May 2017 Mummies

Kabuk last time we had an all awake night she made a bad decision as we were putting up a set of metal shelves in the day so she only managed to snatch power naps of 30 min a time utility tea time (an hour at lunch) but she crashed that night and she's been really good sleeping at night ever since then I think it got her back in sync.
She's slept a lot this morn so it atm dreading tonight but last night she slept really well so at least it have that in the bank. It does exhaust you and make you so ratty with lack it sleep.

She's just chilling in just her nappy right now she's been feeding a lot though x
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Just been looking for something to spend my JLP Voucher on and saw this funky breast feeding monitor and a cool bra but its no longer available in my size :(


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Betty, you're not alone! Owen doesn't cry all of the time, but I'm really struggling at the moment. Yesterday was horrendous. It's not so much about the baby for me, but my situation. My ex came to visit for the weekend and I decided to ask him what was going on with us. I thought we'd really bonded in the hospital and we have been in touch a lot. He told me he thinks I'm a really nasty person, it's over and he never wants to live with me again. I was balling my eyes out - hormonal and sleep deprived. I can't understand why he doesn't consider how difficult the last year has been for me, or how horrible he's been to me! I need to grieve the breakup as I haven't done that yet, but I just don't have time to. I can't give up on life for a little while, like I normally would! I got through the night, thankfully - I was up five times feeding etc. This morning I was crying for hours. I've been having similar thoughts to you, that I don't know if I can cope with this (alone, in my case). My parents are helping at the moment, but I'll soon be alone in my flat (maybe it'll be easier though?). I was also thinking it might have been easier all round if I'd died during the labour!! I feel so heartbroken and unloved :( I'm at the hospital all day tomorrow, alone with Owen. The ex was supposed to come and help. I'm getting the catheter out and I'm so worried I'll still have trouble weeing. I'm supposed to be expressing every 3 hours and spending time skin to skin with Owen to see if he'll latch, but it's all too much. I told my ex to go home and I never want to see or hear from him again...
Betty I'm sending big hugs your way. All the others have given you great advice so I'll just echo them. Hang on in there and it will get better.

Dovekie big hugs to you too, your ex doesn't sound very supportive. It will feel so worth it when Owen looks at you and smiles, he loves you so much already so never feel that you aren't loved. Don't fret about being alone, I find the time alone quite nice actually, just the two of us. It can be hard when they just scream and scream and I have no idea why but the special moments do make up for it. If you do feel alone try and go out and find some others to hang with. I've been looking for things to do near me and I'm really surprised how much there is (and this is a very rural location so I thought it would be pretty quiet). I've not been to any yet as I'm just not organised enough but at some point we will adventure out.

My little dude has had a horrendous couple of days, lots of inconsolable screaming. I think he is having a growth spurt as I can't identify anything wrong with him. I'm just cuddling him lots and when I can't take it any more I put him somewhere safe and go out the room to do a couple of jobs like empty the dishwasher or do some laundry. I'm taking him to the doctor tomorrow as he has developed a lump on his belly button, I think it could be an umbilical hernia.
It's reading the heartbreaking posts like youra dove and better that I wished we lived closer to offer more physical support as well as verbal on a forum x
Thank you all so much for your kind words and advice. You all on here really are a godsend. I'm so tired and have an opportunity to sleep so won't reply properly yet, just wanted to say I had a better day today and have taken a lot of your advise on board. Dovekie, I, like eryinera above wish I was closer and could help, I reckon we'd set up a great mum and baby group!! Hope everyone else is ok and not melting too much in this heat xx
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I feel the same. Wish we were all closer and could offer the love and support when needed xx
I have a brief reprieve and 2 available hands to type!!
So sorry your struggling Betty and Dovekie, it isn't easy and to cope when your sleep and food deprived as well as hormonal means you feel even worse. It (touch wood) does get better, I do not have the after effects of the traumatic births you both went through but we are dealing with colic and a very clingy baby who will not be put down for any reasonable length of time without screaming for a good few hours after.
We have tried the colief, the infacol and the gripe water but are now on the formula for constipation and colic, I honestly am not sure any are effective but we have to try. She has a great deal of difficulty getting rid of wind and is beginning to resent being winded after feeds too but on saying that her periods of screaming have reduced in length.
She also does not seem to cope with the hotter weather so keeping her cool is better. The biggest breakthrough we have had is last night was the 1st night she went all night in her own bed!!! Yes I still slept on the sofa but she was next to me in a moses basket instead of draped over me. She went from 11pm till 5am....I didn't even wake her up to feed, I figured she needed the rest more and can make it up during the day if needed. The thing that's made the difference I think is I have added a folded up cot quilt on top of her mattress to make it a softer surface for her to sleep on. I know they tell you its not a good idea and risky but no riskier than sleeping on me surrounded by cushions and possibly face planting them when I am unable to remain awake any more. I also put her on her side....I think it helps if she is still colicky and am unable to get any more wind up.
So do not get disheartened, you are doing fantastically well (especially when recovering from major surgery as well as lack of rest etc), it does get better, if my experience is anything to go by.
To add, we have got her on a dummy now too which seems to pacify her during the periods she is fractious and we have a bouncer that vibrates that we pop her in for short periods that she is starting to accept :)
Grrrr!! The doctors have messed up my prescription and I'm out of domperidone for a couple
of days now! Hope my supply stays up until I can get some more!!

