I have a brief reprieve and 2 available hands to type!!
So sorry your struggling Betty and Dovekie, it isn't easy and to cope when your sleep and food deprived as well as hormonal means you feel even worse. It (touch wood) does get better, I do not have the after effects of the traumatic births you both went through but we are dealing with colic and a very clingy baby who will not be put down for any reasonable length of time without screaming for a good few hours after.
We have tried the colief, the infacol and the gripe water but are now on the formula for constipation and colic, I honestly am not sure any are effective but we have to try. She has a great deal of difficulty getting rid of wind and is beginning to resent being winded after feeds too but on saying that her periods of screaming have reduced in length.
She also does not seem to cope with the hotter weather so keeping her cool is better. The biggest breakthrough we have had is last night was the 1st night she went all night in her own bed!!! Yes I still slept on the sofa but she was next to me in a moses basket instead of draped over me. She went from 11pm till 5am....I didn't even wake her up to feed, I figured she needed the rest more and can make it up during the day if needed. The thing that's made the difference I think is I have added a folded up cot quilt on top of her mattress to make it a softer surface for her to sleep on. I know they tell you its not a good idea and risky but no riskier than sleeping on me surrounded by cushions and possibly face planting them when I am unable to remain awake any more. I also put her on her side....I think it helps if she is still colicky and am unable to get any more wind up.
So do not get disheartened, you are doing fantastically well (especially when recovering from major surgery as well as lack of rest etc), it does get better, if my experience is anything to go by.
To add, we have got her on a dummy now too which seems to pacify her during the periods she is fractious and we have a bouncer that vibrates that we pop her in for short periods that she is starting to accept