*March and April mums and babies*

I've been very much MIA past few weeks (i also lost this thread)but also been hetic! I've moved house, been on holiday, my little boy turned 6 months & 2 days before he said his very first word! We are also now weaning & we are yet to find anything in which he doesn't like he is such a good little eater & can even feed himself occasionally! I am so proud of him. I am not quite getting to grips with the whole weaning thing though i'm not sure how much to give him at this stage so i am constantly worrying i may overfeed him as he just loves his food he would keep eating if i let him! At the moment i am giving him the Ella Kitchen pouches but want to make my own food but don't know where to start! We see the HV next week though so hopefully we can have a more indepth chat then about it.

We found out whilst away that he hates the travel cot i had to co-sleep a lot of the time he was that unsettled at points he would scream when we put him down in it & this would be when he was fast asleep he just hated it that much! I don't blame him though as the travel cot provided was terrible the bottom was just like a board i don't think i'd very much like to sleep on something so uncomfortable! We are planning another break away towards the end of the month so dreading getting him back to his routine again to have it all undone again so soon! Space in the car is very limited so couldn't take my own cot with me anyone any ideas on how i can get him to settle without putting him in with me?

Just popping this out there would a private facebook group be easier for people to keep updated? I don't use fb all that much but possibly would if it was a closed private group where no one on my friends list could see my posts!
hey guys nice to hear updates, our lil miss also now nearly 6 months old and have been weaning for a month...both finger food and purees.;..allthingsgirly so long as you start offering solids after a milk feed they wont overfeed as they are already full just exploring/tasting...despite this our lil miss can take 4-6 tspoons per sitting, 1/4 slice of bread and a handful of carrot stix polus about 15ml water...not sure where she puts it but I remember readiung somewhere that so long as they arent hungry for milk they will stop when they're full...our lil miss has only just starting reducing her bottle qts but think thats cos she was goin through a growth spurt where she drank 1100ml every day for a week! now back to 950ml...also mastering the spoon reasonably well as well as a sippy cup...have lots of cute videos of highchair mess/fun lol...tried all veg and mixes with meat now on fruit and desserts...wouldnt be able to advise on the preparing your own as just working on the jars myself atm plus fruit and veg finger food which I cook to soften...

with travelling we have our own travelcoit and you are right the bases are c+++ so have bought a foldaway travel cot mattress and that works wonders for her...take her usual bedding and mobile (positioned somewhere in the room somehow! and she slept fine...mind you havent been away since she started STTN and I moved out of nursery a month ago (woohoo - we now have a 12hr sleeper!).
Thank you :) i am using the pouches but the smaller ones at the moment & not sure if i am meant to give him the whole pouch, 1/2 a pouch or just a little! It's so confusing at the moment as it's all new to me so don't really know what i am doing i didn't even know until i read up on it that i was meant to offer it after a feed �� I do give him baby porridge after his morning bottle & he wolfes that down then screama for more as if he is still starving & he takes a 7oz bottle before! I find some days he can go longer before he will want another bottle though sometimes up to 6 hours is thia because he is know on solids? He only really takes 4 bottles a day before he was on solids i can't force an extra one down him as he is normally in bed way before his final feed & would usually sleep a good 8 hours or so or at least he did before we went away! My HV is vague when it comes to weaning it's like she feels that i al doing such a good job already that i will pick this up so easily so doesn't really tell me anything! I really want to prepare my own food for him & he will also be brought up vegetarian for the moment so need the extra help with regards he is getting all the right things he should be! Don't get me wrong he is a healthy gorgeous little boy who is thriving so well just this weaning business i want to get right!

