massive TMI but im desparate


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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anyone heard of a chronic anal fissure??

well i have one, and im in so much pain id rather be doing childbirth than this.

its common after childbirth, its a small tear on your bottom hole basically that cant heal as your bowels open then it ruins any repair that it may have done in between if that makes sense?

well i was in so much pain on saturday i went to walk in clinic and he prescribed me some cream which just gives me headaches.
i had my postnatal check at doctors and was surprised she didnt examine me despite i was in theatre for 2 hours being repaired, anyway i told her that i had a fissure so she prescribed me another cream thing which is ok but when it wears off i just wanna die!

im seriously stuck and at the end of my tether with it. its raw skin down there that just gets worse each passing day. im at a point where i cant even get comfortable when im sitting down, and my god ive never cried and howled so much, not even when i was in labour.

I mean it when i say this is worse than labour. i really dont know what to do, has anyone heard of this or had this that has any advice? i cant cope with it any longer!
All I can think of is asking for a suppositary, that might help a little hun, have you spoken to your own GP? x
whats that?? i really really need help. lol. i didnt have my actual gp but he doesnt really see me that often anyway, im tempted to go to bloody a&e im in that much agony!!

I cant offer any advice, but i suffered with piles when pregnant (and they didnt go away after LO) and my god its more painful than childbirth!

Id say try another doctor at ur practice, or try ringing a local pharmacy, they might suggest something that might help,

Hope u start to recover soon xxx
whats that?? i really really need help. lol. i didnt have my actual gp but he doesnt really see me that often anyway, im tempted to go to bloody a&e im in that much agony!!

It's medication that you have to put up your bum (tmi) it's like a bullet shape and it softens your number two's so they come out without stretching your back passage giving it time to heal x
thanks princess, just got off phone to doc, he has prescribed me lactulose and some ointment, apparently while breastfeeding i cant have one of those?! hope the lactulose works x
My mum had a tear in her bum afew years ago. She had to have it stitched up cos like you say, everytime she went to the loo it would tear again!!
lactulose def is a good un, gave it to me after my operation and it certainly did the trick :shock:
Hugs x really hope you're ok x hope the lactulose helps x
I know someone who had an anal fissure and she had it repaired surgically it might be worth asking if it is causing u so much discomfort x hope u feel better soon Hun x
Oh I did wonder whether id potentially need surgery, I'm on the doctors case and going to see them again today. I can't bear it any more. It's way too painful to live with and I genuinely mean that! X
Oh you poor thing...I had terrible piles after giving birth and they reduced me to tears as well :(

it sounds like you're on the right track with lactulose and cream, but also you might want to try sitting on a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel, that might ease the pain a little?
Oh that's so awful for you. I tore through to my bum hole and had terrible time going to the loo with my first. It wasn't as bad as yours sounds tho. Although it hurt to he'll I was pretty numb down there for a while.
Aswell as what the doc prescribes, I strongly reccommended arnica creamand tablets xx
suppositories might agrevate the area more. Is the cream a local anaesthetic? if so keep applying that and keep your bowels as loose as you can manage, this will help by letting everything flow past without straining it, ofthen we get a local anaesthetic gel prescribed for patients :hug:
Well I am on cream no. 3 and I actually begged the doctor today foe better relief as I just can't cope with it!! He basically looked at it and there's 5 not one!! No wonder I feel like my guts are hanging out. He said it's childbirth related, but I just can't deal with it. The lactulose is taking ages to work, nothing as yet on the soft stools! I just keep piling the cream on. It's majorly majorly sore. X
Oh how awful for you :( I really hope the lactulose starts working soon and that helps a bit :hug: Would prune/orange juice etc help at all? x
I know it sounds awful (well it is) but don't go gently with trying to get motions soft, if you get them loose and then tweak the lactulose... Do not stop it, gradually reduce it by mls at a time x

Oh jeeze no wonder ur in so much pain hun, hope the cream starts to make a difference soon, big hugs x
oh hun!! it sounds awful! :hugs:
I had the biggest piles ive ever seen after i had Noa, they where big grape sized and it was horrendes, i had to sit on a bag of frozen peas when i breastfeed. But thats nothing compared to what you are going trough :hugs: i really hopw they can help you SOON. xx

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