*March and April mums and babies*

I'm still bleeding from labour but really hoping that my period stays away a bit longer. Sorry to hear it's so heavy Chrissie :(
Can I ask what everyone is doing in regards to contraception? I'm in two minds, I want to take either the mini pill or have the coil put in. I'm terrible with remembering pills but if we did want to TTC again, it's going to be much easier than having a coil out. Xx
Cakey I think I'm going to have the coil! My periods are really painful & heavy so midwife recommended it. Jays adament that we aren't going to have anymore babies- right now I'm quite content with just Milania but I can't say that in a few years I won't want another! May look into freezing my eggs xxx
See atm I'm adamant we won't have anymore babies but OH says I will change my mind and I probably will lol xxx
No idea what to use, lots of things don't agree with me but I won't be be having any more that's for sure, 5 is plenty lol
I just feel right now thT I can't even remember my nAme half the time- will I remember to take the pill?!
Oh Chrissie- never say never! My mum said only 1... She was 27- she had another at 44! Xx
I shall be going back to the coil (copper) I don't like to use anything that has hormones in it. I also said that was it at 29 with one of each now look at me, giving birth at 42! As he was a very happy surprise I will need to find a contraceptive that's almost fool proof (I e I won't have to remember or do anything) as I am very fertile :D xx
im considering the copper coil as im pretty certain were done with babies now. how do you find it demaris? hormonal contraception really doesn't agree with me.

little J had lost another 50g today. making him 4lb 15. we were given the choice of admission for iv or formula top ups. unsurprisingly we chose the latter!
Em sorry that your lo is still not putting on weight... That must be so stressful as you can't really do anything about it. Hope formula top ups are going to make a difference!
Demaris I'm just reading about coils, but stars scare me. 1/100 women will get pregnant every year. So if I have it for, say, 10 years, there is a 10% chance to get pregnant?? That is a lot! Doesn't this worry you?
Olya I think it's the same for a lot of contraception. They say 99% effective because some women do get pregnant so they can't say 100% xx
I think out of all the contraception the coil is most affective and I found least invasive in a medication sense. I was offered the mirena coil as it can stop periods etc but I decided to go for the copper one. I did however get a polyp, whether that was down to the coil or not I cannot say, but I started to get bleeding in between periods and so had th coil removed and was investigated-and got pregnant lol.

It can make your periods heavier, so if this is a problem for you then maybe have an open mind. It did make mine heavier but nothing I couldn't cope with (I am a 3 weeker and last only about 3 to 4 days).

If you search online you will read loads of horror stories, but I feel those that do have a story to tell are more likely to post than those who have had no problems so it's not a fair picture of experience.

At least with the coil you can try it out and if it doesn't agree it can be removed painlessly and easily :)
Just ordered a bunch of 3-6 months clothes, can't believe how big he seems to be getting already, all his 0-3 months are too tight!
Awww Reuben is still a little small for his 0-3 clothes, he has so much that won't fit him for ages!
Felix wom't fit in his newborn clothes or nappies - they're too big :| we had to go out and get premature nappies for him, but he was 7lb 8oz at birth so not tiny or anything, it's weird!
Lanny yes you must be right - I found a table of most effective contraceptives, and it does seem that coil is no worse than any other methods.

Demaris, difficult to say if heavy periods would be a problem or not, as I used to be on a pill for ages and my periods were light. Then in between my pregnancies I was breastfeeding, and period-free (and loved it)! No idea what my natural period would be like...

Need to consider all these options seriously before my 6 weeks checkup, apparently that's the time to discuss it and make a decision with a GP.
That's the other thing some of you ladies have brought up about the coil that you can get hormone free one. I'm absolutely convinced that although I've been pregnant I've actually lost a bit of weight because I haven't been taking any contraception. When I was on the implant I absolutely piled on the pounds and still now am finding it hard to shift :( I don't know if I want to go back to fighting my weight. There's just too much to think about with contraception. I've been so happy that whilst pregnant I didn't have to think about it lol xxx
Lanny yeah that's another thing to consider. For me the pill worked great - cleared my skin very nicely as a bonus. But now after I had OC they don't recommend to use pills which contain estrogen. So I would need to get the other type, and who knows what effect those would have on me! :-/

No idea what to do!
Had an awful night last night with Milania. She went 8.45 til 1.30, fed for 45 mins and was awake again just before 3... Where she proceeded to nap for 10 mins, scream for 20 until 7 this morning! She then slept 11-2.30 but sadly I was out with my mum getting my little sisters bday presents so haven't managed to have any sleep! She went down at 8 (abit early for her but she couldn't keep her eyes open) we've not long finidhrd our dinner, in just attached to my pump then I'll be going to bed! Xxx
Sorry to hear about your rough night GF :( 8.45 -1.30 is bloody great though!
My lo is awake till midnight - feeds - wakes about 2 - settles finally about 4 then awake again at 6 so not much sleep all round. Makes me want to give a bottle! !

Weve got our first cold. He's had it for a few days now and can hardly breathe. It's making night times an absolute nightmare! :(

Anyone with a colicky baby more than 4 weeks old who wants a little more help than infacol I can't reccomend gripe water enough. 5ml in her bottle last night with infacol, she's slept 8-1.30 fed and gone back down til now with no fuss. After her night feeds she's very fussy, fussy on the boob, fussy to burn & then lays for an hour and grunts and groans and thrashes about before falling back asleep- none of that tonight! Xx

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