***March Mummies ****

I might post one today on my window with voile
Can't believe I'm almost 31 weeks, looking forward to the pregnancy bit to be done with and just have my little girl here

Finding myself getting more & more tired at work. And I still have over 8 weeks left working full time urgh!
i can't believe i have 40 days until EDD!
Went to the doctors today, and she advised she could give me an antibiotic as I have had a bad cough for 2 weeks and feel like I get phlem in my lungs. But I decided against the medicine, as she said it should go away after 3 weeks (ive had it 2 - and Im hoping to donate the blood from my placenta after giving birth and you cant do that if youve been on antibiotics!)

Also, got my whooping cough jag! I thought I had to book an appointment for it so she surprised me by saying we can do it now! Eeek So far its not so sore, hopefully it stays that way
Be careful with phleghm - a few years ago I had phleghm and thought nothing of it. A month later I lost my voice for 8 weeks (propper loss, not just croaky) because they caused my vocal chords to enflame and jus wten I get phleghm I have to have immediate treatment
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Oh dear! The doctor didn't seem to worried, she had a listen to my chest and said it sounds fine and my cough and phlegm should go away on its own

If it's still there after another week ill say at my next appointment, ideally would like to avoid antibiotics
oh yeah im just saying if it hasnt gone in a few weeks then go back.,

every time i get phleghm now i haver to have it treated as its happened once since and they said they werent sure if my voice would come back the same.
Never thought something like that could happen, eek! Thanks though, will make sure and keep an eye on it and if it persists ill go back :)
ofc i dont know how long i had it obstructing my cpords and was associated woth my asthma tooas that was causing the phlegm
I'm having a bit of a rubbish day. I'm off work today, (woo) but my boiler isn't working. So the house is cold, theres no hot water.

I feel suuper tired. Haven't even done anything this morning yet, except eat toast and watch tv and I feel like a need a nap.

aww we're having boiler issues too. it's still working fortunately but not quite right. Going to someone in to look at our whole heating system when I'm off for maternity as we may replace it.

Hope you get yours sorted soon! Not what you need when preggers x
I texted my landlord yesterday but he hasn't got back to me. If I don't hear from him this afternoon I'll phone him.

don't fancy sitting in a freezing house all weekend with no hot water
The boiler is leaking, and so is one of our radiators. Urgh, this is like the 5th time we have had trouble with our boiler!

In baby related news, 5 days until I get a scan to check whether or not my placenta is still low lying.

Part of me wants it to have moved up becos of the negatives of having a c-section (its major surgery, longer recovery time, large scar, higher risk of infection ect ect ect ) but then part of my thinks at least then I'll go into theatre and 15 mins later my little girl will be here. I really dread going through all the labour pains to end up needing an emergency section in the end anyway =/
Hi ladies, I'm having boiler issues too - how strange, also 5th time we've had an issue in a few months and it's only two years old and supposedly 'the best on the market!'. V annoying!

In more exciting news, I had my 32 week scan this week and placenta has completely moved up and out of the way - it was totally covering my cervix at 20 weeks, so v happy. Good luck for yours Kaedin.

Baby was so cute and big and now weight 4lbs...they predicted 7.5lb - 8lb but I think 4lb sounds big for 32 weeks so we'll see!

My bubs weighed 3.8 at 31 weeks so 4 sounds fine. I'm estimated at about 8-8.5lbs

Got another scan next wed - secretly hoping they'll tell me it's big so I get to be induce and have an actual date for baby to fine :)
My bubs weighed 3.8 at 31 weeks so 4 sounds fine. I'm estimated at about 8-8.5lbs

Got another scan next wed - secretly hoping they'll tell me it's big so I get to be induce and have an actual date for baby to fine :)

Hey Jojo, how do you know the estimated weight ? Is it in your notes, or do you ask ? If you do ask, is it just your MW you are asking or are you having a scan ? Just curious....

I seem to be "all bump" but wondering if I'm likely a big baby or a smaller one - just curious I guess...

Oh I'm excited to see my little one again! :D Hope they tell me what she weighs too, thats exciting

I've been a little worried she is small, as I haven't gained much weight, but im sure she's doing fine. Always been looking very healthy in all the scans and has a very strong heartbeat
No I had a scan at 29+3 and bubs was 3.2 but they found j had low fluid snd j freaked out snd the main consultant came in to reassure me snd said my baby was fine and growing fine and probably about 8-8.5 at term

Then j went back 31+1 and baby was 3.8

I go back next we'd fir my last growth scan

The consultant said they work it out as past 30weejs add 0.5lbd a week to get eaton ayes weight. By her reckoning I should be about 5.5-6lbs at my next scan I think
The weight is on your notes as they and when they scan you. You just have to convert it from grams to lbs
The weight is on your notes as they and when they scan you. You just have to convert it from grams to lbs

Ah OK I see. I haven't have a medical scan since 20wks so of course his weight is tiny... :) I had a 3d scan at 29wks but of course no weight given.

Thanks xx

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