May 2017 Mummies

I accidentally picked up size 2 nappies. Weight wise she's heavy enough but I'm not sure if they'll still be too big. They'll have to do for now though!

My tops all fit OK and I can fit in a couple of my pre pregnancy jeans and trousers but I'm limited on summer stuff! I couldn't get my shorts done up! There's so much variation on clothes size though so I'm in anything from an 8 to a 12.

Eleanor still fits in some of her newborn stuff, up to one month and she's in dresses that are 0-3 although they are a bit big but soooo cute!

I am now thinking Sophie is massive! She is almost put of size 2 nappies and in 0-3 clothes, some are s touch big but wearable. Others fit perfectly, so much variation on the sizes.
I can't wait to get my figure back. I don't have any bump left but just jelly belly lol xx
Anya is in size 1 nappies size 2 I think will drown her atm. Clothes she's in anything from Newburn to 0-3 she's out of some newborn buy still in others. I nodded off feeding her and woKen up with pee over myself after what I just said I don't know if Anya peed on me or if I peed myself coz it was in my mind!
Hey ladies, have read through all your posts but don't think I can remember them all to reply to!

Sounds like the fenugreek etc. is making a difference to you Emily. It's awesome that you are doing so much to try and up your supply for Eleanor, you rock mama!

My jelly belly is still around but I am 6kg below my booking weight so think I just need to start exercising and hopefully it will tone up a bit!

We have been living in a complete mad house this week. We have moved in with my mum and dad while we build our house. We have started foundations now! But the actual moving and living with parents again is a complete nightmare.

Oli is doing good. The other kids love him to pieces although my daughter has been having some major attention issues. Oli has been in size 2 nappies for a couple of weeks now. He's almost out of them I think. He's just so big! Here is the monkey... X


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Wow exciting times! We lived with my parents after the birth of my son it both good as there are lots of hands about and annoying as you don't have your own space. I hope the build goes smoothly!

Yes the fenugreek is in pill form from Holland and barett but I got some ground stuff from tesco as I debated doing a tea with it but chickened out lol. It smells gorge like maple syrup as Emily said at first I wasn't keen until she mentioned the maple smell so ty! We didn't have any fustrated cluster feeding lat night just feeding more often than in the day but less often than constant for 2 hours with annoyed glares at me every now and then when the milk tap stops working. Lol.
I wish I could see in her mouth like that link shows!

Can't remember if it's this thread or the other that we were talking about public bf and discretion etc. This is the bf bra that provides modesty as well. In a top fro. Everything5pound that just pulls down. Also a pic of her latch when she's gulping down. She has a tendency to start with a good latch then fidget after a while working a bad latch at the endoor my bf consultant said it sounds like she's trying to get different types of milk and the "bad latch" is her having a snack but it will tire her out and she went be getting the right milk. So we try to avoid that (unless I'm trying to make her sleep at bedtime) I think the bad latch us when she uses me as a dummy she doesn't want milk she wants to suck but I don't like the idea of a dummy but then I don't want to be a dummy and have sore nips too!


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Aidan is wearing size 2 nappies now. He can still wear size 1, but as we just ran out and the size 2 we had are working, I don't see the point of buying more size 1s when he definitely will be out of the shortly. He can still fit the 0-1 month clothes that run a little bigger. Some he has grown out of already. The 0-3 months vary depending on how they run. He can fit them all, but some are baggier than others. Some of his light 3-6 months trousers fit him, just need cuffing, which is great as we don't have much in that way at 0-3 months- mainly sleepsuits, rompers and t-shirts.

He it focusing so much more now. This was the first morning where I woke to him making cute noises as he was awake entertaining himself. He also smiled when I started to interact with him.

