*March and April mums and babies*

Ugh I'm meant to be on a diet and i just stuffed my face with birthday cake, can't believe I'm 40, I feel so old!

Happy birthday Chrissie! Xxx I know how u feel about diet- I've got no willpower right now lol! I keep saying I'm on a diet, then I go to the fridge and eat a creme egg! Diet starts Monday... Promise!

What a stressful day! Recieved a phonecall from my mum at 11.30 to say my sister had text my dad to tell him she was in labour, 7cm dilated. I instantly text her- didn't get a response, but didn't expect too... Roll on the afternoon, still no heard anything! Mum rung at 5pm to ask if I'd heard anything, hadn't, no one had! Que dad panicking, pacing around. At 7pm my sisters mum (we're half sisters) rung my dad to ask if he'd heard anything, she'd been trying to call my sis and her OH but no answer and the hospital wouldn't tell her anything. Now everyone's panicking. Rung jays dad to see if his mum was working (she's a midwife) luckily she was so i managed to get hold of her & she went and found her! My nephew was born this afternoon, by emergency section, 9'days overdue... 10lb4!! Mum, dad and baby understandably exhausted! I don't know the ins and outs- but we've all cried with relief that she's ok, we where starting to fear something was really wrong! My sisters going to ring me in the morning- I can't wait to speak to her! Xxx
Happy Birthday Chrissie!! Ah sod it you only have one birthday a year you are allowed a chunk of cake :)! Oh and you are not old either!
I'm meant to be on a diet too. I started running but realised my bra was totally not supportive and my boobs were all over the place haha. Went to Bravissimo yesterday for a bra fitting so got meself some new bras and 2 sports ones. Running will commence next week with boobs in place! Ha!
Oh wow GF what a dramatic day for you but glad they are all ok and you can now all relax a bit more. Wowzers 10lb4 I could not imagine pushing that out. My friend did a normal labour for 10lb1 that sounded painful enough. Just glad they are all ok. Bet you are super excited to meet bubba and see them xx
Haha sarah, I did my insanity dvd the other day and my boobs where everywhere! I had to do it holding them lol! I too bought a new sports bra today so looking forward to training Monday!
Major wowzers! We knew he would be big, but weren't expecting that big. We all kind of thought around the 9lb mark!! Very excited to see them, but just glad they are both ok.'what has annoyed me slightly though is that she had to go for a scan on thurs because they couldn't tell what position he was in. My sister has hip dysplasia and her consultant in London said under no circumstances was she to be induced or have any form of intervention I.e forceps/ventHose because they could dislocate or caused perm damage to her hips/pelvis... At that scan they would've seen the size of him, so why not of said "look, he's a big baby, your not allowed any form of intervention, the best thing for you is to take you down for a section" ?!?!?! I can't help but think an emergency section must be worse than a planned?! Just feel so sorry for her right now xxx
Her OH just rung.... He was 10lb7oz!!
Happy birthday chrissie! Hope you have been spoilt.

Wowzers gf,that is one big baby! At least she didn't have to push him out!!
Zach is 4 weeks today so I guess I should start thinking about exercise again soon! Trouble is I am still getting jagged by the stitches that are on the outside that haven't dissolved yet :-s. Plus the lack of sleep is not doing anything for my motivation. Well done to those that have started already! Oh and I am def gonna need a new sports bra, I had big boobs to start with but now they are huge! X
Oh niknak don't push yourself to get back to excercise until ur 100% ready! You don't want to do more harm than good! I'm only easing myself in- if I'm too tired or we have a bad night I generally don't bother, I'm not being overly hard on myself currently! Milania will be 7 weeks Tuesday, it's only the last week I've been excercising xxx
Defo agree with GF NikNak. Jake is just over 6 weeks. I have been for the odd walk/jog but that's all. Next week im going to go every other day when OH gets in from work but no doubt will do more power walking than running!
Oh my GF!!! Definitely if she had the scan they should have said something sbout the size. It's worrying isn't it. 10,7 that is a bigggggg bubba! Bless her bet she is glad it is all over. I would think emergency would always be worse than planned. At least with planned you know it's going to happen, emergency I recon I would find scary. One minute your going for a normal delivery, next thing rushed to theatre? Not that I have experience in it. You will have to let us know what he looks like. My friends 10lb1 baby looked like how Jake looks now at 6 weeks, So crazy!! Xx
Cakey she was born on the 31st March 5lb 6oz full name is Mia Joy price. Was originally an April baby :)