It really would be amazing if we all lived closer. At least for me, living in the city, there are lots of groups. I'm going to go to the breastfeeding cafe this week. I really would recommend finding groups in your area. You can also check out Mush, Hoop and Mummy Social - apps for all 3 and I think 1 or 2 are also online. You can recommend a social or just friend locals on there and arrange meetups. I've seen mums on there say they didn't go out until the baby was 6 months and I just couldn't imagine that. I'm dying to have some face-to-face adult contact during the week.

I'll be taking Aidan into my dw's work too. We'll travel during off-peak times, so hopefully the train won't be overcrowded and a bit cooler.

We moved into the back bedroom that doesn't get any direct sunlight. I have the window open, curtain drawn and a fan running. It keeps it nice and cool. I have my laptop for some netflix watching too. Came in here last night and what a difference. Aidan slept so much better. He slept from 9-11:30 in the living room, then 12-4 in the back bedroom and again 4:30-6. No screaming before bed either, but we did start getting him ready around 8pm and gave him a bath to cool him down a bit. So good to be out of the living room at it's about 30 in there, and that is with all 3 windows open, the blinds closed and a fan. I can't believe this heat looks to stick around for 2 weeks. I need to find some well air conditioned places to hang with Aidan during the day.
Just booked an appointment for Aidan to get his Dutch passport. Had I known the wait would be this long, I would've booked it before he was born. You have to go to the embassy and the next appointment is the 8th Sept. So much for a trip to Ireland this summer. I was so hoping to take him over there to spend some time with my in-laws. It's so nice and relaxing there as they have a place in the west right on the water. Oh well, maybe we can go in Oct. It'll take at least 3 weeks to get his passport after the appointment. At least I have his US appointment booked for Friday. Then I need to send my renewal application off, which I'll have back in time for his Dutch appointment.
Aww thanks :) it would be nice. I will get myself to some groups eventually, but right now I daren't leave the house!

My bladder is still broken so I now have to self catheterise :(

Owen is feeding really frequently today - just small amounts. Is this normal in hot weather?
Yes they feed more in hot weather. I was reading the other day that if you bottle feed then give cooled boiled water in hot weather but breastfed babies will just feed more xx
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The NHS website says you can give baby water in hot weather, if they're bottle fed. Is this true??
Yes that's what I read but must be cooled boiled water xx
Help! I'm worried about Owen! He was writhing around in pain for a while then vomited all over. His belly looks swollen. Is he constipated? Too much milk today? I hate to see him like that. The maternity ward didn't help much.
Has he pooped recently? Anya has either been asleep or feeding I bf twice in public one time a man said afterwards how impressed he was that I was bf and how good I was with her I felt all proud I nearly cried!
Daisy was the same dovekie yesterday. I think due to the heat she had too much milk. She looked so swollen like a balloon but was inconsolable. Hope it's better for you now xx
He's not pooing as much. Lots of wet nappies and lots of straining whenever he poos.
He's probably gearing up for his first mega poop. Even Anya was having lots of crying yesterday. I ended up carrying her over the road into the air conditioned shop where she fell asleep.

Imy exhausted and running on empty I had 4hr broken sleep yesterday and 3 hours today and it's not anyas fault. She woke up and her normal time but I couldn't sleep til gone 12.
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