As for getting back my shape- I'm more eager about working out. I'm really missing it. And since I have no one to mind Aidan during the week, I can't even start with a light jog. I am hoping to get as close to my pre-pregnancy shape as possible, but I know it'll take time. Even without a pregnancy, it took me 2 years to get there- of course I was 68kg and out of shape and went on a journey where I improved my workouts and my eating habits along the way. At least this time it's more about toning and I already know what tends to work best for that, including nutrition for me. So, yeah, this is a photo when I found out I was pregnant. I had won my box's crossfit throwdown comp (scaled). A big positive is that I have no stretch marks, so that's one less thing to worry about.


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Ery, that sounds like my bf issues with Aidan. He is getting better, but when he's fighting sleep, he struggles to get a good latch as he's too lazy to open his mouth properly. It's a battle to get him to adjust, but at the beginning of a feed I have to adjust as he'll suck hard and not have much more than the nipple- very painful. If it's at the end of a feed at night, I'll let it go as it's a soft suckle and more about using me as a soother. More often than not he's getting it right now. I just need to get him to detach in a gentler way.
Yes that sounds familiar we she's tired age can't be arsed to do it right lol. Amazing body you had/will have again soon. I didn't have any streach marks with con but with anya I got loads I also got marks during my blooming weight thanks to the beta blockers I was really embarrassed about them but I'm actually liking the ones anya gave me a reminder if hoe hard I worked for her. We shall see again in the future when I start having photos taken again lol
If you take Fenugreek it can make your sweat and pee smell like maple syrup too. I've upped it and I'm taking three capsules three times a day so I'm going to smell sweet as candy!!

I'm having to take 1 domperidone 3 times a day over the weekend and get some more on Monday.

Little miss doesn't want to nap or be put down so I'm stuck to the sofa nursing at the moment. Hopefully she'll drop off soon and I can get some lunch and some chores done.

Every time my son wants a hold she wants feeding my son is starting to get annoyed lol.

I'm on 2 fenugreek 3x a day if I remember it seems to be letting me do more around the house wonder if the milk also tastes of maple syrup
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I'm not sure? I guess it could! I've not got enough to try any and see! Lol!

Look at how cute!!



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She is so cute Emily.

Aidan is feeding often right now, but I think it's hydration. It's 29 degrees today and has been in the mid to upper 20s the last few days. It'll be 28 tomorrow and 29 on Monday. Heading out for a walk in the park. Living room is too warm.
I didn't mean that you have OND but just that talking things through might help you come to terms with what you went through. If you don't think it will help then fair enough, you know better than anyone what you need. I just wanted to mention it as an option in case you didn't know it was available to you.

If bubs has been feeding all day then hopefully that will help your supply boost up a bit. If you think it's low then maybe try taking fenugreek to help?

I'm wondering if perhaps I need a different flange size to pump with? Going to measure my nips tomorrow and see. Could be that's what the issue is when it comes to pumping? Or at least it might help a bit? Think it might be another straw to clutch at but for the sake of £13 odd quid it's worth a try! Just need to find a tape measure now!


Do you know if there is a time limit on the birth debrief thing? And do you get fenugreek supplements or just take the seeds? Xx
How much should babies cry?! Daft question but daisy is just so unhappy all the time and it just seems to get worse and worse. She's been on me feeding all day and my supply dried up?! I'm just so exhausted and stressed we're now having to give her formula this evening and I've gone to bed while oh watches her for a couple of hours. She's not stopped crying all day until now. Is this normal?

Does she seen satisfied after she has fed? Is she lifting her knees when crying as if in pain?
I ask as it could be she is not getting enough milk so is hungry but then if she is still crying after formula then not likely that as can obv see how much she is getting.
I was asking about the knees and pain as it could be colic? Is she burping well after feeding. Sophie is unsettled in the evenings with colic so for 2-3 hours she cries and can't get comfortable, doesn't want to lay flat and struggles to sleep etc. I am using infacol which has helped as was crying more before. We had one day (before infacol) where she cried on and off all day, was heart breaking xx

Since posting this I think we have identified a couple of things. I think she feeds on me even when nothing comes out so she ends up hungry when I feel like she's been constantly feeding so I thought she must be full. So we've started topping up with formula which has made a difference in the last 12 hours or so. She is also quite a windy baby and needs a lot of help getting wind up. Not sure it's as bad as colic but definitely very bad wind at least.

