now and then too (sorry tmi) I know its old blood but its never been that dark before and its pasty consistency rather than mucous?? Does that sound normal? My wound is fine (tbh I hardly look as I have a bit of an overhang so have to use a mirror and I don't like looking as am squeamish on human stuff) however I do get a bit of a deep burning sensation where it is and quite deep in the muscles, not enough to cause major discomfort but it does remind me I have had surgery - anyone else the same, I just assume its normal healing and not to worry about it, I am not over doing things as I spend a lot of time with Ayda on my knee or in my arms.
Progress on that front too, creating a softer sleep surface has def helped, she has now gone all night in her own bed for a week! Waking for her feed and going straight back to sleep! The colic, well I am guessing that will resolve its self over time, we are now a week and a half into using the colic milk, tonight is a good night, her witching hours are normally 7pm ish till 10+pm ish with full on inconsolable screaming and sobbing, tonight 10-15 minutes and now sleeping. She does get over tired too I think as rarely sleeps for any length through the day, that again may contribute to the evening issues we have had and blamed all on colic when it may be a mix.
I haven't had a good proper read over the last few days, just a quick scan through, I hope everyone is bearing up well and all the little ones are thriving
