The Birth of Samuel Keyaan Anthony! *Updated Pic*


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2011
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Baby Keyaan was born at 13:14pm on Wednesday 28th March.
Weight: 9lb 8oz. Length: 55cm

Here are the events which caused this... (try keeping it to bullet points to prevent boredom!!) SORRY if it's still too long!

Monday 26th March 4:15pm: Go for sweep. Midwife says she can't do sweep because of clear liquid on the bed, thought waters had broken, told her my PJ's felt damp this morning but thought id just had a clammy night :s .She calls hospital for me to go in that evening.

Monday 6;00pm: Get monitored for an hour on ward, irregular contractions (no pain, just tightening but showing pretty intense on the monitor). Nurse decides it was jus discharge and no waters, performs sweep, and get sent home as induction booked Weds morning if nothin happends before then.

Tuesday 27th March (where the FUN begins!)​

7:30am: wake up feeling something could happen today! Damp Pj's again

8;00am: go to the toilet and realise i was still peeing with no control, tried a pelvic floor exercise... never stopped the flow. after 10 minz constant trickling i text my mum "THINK WATERS DEFFO GONE TODAY!"

8;30am: Phone labour ward, they as "are you sure waters have gone" at least 5 times!! "YES DEFFINATLEY".. have an appt to the ANDU (anti-natal day unit) for 2:15pm

9:30am: go for a walk up and down the hill with 2 maternity pads on, having images of being like the old woman on little britain leaving a wee-trail! (lucky never happened!)

12;00pm Waters been going constantly, like gushes, bouncing on a ball with towels making a nice water feature in my living room! SO MUCH WATER!!.. Make our way to the hospital

2;00pm: lie on bed waiting to get examined, water EVERYWHERE, MW says "no need to examination, waters deffo gone!"

----Hour passes as they decide whether waters DID actually go yesterday (hind waters) or if today, send me home, or keep me in as it would have been 48 hrs if hind waters went yesterday. Dr arrives and admits me to the ward-----

Midwife ask if i'd like some lunch or be sent to delivery ward for pessary to try get things goin... OFF TO LABOUR WARD!
- 2-3cm Dilated!! Pessary inserted, monitored for an hour. watching contractions but not too painfull..

6:45pm- Have a sandwich, Back to labour ward, contractions every 5 minutes, jus light period pains.

10;00pm - MW convinces mum to go home as she sees no progress happening through night 3cm with tightenings.

--- pain gets worse, still every 5 minutes, TENS machine NOT working. Back pain unbearable!---

12;00 - wait for more co-codamol, no sign of nurse.
12:45 - get up to find MW for tablets, tell her pain is unbearable, she says its due to pessary wearing off and possible labour starting.

1;00am- MW sends me to delivery ward for stronger pain relief (Yipeee Diamorphine to sleep??)

1:10am - MW says they will start me off now as was due to be Induced in the morning anyway, offer epidural i start to panic as i didn't want epidural, ask them to wait until my mum arrives to help with my decision.

1:30am- i ask MW what the chances of ending up with epidural or spinal are anyway, she says likely as i haven't been dilating, and baby appears back 2 back, so have epidural.

3;00am- epidural AMAZING pain relief, and hormone drip started, monitor showing contractions every 3 minz, but still only 3-4cm dilated.
Get told to try and sleep but to much adrenaline pumping.

7;00am-7:30am - start feeling pain in legs and stomach again!

8:30am they see Epidural has fallen out and no longer working (I KNEW I HAD PAIN!)

9:30am- Drs and MW come in and decide NOT to give another Epidural as so much time has passed without any dilation, C-section would happen in 4 hours (1:30pm)

9:45am- settle for Diamorphine & Gas&Air as mum says i should try one more hour rather than go straight for C-section

10:15am- Contractions REALLY painful. bursting for wee- end up having catheter inserted. RELIEF!!! (5-6cm dilated!)

-----DIAMORPHINE REALLY NOT WORKING! Gas & air making me feel drunk, not enjoyable
MP3 Player in, music distracting, start singing out loud!-----------

12:50pm- contractions constant and unbearable, need another wee, bed pan-placed under me, ask to turn round to lean over top of bed and bear down on my knees.

12:58pm - I NEED TO PUSH!!!!

13:14pm- Keyaan enters the world, Bright Purple, Cord around his neck but healthy with no drugs other than Gas&Air!

13:30pm- get shown placenta, unbelievable! MASSIVE!!!... can't believe he lived on that for 9 whole months!

----SINCE THEN, In love with the most beautiful boy ever!---- xxxxx

MORAL OF THE STORY: you can never prepare yourself for how much water you might lose, and SCREW the birthplan, because they don't look at it, & you're not going to follow it!


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Great story nikki, I loved it! Well done to u sounds like u did amazing hun xxx

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