*March and April mums and babies*

Thanks u! Present from grandma! Her cousin had a lamb one- but he failed to arrive on time and is 3 days late! My sister is seriously cheesed off! Lol! X
What a gorgeous picture, she looks so lovely in that outfit xx
So cute! Didn't get any of Oliver as he has been in an awful mood but this is my 3 year old first thing this morning xx


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Aww lovely pics ladies!

Happy Easter everyone! Xx
Hi everyone hope everyone is doing well, can't believe we all have our babies now or is their anyone else still waiting? Seems like a lifetime since I was last on here lots to update but mostly all positive which is good!

I was finally induced at term +15 as my little boy didn't want to come out but he finally came into the world on 30th March @ 11.14am with a few little exciting dramas along the way! Can't believe he is a week old already feels like I've had him forever. He is just perfect I can't actually believe he is mine he is just gorgeous! Everyone who has met him so far is in love with him & can't get over how beautiful he is. I've never felt so much love before in my entire life. He is a very good baby though most of the time I don't even know I have got him he's so chilled out which now makes sense as to why I felt limited movement with him.
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Hi ladies original April mommy here but dd was born on the 31st March :)
Shes called Mia Joy

Shes settled in great apart from of a night from 11 onwards she takes a good hour to 2 hours to settle upstairs for bed. Tried pretty much everything. Hoping tonight will be a better night gonna take het up to bed a bit earlier see if that makes a difference.

Anyway heres a pic of our tiny little dot :)
Congrats and welcome allthingsgirly and Emma Louise!

We had our first public breastfeed yesterday! It wasn't too traumatic! But I am not in any hurry to repeat just yet.

Had a great night sleep last night (sorry for boasting!) went down at 11.30, up at 4.30 for an hour then back down till oh was going to work at 8. I feel so refreshed!! Shopping must do the trick to tire him out!
Congrats and welcome over ladies xxx

I'm off to register Oliver on Friday, it's taking this long to just get an appointment, I'm having 2nd thoughts on the name!! the more I look at him the more I feel Oliver just isn't right for him :wall2: been giving it a lot of thought and I seriously think I'm going to change it to Caleb lol
Hey ladies and babies. First post in here now with baby lol...
I have loads of catching up to do.. cant believe Pàdraig is a week old tomoro time is flying in.. still can't believe my pregnancy is all over. I'm already thinking of when we can try again. I reckon another 3 years il be asking try again.
So breastfeeding is going very well.. I'm enjoying it and feel more confident this time round although haven't been out in public yet that problem be a bit daunting til I get hang of it. Pàdraig dropped til 6lb 14.5oz by Saturday and by Monday was back up til 7lb 5.5oz. So mummy is making him big and strong delighted. He had his heel prick yesterday and it didn't even take flinch from him.
Welcome over TT, lovely to have u with us and glad all is going well xx
Been a bit daunting having such a small baby. Mia was only 5lb 6oz when she was born last week midwife weighed her Sunday and shes still the same she hasnt lost or gained any.
She had a bit of trouble keeping her body temp up so they had to put her on a heated mattress for the first 2 days. Also her blood sugars were low so they had to keep testing it Everytime she was due a feed we finally got home friday afternoon.

Hopefully at her next weighing tomorrow she will have gained some.
Shes only taking 1-2oz of milk every 3/4 hours hoping that this is normal for her being 4 weeks early xx
My little boy was going to be oliver but then we changed our minds and called him Ollie instead lol x
I think that sounds the right amount for her size, we thought about Ollie too but I'm gonna go with Caleb and have Oliver as a middle name xx
Hello ladies that have joined us :) will add you to the front page if you want.
Chrissie I love the name Caleb, if OH liked it then Oscar would have been Caleb for definite. Maybe you could keep Oliver as a middle name?
Really finding sleep deprivation hard atm and I find myself getting really frustrated with Oscar overnight. He'll settle perfectly in his Moses basket until I get into bed and then it's cry, kick off blankets, spit out dummy, wait for mummy to tuck him back in, put his dummy back in and stroke his head. 5 minutes later it's the same thing and he'll do it for about an hour, so hard :( also expressing milk is so time consuming, I really wish he would have booby xxx
Yeah I'm keeping Oliver as a middle name, Caleb starts his screaming around 10 or 11 and doesn't settle until about 1 or 2, he likes his cot a lot more than the pram though so once he settles he seems to sleep for about 3 hours at a time and 4 last night! I've also increased his bottles to 5oz now xx
Shall I change Caleb's name on the front page for you? :) do you formula feed? Oscar can have between 4 and 5 ounces now, he's so hungry lol xxx
Yes please, its Caleb Oliver Thomas Cassidy now and yes he is bottle fed xx
Add us too little boy called Pádraig Oisín born 1st April
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