May 2017 Mummies

He had his normal bottle this morning, then an hour later wanted more. So I gave him it and he had a small amount, but then brought it up? So I'm torn now about giving him them in between normal feeds, although midwife said to never deny him food??? She also said if he keeps vomiting to take him to A&E, but he is only vomiting the extra???
Did you say the nhs recommend to give them water in hot weather? Maybe try that in between feeds instead? I don't have set feed times I just feed daisy when she's hungry which seems to be pretty much all the time! I did consider giving some water yesterday too. Can you call the midwife and ask for more specific advise? Xx
G will sick up a bit of milk if he has over eaten, I assume it just won't fit in his little stomach. Do you think it is just the excess he is bring back up dovekie? If so I wouldn't be too worried but go get checked out if you are worried.

He also gets quite bloated looking when full and brewing a massive poop, wethen get a lot of screaming before it finally comes out. He is getting better at pooing though and it does seem to be getting easier for him. Practise makes perfect lol!

I took g to the doctor yesterday, his belly button is bulging out andhe has an umbilicle hernia. Just need to keep an eye on it for the time being.

He was so much more settled yesterday, hardly cried at all and did a bit of smiling, it was lovely!
I called the ward last night and they said not to give him water as he's getting it from his bottle....
I'm finding I need to drink at least a pint of water every two hours to have enough milk in this weather. Anyone struggling might find drinking more is worth a try.
Anya will projectile vomit any excess milk she's had I know as she's got me in my face twice and over the bed. once from lying down she got it past her feet lol.

My mw said if it's in between norms feed times make sure you feed with baby more vertical so it's not sitting above the stomach otherwise when they move it's for nowhere to go but up!
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Are things any easier now Betty?

I just had a nap with Owen on my boob. He still hasn't latched but he puts it in his mouth for comfort.
Wow lack of sleep and heat is awesome I just left the house after feeding anya with my bobs out still. Lol :wall2:
So he had the massive poop! He was sick this morning but has been feeding as normal since then. I don't know what's wrong with him at the moment though as he's fidgeting and crying, and he's had lots to drink, nappie changed etc.
Wow lack of sleep and heat is awesome I just left the house after feeding anya with my bobs out still. Lol :wall2:

I keep forgetting to pull my top up/down too. Luckily not left the house like that yet lol xx
I'm so annoyed with the doctors for messing up my prescription and not processing it. I've not had domperidone since Sunday evening and I think my supply has already dropped. Eleanor has been really fussy at the breast, she latches then cones off, latches and comes off and cries and bashes me with her hands etc.

They had better have my prescription sorted for me to collect tomorrow or I'll be royally pissed off. We'll, I'll be getting my domperidone tomorrow come hell or high water! I just hope I can get my supply back up again.

Emily that's really rubbish. I can only presume that since you've got your supply up once you can again :) I've been taking feenugreek and fennel supplements but not sure it's helped yet. I'm mostly formula feeding now which I'm really sad about, but I can't seem to get my supply back and I can't leave her hungry or worse, dehydrated in this weather. I think she's been very fussy due to the weather the past couple of days. I had a nice day with her a couple of days ago but it's been screaming since then. It's horrible as I dread her waking up! So I'm not feeling too much better to be honest but I guess I'm just getting more used to it.

My next problem is that I have now developed a hole in my cesarean wound! I've got an appointment for the Dr later today. It's quite sore and I'm worried about infection. Oh goes back to work Thursday so I can't afford to get sick again now! I've been relying really heavily on him lately and the only sleep I get is when he has daisy so how I'm going to cope when I already feel I'm not coping when he's here I don't know! Xx
Do you have any other friends or family nearby that could pop over to give you a hand?

Eleanor is predominantly formula fed but I read yesterday that as little as 50mls per day of breast milk is of benefit to baby so even if they're not getting much, even a small amount will be benefiting them. Plus, even if they're getting no breast milk, there's nothing wrong with formula!

Hope your c section wound gets better soon hun.

I'm off to the docs in a second to get my prescription. I'm not leaving the surgery until I get it!!

I've been taking 2 10mg tabs 3 x daily but I've been reading up on it and it seems that lots of people start on a dose of 3 10mg tabs 3 x daily. I'm not sure whether to up my dose or not? Maybe start on 3 3x daily for a week to get things going again and then drop it down to 2 3x daily?

Do you mean the feenugreek tablets? I've been taking 2 a day which is what it says to take. That's good to know about the breast milk. We manage a night feed as I get milk in after some sleep, then I express in the day so she gets another 50mls at least so I think she's getting between 100 and 150mls of breast milk every 24 hours. It's hard work though as to do yhat I have to express quite a few times and together with formula feeding it takes up a lot of my time. I just wish I could exclusively breast feed but i don't think it'll ever be that way now.