We had a bit of a bad night. She just wouldn't settle properly and she scared oh with her breathing. He thought she was gonna have to be taken into hospital. It sounded like she was struggling to take a breath. Once she was winded and brought a little sick up she was fine. Shes now sleeping. Been a long couple of days. My other daughter has been ill. She got taken to the doctors Friday following a really high temp and shes got a ear nose and throat infection and shes done nothing but whine cry and sleep on and off hoping shes starting to feel better today. Shes just lying in bed watching Netflix.

How's everyone today? X
She sent me a pic this morning! He's huge, but he's a beaut! Apparently hosp going to let her home tomorrow but I'm going to leave Milania with my mum & pop up the hosp with my dad abit later on! She's battered and bruised and had to row with them about taking her catheter out as it was hurting! Poor love! Xxx
Quiet in here! Babies must be keeping us busy!!

Got a couple of definite smiles from our wee fella today! Haven't managed to get him on camera yet tho!

Hope everyone is good,are there any more April mums ready to join us yet?? X
Babies definitely keeping me busy! Had my first whole long day on my own with baby Jensen and my 2 year old! It was crazy and only a couple of stressful moments! My toddler is incredibly demanding at the moment and is none stop with his activity too! Baby Jensen so far is a good baby, I've probably jinxed myself now and he will turn into a nightmare. My toddler when he was a baby was a colicky baby, couldn't put him down and he didn't feed well until 8-10 weeks. So complete opposite of what I'm experiencing with Jensen so far. I guess it could all change but for now we are doing well!
Back to being up every 2 hours for the last 2 nights! So tired ugh
Chrissie I'm feeling your pain... On the hour since 1! Sore boobies, sore head!!
Yeah it's so hard isn't it? I did the school run with my eyes hanging out of my head lol also had Caleb weighed, he is 11lbs 9oz now at 8 weeks, doesn't sound a lot? but he is in 3-6 months clothes now and to be honest I can't see them lasting very long either :shock: also have the dreaded first lot of jabs next week, anyone else here have to have the BCG one done too? x
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Can I join you? Baby Arran made his dramatic arrival on Saturday, I was taken in to be induced as he was measuring in the 5th centile and my BP was raised. My blood results came back as abnormal and therr was concerns for my kidney and liver function so i was fitted with a catheter. As soon as my contractions after the 1st tablet (can't remember the name) his heart rate dropped so I was transferred to labour ward for closer assessment - this was a 5 minute stay before it was decided I was going for a section and didn't have time for a spinal so had to go under general anisthetic. Arran needed resuscitated after he arrived and after 2 hours on the special care unit he was brought to me in high dependency in the labour ward. We have just been transferred to a general ward this afternoon as my blood and liver tests have now stabilised. I was taken off oxygen and IV fluids yesterday and today the catheter was removed. Which now means i can act like a real mum instead of relying on OH and midwives. Turns out it looks like I had diabetes Insipidus and my placenta was creating enzymes that was attacking my pituitary gland. We are still looking at potentially another 48 hours in hospital.

Arran is perfect he's such a content baby oblivious to the drama around his arrival, doctors warned us how easily things could have been different and how important it was for them to move so quickly.

