***March Mummies ****

I'm 32 weeks, due 2nd march, great pregnancy so far. Working until 21st February, but shall see how it goes, mat leave starts due date but taking annual leave week before it. This is my second child and feel this one has been in the back burner more than my first. Have an awful lot going on in our lives, moving house in supposedly 11 days, and our son is undergoing treatments at the moment, so concentrating on him more than anything. Will get there eventually lol :)
how are we all getting on ladies? had my 31wk appointment yesterday and bloods done as couldn't have them at my 28wk as it was christmas eve. other than that cooking away nicely! hope everyone is getting on okay :) x
I'm 33+3 now. Had my antinatal class on Monday which was mainly pointless lol have my breast feeding session on Monday then mw on Wednesday then my final growth scan a week after that... Crazy how close its getting!

My acid is awful and kept me awake a lot last night.

I keep telling myself I'm on the home strech and just 3.5 weeks until baby is at term.
oh god my reflux is terrible too. scared incase im taking too many tablets and stuff though so trying to just put up with it for the most part - fee like i'll have a hole inm y chest by the end of this pregnancy.

I'm not bothering with antenatal classes. I'll probably regret it for breathing/pain management but hey-ho. would rather be calm and oblivious I think hah! x
They tell you nothing! Just to breathe with contractions not against to reduce pain and how gas and air works and about pethadine, diamorphine and epidurals. Explained that if you're without an epi pushing just happens naturally snd to watch Jeremy Kyle during birth to distract yourself lol

Looking forward to feeding session though
Hi Jojo,
Did you organise the breast feeding session via your midwife? Just i'd like to give it a go again this time, only managed 8 days with my little girl so determined to do better.
I arranged it via my antinatal clinic - just rang the reception and they have me an appointment but mw should arrange it too.
My acid reflux has been getting worse the last few days Gahh!

Just got a call that my blood is low so needing iron and as I was getting stomach pains to get peppermint oil capsules to take.

Have a scan on the 29th to check whether or not my placenta has moved up. If it's not moved baby will be here earlier than expected by C-section!
ive been given iron too... my levels arent low low but the treatable level is anything under 10.3 and im 10.7 so as ive been so lethaargic im on them now.

ive found myself sick when i smell certain things aa=gain like in tri1
They never told me what level I was just that I would "benefit" from them...would like to know just to be nosey!
the results will be in your notes hun under antinatal investigations... you jyst need to look at the result marked HB. im nosy and ask - my mum is a nurse and always asksme (she nosies through my notes every time i have an appointment lol) so i ask so i know lol
Ooh hello everyone :wave: I've just noticed this thread!!

I'm due 19th March and had a pretty trouble free pregnancy so far!
Planning on using natal hypnotherapy so hopefully the birth will be just as trouble free!

Finishing work on 14th Feb, can't wait!
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Hello ladies!

Looks like anaemia is the in thing at the moment as i have just been started on iron tablets too. It would explain why i feel so crappy and exhausted! I had my growth scan on Monday and all is good with baby, ive just got a neater bump this time round. Heartburn is a bitch still so swigging Gaviscon a lot. Getting cramps and sciatica more now too. Apart from this though, i cant complain! Getting excited about meeting baby now!

Main stressor for me at the moment is getting our house on the market! Got so much decluttering to do and lots of cleaning so we can get it ready for viewings. Im also doing a little pickles nearly new sale on Saturday so got to get all those bits priced and bagged up. Busy busy in the Pea household!

Hello all,

All good here, although movements have most definitely stepped up a notch. Kept awake at night now, which is proving to leave me drained during the day.

Thankfully I finish work on 21st Feb (at 35 weeks) - I know it's early but I've tons of hols I need to take before due date 27th March. So I'm looking forward to some time off.

I totally underestimated how tired I would feel - already this 3rd trimester I am starting to waddle (more comfy to walk this way LOL!) and I can't get comfy on my office desk chair. Love sitting on my birthing ball (rolling or bouncing gently on it).

Still feeling pretty calm about it all, thought I would've reverted back to previous panic state about the birth - but I am attributing it to the calming influence of the hypnobirthing cds I use regularly. I cannot recommend enough, and even if it all goes out the window on the day, it's worked wonders on keeping me calm and I'm actually looking forward to the birth now (strange but true!)...

I had my 28wk MW apt last week (when I was in fact 29wks) and the MW told me he has already turned, which is great news, really pleased. So all good so far...

Keep well all.. not long now!
Due date march 31st with baby girl no2
Sickness all way throughout has stopped now :)) jutbalwaysfeel sick but nothing comes up
3 weeks holiday then start mat leave till January 2015 ( seems so log away )

This pregnant has flew by, baby movements are gettin forceful at 28 week midwife baby was breech
Hope she turns :))
35 weeks isnt that early. i went off at 29 and not regretting it at all!
I'm going at just over 35 weeks too Melanie :) Looking forward to some rest too!
I was convinced when a few people said to me... you won't get this time back for some RnR and "me time". If I'm lucky enough to go on to have other kids, and you're in the last stages of pregnancy with a toddler - running around - you don't get the luxury of chilling out with the 2nd one. ;)

Anyone else's bubba movements bordering on painful sometimes ? Not always but some of the time I mean... 75% of the time I love it, but sometimes it takes your breath away (I guess with his feet up under my ribs I'm bound to get that right)... sometimes I find myself having to get up and move about to try shift his position to stop him kicking at a location that hurts.

Anyone else ?
Not been exactly painful for me yet, more ticklish.... but I did get my first kick in the ribs last night!

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