*March and April mums and babies*

Thanks girls. Will speak to the doc next week. It does seem to be easing completely just on and off days.
I've used Dr Brown bottles (I formula feed) from day 1 and must admit although Jake has his moments and lacks in sleep sometimes, he definitely isn't a colic baby. Also use infacol. He never lifts his legs up, does the constant crying etc all the signs of colic. The air flow things in them clearly work wonders for him. Even my HV said glad you are using them. Each to their own but they definitely work with him. I brought a 4 pack box of the 240ml bottles from Amazon. Think they were near to £20 but that's 20 well spent in the long run :). We are on a level 2 teat, although it says level 2 is for 3months +, level one doesn't let enough out and Jake was falling asleep through feeds he couldn't get enough and was exhausted. Defo worth trying them even if you just invest £6 and buy one bottle to see how it goes:) xx
Do those bottles leak GF? I formula feed so I don't want all the milk to leak out and be gone when I really need it? I'm also gonna try gripe water I think x

Not that I know of but it does state in the instructions that you shouldn't shake the bottle with milk in as that can force air into the bottle causing colic and may leak. I just pour the heated milk in, swill the bottle round (as i put infacol and gripe water in it) and put it together. There's a lot of parts to the bottle which is abit of a pain but worth it for the no-colic! Gripe water has been a real godsend for us! Xx
We've had to swap to the mam bottles. Mia just couldn't get used to the tommee tippee bottles we had brought for her. She seems to be getting on better with the other ones now.
Got the health visitor coming this afternoon and I have a poorly 4 year old daughter who was up most of last night being sick and complaining of headache and bellyache. Hopefully hv wont be here long cuz dont think Lilly will wanna move from lying on the settee lol x
I got the TT bottles in TK MAXX so they where a lot cheaper than normal so not much lost there, I'll keep them for when she's older I think! She really seems to prefer the Dr Browns.

What's the deal with passports? I need to get Milania one as I've got to go to Spain for a show next year and I'm going to take her with me because if I leave her behind il get the third degree from whoever I didn't leave her with!
Gf you have to get baby their own passports, the hardest bit is getting a photo of their face that meets the requirements! Plenty of info of the gov website!

Well I've had another good night. Slept 9pm-12.30pm then back down at 1am then up again at 4.15am then back down at 4.45 then awake at 7.15 am seems to be a nice pattern! Health visitor just been, My chunky monkey has gained a ridculous amount of weight- now 10lbs at 3 weeks old and gained 1lbs 8 oz gain in a week!

Hope your all doing well? Xxxx
Yikes Tiggy that's a big gain! I was just about to say what a wee fatty my man is - 6oz in a week! We have now finally been discharged by midwife as we are back up over birth weight now so we are happy happy happy!
Also had a decent nights sleep! So I'm in for a couple of bad nights now!
I haven't been keeping up at all!

Reuben is doing great. Still pumping and bottle feeding and adding in formula when needed. My supply isn't enough to meet what he needs so I'm still working on improving it.
Little man got weighed on Thursday and had gained 10oz in 6 days. Very happy with that!
He's sleeping OK at night. We've had a couple of bad ones but generally he goes down at midnight or just before and sleeps til 3 or 4, and then Wakes again at 6 or 7.
The only slight issue I'm finding is that he's a very awake baby, very alert. Quite chilled out and content but he just doesn't want to sleep during the day! He's only just conked out on me and he's been awake since 9am with only 10 minute dozes in between. It just means I don't get a lot done!
He has started smiling today, which is the cutest thing ever. It's made me obsessed with trying to get him to do it though lol.
Thanks ladies, will get a couple and try them out, finally got little man registered today and we went Caleb Oliver Thomas in the end :D
I haven't been keeping up at all!

Reuben is doing great. Still pumping and bottle feeding and adding in formula when needed. My supply isn't enough to meet what he needs so I'm still working on improving it.
Little man got weighed on Thursday and had gained 10oz in 6 days. Very happy with that!
He's sleeping OK at night. We've had a couple of bad ones but generally he goes down at midnight or just before and sleeps til 3 or 4, and then Wakes again at 6 or 7.
The only slight issue I'm finding is that he's a very awake baby, very alert. Quite chilled out and content but he just doesn't want to sleep during the day! He's only just conked out on me and he's been awake since 9am with only 10 minute dozes in between. It just means I don't get a lot done!
He has started smiling today, which is the cutest thing ever. It's made me obsessed with trying to get him to do it though lol.
Are you taking fenugreek? Its worked wonders for my supply Xx
We used MAM bottles with DD after tomee tippee gave ger awful colic! If we need bottles this time i will definitely go with them again!

Jenson is doing ok! He finally pooed yesterday after a week without & a hopsital admission because of it! Hes getting reweighed tomorrow so keeping fingers crossed he will have a decent gain and be back to at least 5lb!
Oscar is on Tommy Tippee anti colic bottles but he's absolutely inconsolable right now :( started on infacol after a horrendous night last night. I guess I should be looking at getting different bottles then?
Also does anyone need adding for the first page? I'm not sure if I've updated everyone xxxx
My little man sleeps really well on a night he only wakes once but he hardly sleeps during the day! I had to cave in & give him a dummy as it was the very last resort so I was quite upset about that! He's still tiny even though he's gained his birth weight back plus 10grams so everything is going well that way & his jaundice is gone now. He's still not fitting into his clothes & there tiny baby clothes!! I'm glad in a way that I went 15 days over with him as if he was born on his due date or before he would have been even smaller than he is now!

I'm also hoping that I can try to breastfeed him I really should have tried again once I got home from the hospital & my milk came in but just couldn't face it & they said I would struggle as my nipples are badly inverted! Ive bought a latch assist which helps to draw out th nipple so I'm hoping this may help I can all but try!

Anyone else really hormonal? I'm crying at the silliest of things @ different times of the day & I feel like everyone is taking control & taking over it's driving me to be a mental woman & ive had one blow out because of it. I know it's my hormones but I feel jealous if anyone else but my parents are holding him or feeding him I just can't take it! It does make me wish at times that I was feeding him myself so people don't take over th feeds ESP when he did struggle at first with his feeding.

Also anyone else's LO have w tongue tie?
Podpie our babies sound very similar my little one is very alert & hardly sleeps during the day but he does sleep well at night I also think I've got smiles out of my little one also!
You are lucky allthingsgirly! We actually had a good night last night, zach went almost 5 hours!!
At 9lb2 he is still in newborn clothes although they are getting a bit short for him now but 0-3 still drowns him!
Zach had tongue tie but we had it cut privately and I can't tell you the difference. Best money we ever spent.
Don't let them scare you out of breastfeeding, give it a go anyway but don't be disheartened if it doesn't work, you can always express!!x
Yay finally a gain! Jenson is back up from to 4lb 13 to 5lb 3ozs. Another 10zs to Birth weight so we can be discharged!
Can you add me to the front of the page please?

Midwife has been again and weighed Mia shes now 5lb 13oz at nearly 2 weeks old. Shes doin great but I cant be discharged from community midwife til
Ive been seen by the doctor on monday about my blood pressure. Its pretty much back to normal now todays reading is 130/80 which is really good for me.
Had a right nasty headache all morning :( think its through lack of sleep last night and the night before due to my other daughter being ill and me and oh taking it in turns getting up through the night to check on her x
Sure Sarah :) EmmaLouise when was Mia born so I can add you as well? Xx
Ugh I'm meant to be on a diet and i just stuffed my face with birthday cake, can't believe I'm 40, I feel so old!

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