*March and April mums and babies*

Caleb is a lovely name chrissie! Good job you haven't registered him yet! There was a registrar based in our hospital so we registered Zach the day after he was born! No changing our minds (not that we want to!)

Cakey, I know how that feels! Zach will fall asleep on the boob but it takes a few sessions of feed, fall asleep, put down before he eventually settles for the night. We're feeding now so keeping fingers crossed we will be as successful as last night!
Good luck for weigh in emmalouise.
Chrissie I believe you can change baby's name at any point in the first year legally without hassle x
Thanks Nik, wow really spinsugar, I didn't know that although luckly we haven't registered him yet, I can see all 3 of us are up at this time! Really hoping he will go down now after his feed and nappy change lol good luck ladies, hope we all get some more sleep! Xxx
Finally managed to get Mia to settle upstairs in her moses basket last night so got a semi good nights sleep. We've gotta book an appointment to register Mia should really do it soon as the appointments seem to fill up fast.
How's everyone this morning? Xx
Morning all!
We spent yet another day in hospital with Jenson yesterday!,
Hes still 14% below his birth weight at 4lb 15ozs! & he hadnt pooed for 5 days so midwife had a flap and sent us in again.
Thankfully all is fine and he's gained 60g so hopefully we're on the way up with weight! Can't believe he's 2 weeks old today!
Big sister is still completely obsessed


Sorry to hear lots of you have babies who dont like sleep, We had it with DD so invested in a co sleeper crib this time (you can see where olivia jumped in for a cuddle above) So i can lay next to him and latch him on to feed then go back to sleep! Its been a godsend! He just latches off when hes finished. x
I shouldn't have boasted about Monday nights sleep...last night was pretty bad. Took him upstairs 11.30, tried putting him down a few times eventually he fell asleep beside me and I woke about 3 to move him into crib. Up again at 5.30, 7, 8.30 and now sleeping soundly beside me in bed but of course now I can't sleep!! It's a good job he is cute! Annoying coz he slept on hubby from about 8pm till we took him upstairs...we should have put him in his basket and slept then!

Gonna try and get to baby massage class today! Anyone done one yet?

Hope everyone has a nice day! X
Think ive figured out that Mia likes to be swaddled when she goes to sleep of a night she seemed to sleep better like that. Oh suggested that I sleep downstairs with her as thats where she seems to be sleep best but I dont think my back would cope with sleeping on the settee lol
Still waiting for midwife to come. Wish they would give us a time so we know what time they're coming instead of waiting around all day.
Need to go town to get a few bits and send off a game that oh sold on ebay last night so need to get the last post which is 4 o'clock ao hoping shes here before then.

We've had an good day so far. Kids have been playing and getting along as for the last couple of days they've done nothing but bicker lol think they're gettin fed up of not letting off steam in school and running around with their friends x
HV came this morning! At 6 weeks 1 day my little chunka weighs 9lb 3oz following the 25th centile beautifully! Birth weight of 6lb1, went down to 5lb12 after birth & has gained gained gained since then!! She's still so diddy though & in newborn clothes still!!
I also got told off by the HV as I'm back in the gym- she feels that I shouldn't be yet, but I feel fine, I'm not training hard so why shouldn't i be?
My sister is now 6 days overdue... & really pee'd off! She's not allowed to be induced so she has to go 15 days over then it'll be a sectio ! She's more annoyed that if she'd gone for elective over natural she would've had him 3 weeks ago! Lol! Xxx
Awww thats a great weight for 6 weeks :) midwife came and weighed Mia. Shes only gained an ounce! Looks like shes gonna be a tiny little baby for a while! Midwife said its nothing to be concerned about just yet.
Blood pressure is finally back to normal :) still gotta take the medication for it for now until I see the doctor on Monday.

Newborn doesnt even come close to fitting Mia lol we're struggling to find clothes that fit her lol they all seem to just hang off of her cuz of Diddy she is. X
Hi ladies, how is everyone doing? Caleb was really good last night, settled at 12:20am and didn't feed again until 4:30am and then went back down until after 7am :shock: bet he will be awful tonight to make up for it lol

Off to get my 3 year olds pre school booster, he is gonna hateeeeeeeeeeeeeee me, dreading it ugh :wall2:
Oh lucky you chrissie! we had a great night Monday but past 2 have been bad! Good luck with the jabs! X
Wow, Jake was amazing, didn't cry at all, was like it never happened :shock:
Ladies, sorry for tmi - but are any of you so many weeks on and still bleeding? Jake will be 6 weeks Friday and I am still bleeding on and off. Like 99% of the time over the past 2 weeks there is pretty much nothing, then randomly one day I think ok maybe this is the normal period so many weeks after... But then after a day it stops and goes light again. I'm getting sick of wearing pads! My doctor check is next week but thought i may as well ask on here?? The thought of any sexy time is a big no no for me :( Xx
For me I bled for 5 weeks, then it stopped for a week and then I got my period and it was super heavy for 5 days! Only just stopped bleeding again 3 days ago and Caleb is 7 weeks. GP will ask if u are still bleeding so best to mention it I guess, its horrible though isn't it? Xxx
Thanks Chrissie. Yes it's horrible and so bloody annoying lol. Oh my does the doctor do an internal check, I hope I don't come on and it be super heavy then her be like shall I check down there. I know I've been in labour and all but still.... Haha xx
I think they will only do an internal if you request one.
I bled for 3.5 weeks and then had dischargey blood for a week- but I'm breastfeeding! Not looking forward to giving up & getting my periods back :cry:

Jay gives Milania a bottle of expressed breast milk at around 7pm before she goes to bed, we've been using tommee tippee bottles but she's got horrendous colic and just screams constantly for an hour before she exhaustly crashes out- changed to Dr Browns tonight & (touchwood) she went down really easily, no fuss, tears, screaming or knees round her ears! They're really expensive but if they work then so worth it! Didn't realise how much air she took in with the TTs! Xxx
Been having screaming for the last hour, knew I would pay tonight for it, i'm guessing colic as his tummy is rock hard and pulling legs up, I'm using avent bottles, wondering if I should change now, they have an Anti colic valve, dunno if it works though :wall2:
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Do those bottles leak GF? I formula feed so I don't want all the milk to leak out and be gone when I really need it? I'm also gonna try gripe water I think x
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