Can't wait to get home with our boy x
Yeah it's so hard isn't it? I did the school run with my eyes hanging out of my head lol also had Caleb weighed, he is 11lbs 9oz now at 8 weeks, doesn't sound a lot? but he is in 3-6 months clothes now and to be honest I can't see them lasting very long either :shock: also have the dreaded first lot of jabs next week, anyone else here have to have the BCG one done too? x

It is really hard, even harder as my OH is having to take really strong sleeping tablets due to stress & is completely oblivious to it all. Had home snoring his head off on my right and a screaming baby on my left!
Was meant to have her 6 week check up (a week late due to short staff apparently!) today... Got down to the docs to be told its actually on thurs.. Despite them sending me a letter to say it's today & they also put the wrong time on it!!! Grrrrr!

Can I join you? Baby Arran made his dramatic arrival on Saturday, I was taken in to be induced as he was measuring in the 5th centile and my BP was raised. My blood results came back as abnormal and therr was concerns for my kidney and liver function so i was fitted with a catheter. As soon as my contractions after the 1st tablet (can't remember the name) his heart rate dropped so I was transferred to labour ward for closer assessment - this was a 5 minute stay before it was decided I was going for a section and didn't have time for a spinal so had to go under general anisthetic. Arran needed resuscitated after he arrived and after 2 hours on the special care unit he was brought to me in high dependency in the labour ward. We have just been transferred to a general ward this afternoon as my blood and liver tests have now stabilised. I was taken off oxygen and IV fluids yesterday and today the catheter was removed. Which now means i can act like a real mum instead of relying on OH and midwives. Turns out it looks like I had diabetes Insipidus and my placenta was creating enzymes that was attacking my pituitary gland. We are still looking at potentially another 48 hours in hospital.

Arran is perfect he's such a content baby oblivious to the drama around his arrival, doctors warned us how easily things could have been different and how important it was for them to move so quickly.

Can't wait to get home with our boy x

What a dramatic entrance! U poor love! Hopefully u won't be in hosp much longer! Xxx
You are lucky allthingsgirly! We actually had a good night last night, zach went almost 5 hours!!
At 9lb2 he is still in newborn clothes although they are getting a bit short for him now but 0-3 still drowns him!
Zach had tongue tie but we had it cut privately and I can't tell you the difference. Best money we ever spent.
Don't let them scare you out of breastfeeding, give it a go anyway but don't be disheartened if it doesn't work, you can always express!!x

It's during the day he is most awake & ratty thankfully so at night I get a good nights sleep but how long this will last I don't know. My little boy is still in tiny baby clothes even though he has gained his birth weight plus 10grams, all his other clothes just drown him at the moment!

I'm still not sure what to do about the tounge tie im getting different advice from different people & it's confusing me ESP when I want to do the best for my little boy so that's making me emotional as I just don't know what to do!

With regards the breastfeeding I tried again once I got home & sadly he just wouldn't takw to it like he wouldn't at the hospital so I'm not disheartened now because I know ive tried & it hasn't worked out! My milk only leaked for about 2 days and that was just once so think I've dried up now I didn't think of expressing & think I'll be too late now? In fact if I had thought of expressing it would have been better because I was wanting to bring him up vegetarian until he could choose either way & the milk ive got him on has fish oil in it so I was upset at that as thought milk was milk didn't think to check! Tried him on some vegetarian milk and with it being soya I don't think it is agreeing with him as in he's finding it difficult to go to the toilet properly so ive put him back onto his other milk. If I had thought of expressing myself he could have had my milk & I wouldn't have had to worry about it being suitable for vegetarians then least I know he would have still been getting the goodness he knows as im not sure soya is good for him unless he had an intolerance to milk which he doesn't have.
Ive jus got back from getting my little boy registered this afternoon, he is now official!! I can't believe it made me emotional but it did.
Welcome CDx! That does sound dramatic but glad you are heading in the right direction.

Allthingsgirly I know what you mean re the differing advice, different midwives told us different things but in the end it was the best thing for us to do.
I would have a go at expressing, you could always try, there are things you can take to increase your supply, I've just started taking fenugreek and if you are into baking try these lactation cookies. My cousin made some for me and I've just ordered the ingredients to make a batch myself

Can't guarantee it will work but if you feel passionately about it it's worth a shot.

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