Daisy doesn't like to lay flat on her back because of the wind. I'm struggling so so much to get any sleep or any time away from her, to the point where I got told off by the health visitor for not looking after myself! This is seriously hard and I just wonder how on earth anyone does this with other commitments like other children or on their own. I would hardly meet my basic needs if my oh wasn't here, how do I cope when he goes back to work next week?! I've been told daisy does seem exceptionally fussy. I'm still in so much pain that being pinned down by her for hours on end is horribly painful and stressful. I hope it gets easier soon! Xx
Wow surprised you managed to make sense of my drool sleep post lol! Anya still isn't engaging that much but she's still asleep most of the time. She's got a lot more head control and gets focused on bright things like if the TV is on in the evening. She ha's no time for her bouncer or baby gym she just cries on them. She was mildly interested in a rattle if you put it on her foot.

Emily it makes a big difference getting the right sized pump.
Lisey I stopped bleeding out the blue one day I was still red bleeding but 2 or 3 days ago it just stopped.
Betty. It sounds awful what you went through I'm so sorry hun. If you ever need to talk you know we're all here for you x
Kabuk I'm still huge lol. I can fit in some of my mat clothes so my thighs are thinner but my jelly belly is massive still. I just Brough a small new wardrobe from everything5pound it will kerp me going. Just trying to get new bras from eBay lol

Thanks xx it is good to be able to come on here to chat.

On a lighter note - I've already lost two stone! I put on three throughout the pregnancy. I think a stone of that was fluid retention which made me look huge towards the end! I'm still wearing my maternity clothes though as I packed all my normal clothes away and I haven't had a chance to get to them yet. Xx
Emily I didn't realise you were hand expressing. I get hardly anything at all that way. My oh bought an electric pump and it's amazing. Our latch isn't quite right and I can't seem to fix it so unless I pump a few times a day too my supply goes right down. I highly recommend the medela pump, it was £90 but so so worth it. I find that I get a second round of milk if I stay on it for 15 mins at least on one side.

Kabuk that is such a nice picture. We've taken pictures of daisy but i had to take all the the apps off my phone after a traumatic birth, and I can't even look at the other sections of this forum yet.

Dovekie I've had a terrible time with my back and shoulders. For all the pain and suffering I've been through, other than the back contractions during labour, the worst pain has been this back and shoulder pain post op. They say it can be trapped gas, or it could be bruising from surgery or from the epidural. They really had to work hard to get daisy out of me she was so stuck! I'm trying to find the time and energy to get to the Dr's to see if there's anything I can do about it. So are you home now? Xx

I came home on Monday. It's been really stressful! Lots of ups and downs, crying one minute and happy the next.

My experience has traumatised me to some extent. The midwife gave me a number to call to talk about it. I can't talk about it when anyone asks without crying. No more pregnancies for me!

I had to hit the codeine last night. I'm pretty much alone at night and it's difficult. Lots of pains to deal with and awkward holding Owen and moving around, sorting bottles etc. Then there's the catheter! He's quite clingy through the night now and difficult to settle. I just got a sleepyhead bed for him as he's been sleeping with me! Hope you're coping ok with it all. It is very annoying not being well with a demanding newborn.

Bless you i know how you feel a bit, i admit I'm fairly traumatised too but I'm so lucky to have oh. I hope you have a less fussy baby than I seem to have so it's not too hard physically for you in the coming weeks. How long do you have to have the catheter for? Can't believe this has happened to you how awful :( I can't talk about it all without crying too and I'm pretty sure daisy is going to be an only child :( xx
I'll check out those pills, thanks.

Am I missing out on the cluster feeds? Owen is feeding every 2-3 hours. I realised that if he wants it earlier than this then he'll vomit it up, as he just wanted something to suck/some comfort. How will I know if it's actually a cluster feed and I should give him some?

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