I don't have any family nearby, they live at opposite ends of the country and we're in the middle. I have neighbours who are good friends but they have their own lives and are busy. I left most of my friends behind when I moved away from where I used to live to move in with my oh in the middle of a forest! I love living in the country with him though it's so worth it. I do miss city life a little, and my friends but I think daisy will have and better quality of life here. Xx
We had a lot of screaming yesterday, I finally solved it by bringing the fan downstairs and holding him in front of it, he went straight to sleep so I think he was just hot. 8 weeks old tomorrow and today he moved into size 2 nappies. He is getting big.

Hope your incision isn't infected Betty.

Emily hope they have it sorted this time and your supply goes back up.

How are you doing today Dovekie? Hope everyone is ok in this warmer weather.
Emily, hope you get the prescription. Betty, I hope that the incision isn't infected and sorry you are having a tough time. Maybe try some of these Mum meet up groups when you are feeling up to it xx

We had loads of crying yesterday too, she was fine in the morning, had a good sleep then woke at 2.30, she was fine for a while and had some little 5 min naps up until 6 where she was just so unsettled, I tried everything, she wouldn't go to anyone else, she kept falling asleep but everytime I put her down, she woke crying again. She fed alot and then sometimes went to feed and didn't want to. She didn't go to sleep until 11.30!!! 5 and half hours of trying to settle her, it was exhausting. In the end I came downstairs as cooler down here and she slept until 5am. I hoping today is better xx
Do you mean the feenugreek tablets? I've been taking 2 a day which is what it says to take. That's good to know about the breast milk. We manage a night feed as I get milk in after some sleep, then I express in the day so she gets another 50mls at least so I think she's getting between 100 and 150mls of breast milk every 24 hours. It's hard work though as to do yhat I have to express quite a few times and together with formula feeding it takes up a lot of my time. I just wish I could exclusively breast feed but i don't think it'll ever be that way now.

I don't have any family nearby, they live at opposite ends of the country and we're in the middle. I have neighbours who are good friends but they have their own lives and are busy. I left most of my friends behind when I moved away from where I used to live to move in with my oh in the middle of a forest! I love living in the country with him though it's so worth it. I do miss city life a little, and my friends but I think daisy will have and better quality of life here. Xx

I"m resigned to the fact that I'll never exclusively bf but I want do as much as i can for her.

I take 3 fenugreek tablets 3 times daily. I'm not sure what to do about the domperidone. I'll take 2 this afternoon and read up on it a bit more. I've joined a fb group for women who are on domperidone so I can see what doses they are on too.

Eleanor has been very fussy the last few days. I think it's the heat bothering her. My parents are on holiday so I've pinched their fan while they're away until I can find one. Hopefully it'll help keep things cooler home here.

Emily, hope you get the prescription. Betty, I hope that the incision isn't infected and sorry you are having a tough time. Maybe try some of these Mum meet up groups when you are feeling up to it xx

We had loads of crying yesterday too, she was fine in the morning, had a good sleep then woke at 2.30, she was fine for a while and had some little 5 min naps up until 6 where she was just so unsettled, I tried everything, she wouldn't go to anyone else, she kept falling asleep but everytime I put her down, she woke crying again. She fed alot and then sometimes went to feed and didn't want to. She didn't go to sleep until 11.30!!! 5 and half hours of trying to settle her, it was exhausting. In the end I came downstairs as cooler down here and she slept until 5am. I hoping today is better xx

I could have wrote this myself. She was fine in the day as I took her in an air conditioned shop. At night she wouldn't go to anyone and just wanted to feed or sleep on me it was crazy! Glad all our bubs were the same in a weird way. Sounds too much of a coincidence for it not to be weather related
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Emily, hope you get the prescription. Betty, I hope that the incision isn't infected and sorry you are having a tough time. Maybe try some of these Mum meet up groups when you are feeling up to it xx

We had loads of crying yesterday too, she was fine in the morning, had a good sleep then woke at 2.30, she was fine for a while and had some little 5 min naps up until 6 where she was just so unsettled, I tried everything, she wouldn't go to anyone else, she kept falling asleep but everytime I put her down, she woke crying again. She fed alot and then sometimes went to feed and didn't want to. She didn't go to sleep until 11.30!!! 5 and half hours of trying to settle her, it was exhausting. In the end I came downstairs as cooler down here and she slept until 5am. I hoping today is better xx

The heat is definitely bothering these babies. After doing some research I've also started using colief to go daisy crying!!! Xx
Come on boobies!! Do your thing!!



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