A foldaway travel mattress are they made to go into any travel cot? The places we go to we tend to make sure that they have a travel cot provided to free up space in the car but i don't really feel happy about putting him into another cot with a hardboard mattress it just doesn't sit right with me seems cruel & this time i will make sure i take my own bedding for his cot as the bedding provided wasn't suitable it was simply a thin sheet you would put onto a single bed :(
hi i started of solids before a feed n if you talk to parents etc this is what they did as it helps them move away from milk to solids meaning their bottle qty reduces...but u also get a frustrated hungry baby meaning introducing challenging spoons n cups n the challenge of finger food is not fun but frustrating....

travel cots r standard in size n r bigger generally than standard cot mattress size...we got ours from tesco direct n she liked it...
oh n with qty prepare a few tspoonfulls n if looks like they want more serve more...believe me they will tell u when theyre done....!
My HV came to visit me about weaning (and for a general chat about my older son too - potty training etc for him). Anyway I agreed to not start weaning until 6 months of age. I was told that it is much much better to wait to 6 months as babies can sit up better, rather than slouch so the food goes down much more easily. Also, at 6 months babies have a nice wide option of food available to them, whereas before then it is more restricted. DD has had a nibble of banana and cucumber but aside that she is still solely on milk. When we start at the end of this month we'll be going strongly on BLW and I will be avoiding pouches/jars as much as possible. My son had pouches as he was a terrible weaner from the get go and has subsequently turned into a fussy two year old. I'm hoping to start with savoury food (veg) first then move onto the sweeter fruits. I'm excited but also more than happy waiting. As my DD is one of the youngest amongst us it means our weaning journey won't start until the 27th - yay!
My HV praised me on getting this far with him on just milk & not having solids earlier, i was quite suprised by that reaction! She had asked me a bit ago about weaning & i point blankly said no as i felt it just wasn't the right time! I still don't feel 100% even now @ 6 months as he still can't sit up unaided but is getting their & he still seems a little small for the highchair, bumbo & his mama & papas snug chair yet he is now unsafe to go into his bouncer chair! It could just be me though but i feel that i know my baby quite well. I did let him have little try of solids before 6 months as he was showing all the signs & he loved his first tastes but i never gave him much as i know the guidelines state 6 months but also each baby/parents are different. I got conflicting information as well when it came to weaning from HV which doean't really help but my HV seems really happy with me & my choices so much so it feels like a general visit when she comes as she just adores my little boy & he is thriving so maybe i am doing everything correctly that i should be ? I really didn't want to use the pouches but i feel that Ella's Kitchen & Hipp Organic are ok & they are easier for me when out & about! Once i get into my stride with the cooking myself then i think i will hardly use the pouches as a first time mom i'm learning & i am anxious at getting it wrong esp with bringing him up vegetarian i know i have to get him all the nurtrients & vitiamins esp iron into him. Once he is old he will of course have the choice to stay vegetarian or not.
I'm not anti-pouches. My son had a lot of Ella's Kitchen. I guess I'm experimenting to see if not using pouches will result in a better eater down the line because my son is completely pants :lol:
Hi all, can't believe our LO's are almost 6 months old! Anyone else notice some extra weight gain in past few wks? I know they go through a growth spurt at 5months and she certainly had a week of drinking lots but 3.5lbs in 3wks?? Is that alright? She has been on solids for 7wks now 2x per day but she hasn't reduced her milk quantity yet....Im guessing this can take a while?
Hiya all, forgot my password so been awol for a while. How r u guys doing? My lg is weaning well, loving her food and its made a huge difference to her reflux, so pleased hv said to start early. Can't believe she's now seven months old, where does the time go?!
We haven't started weaning yet. Starting next week though as my daughter will be turning 6 months old then :-)
Arran is doing really well he's 16lb 13oz now and between the 25th and 50th centile - amazing since he started out at 0.4 before dropping off the scale completely.

He's sitting independently and is rapid in his baby walker ramming into everything in his path. Still has no interest in rolling over though.

We are doing ok with weaning, but he's giving me a complex about my cooking since he struggles with anything home made. Not sure if it's because there are a few bumps in it. He loves porridge with mashed banana though. We've had to go more towards baby led because he is so independent, the only bottle I get to give him is the last at night apart from that he wants to hold it himself.

Where has my baby gone? I've got a proper little boy now!

Hope you are all well.


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