*March and April mums and babies*

Started daily walks in pushchair (when not raining like today!) and have had her on a mat on grass in garden and out and about for play as she likes looking at the clouds and trees...she is doing v well with tummy time- do approx 15-30mins across the day and can hold steady for 20-25secs now....sitting she can do for a few mins but her head bobs about a lot n think it makes her dizzy bless her as she gets fussy straight after...she also puts her weight on her legs when being held on my lap too and enjoys it loads so thats great...she also is starting to explore my face with her hands now (I have the scratches to prove it lol) and enjoys singsong time and quiet playtime so all in all a happy content baby...oh and the last two weekly baths she has properly started kicking about and now smiles and babbles at the sponge....soo adorable!
Grr...it deleted the first half of my msg! Phoebe is now nearly 15wks old and taking 7 bottles per day (inc one night feed and two bottles before bed) n drinking 5-7oz each time, she sleeps 7-4, 4-7 most days but during the day she still needs feeds every 2hrs as she can only stay awake hr 15-30 max and has 45min naps, occasionally 1hr15-30 but rarely...how do I get her to go longer as she gets v fussy at 2hr 15-30 and one day I tried to make her wait 10mins each feed but didnt really help as next day she wanted it sooner...doing sleep, activity 20mins, feed, activity 30mins, sleep at the moment as she wont nap very well if eat first or eat last....in total she is sleeping 15hrs inc 4.5hr naps so thats great but wondering if should be trying to extend her feeding intervals and nap times or just keep it as it is? any ideas?
Kitten, trust your instincts, be led by your daughter and dont over think it! What works for her one day might not work the next day. X
niknaknoo, I know I am guilty of overthinking but just as I sent that msg our lil miss decided to take matters into her own hands and took a longer nap, today she has only had 3 bottles since getting up at 7am and she has had 780ml, she went 2.5-2.75hrs and napped 1.5-2hrs both naps...! I think I was getting her up too soon from her naps as she coos away, occasionally fusses but then drifts off again and therefore she has gone longer between feeds! success! not holding my breath on tonights success tho as she may just confuse me but surely having longer duration naps during the day can only help her learn for nighttime sleeping? Also going longer between feeds and larger bottles may mean she can go longer during the night as well...watch this space!

CDx, I dared to dunk our lil miss last wk but she flopped about so clearly wasnt prepared despite me doing the ready,steady,go training with a wet hand over her face and plus didnt have goggles on so despite me goin under with her I didnt get my eyes open in time to see if hers were lol...scary but she didnt cry whereas the first time my OH and I attempted the dunk she did cry! Albeit briefly...
meant to say 780ml includes a nightfeed, daytime bottles 200-220ml as opposed to 140-170 yesterday...
Aww, April 2016 Mummies are in Tri 1 now. I saw it and felt a wave of nausea pass over me because it just reminded me of morning sickness. Infact a lot of things remind me of morning sickness and get phantom waves of it a lot. Usually when CBeebies is on (it was on A LOT for three months straight to keep my son entertained) and holiday photos as it kicked in whilst I was on holiday.

No more pregnancies for me, thank goodness!
Wow time is flying soo fast! Cant believe our lil miss 3 n half months...!
Anyone feeling anxious about the 4 month sleep regression? I don't remember it much with my son as he wasn't a great sleeper regardless of leaps... however, IF it hits my daughter I'll definitely notice it as so far, so good with her sleeping. 4 month sleep regression posts keep cropping up on this site and it's freaking me out! I suffer with anxiety so it doesn't take much for me to get wound up!
I am rooster! In fact have been googling and scaring myself half to death over it! Definitely triggering my anxiety, which is so not fun.

How is everyone doing? Anyone else into 3-6 month clothes? Lexie has been in them for a couple of weeks now, was soo sad washing all the 0-3 month stuff and remembering when that was big on her and knowing she'll never be that small again.

Lexie is sitting up with very little support now, her neck strength is so amazing! Have just got her a bumbo to use and she is loving it. She is starting to put weight on her feet and loves it when we help her stand up.

Hope all you all and your LOs are doing OK
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My girl moved into 3-6 a while ago. She's such a chunk :lol:

Glad your LO is doing well, she sounds nice and strong :-). My DD has always been strong too, she held her head up super quickly and stands nicely too.
Hi guys yes sleep regression nightmares for sure...any night she starts fussing earlier than normal keep thinking - deep breath this is it - but then she settles n sleeps thru til usual MOTN feed.

3-6? Our lil miss now moving ibto 6-9 chubby thighs lol...

She does v well sitting for 5-10mins then tjink she gets dizzy cos head goes a bit n she starts fussing can't sit her on her own yet but lean her against boppy pillow n she's ok with that...standing for 5secs at a time holding her weight supported with a big grin on her face lol...she knows its gud...neone notice LO interest in food? She watches n reaches out for ut...gave her stick of cucumber the other day n she tasted it n tried sucking bless her...she cant take spoon yet as she still has the tongue moro reflex...

We're also just coming out of about 4wks bad cradle cap...now our lil miss loves her nightly head massage with coconut oil lol...
My daughter has cradle cap at the moment too... my dad calls it cradle crap, which is far more apt!

She did a random wake up call last night. My OH reckons it was because he disturbed her accidentally when he went to bed and then she couldn't settle back down again because she had a full nappy... and then she was awake... so might not be the sleep regression just yet. I hope.

I'm feeling so so so tired today though.
Hi my LO is 4mths old today and I haven't thought of sleep regression until I read your posts. I'm probably better off not knowing. Ignorance is bliss sometimes. He still sleeps well but not as long sometimes though been putting that down to teeth which seem to be bothering him.

He's been in 3-6mth clothes for a longtime now as he was too long for 0-3 quickly. Looks like we will have to put him in 6-9 baby grows soon as he's too long for some of them (depends what store we got them from). They grow up so quickly it's scary.

He's also showing interest in food and watches us eat all the time. We had ice-creams the other day and actually felt sorry for him but was afraid to let him have a lick. Baby rice in the cupboard for when he starts weaning. HV said no earlier than 20wks and apparently I'll know when cuz he will start feeding more often and maybe even wake during night. Not good! No idea how we all got through those early days of night feeds!
We've just started weaning Felix and he's 18 weeks, just baby rice so far but gonna try some banana tonight.
His lack of naps is getting out of hand, OH had to come home from work cos I was in pieces from him screaming, he does this every day now. He's burst blood vessels in his eyes from screaming so much :( all because he's tired but refuses to sleep. Am at my wits end!
Omg northerngirl I feel for u cant b nice. Our lil miss learned quickly about naptime as well as sleeping at night so v lucky...all I can suggest is try n get in a routine of putting down every 90mins in same bed as nighttime n get an interesting bumper n mobile as that keeps our lil miss amused when fussing.

Lol rooster apt name...have u tried coconut oil? Works better than baby or almind oil for our lil miss n only been using it for 2wks u think...great for baby massage too...
Omg. Seems I jinxed myself last night. For the first time in about 5 or 6 weeks LO fully woke up during the night. Seemed to settle after a while of walking about but then decidef he was hungry. Was up from 4 about 545. Was exhausted when he declared he was hungry again at 845:( Not sure what last night was about as there was no change to routine. Will keep an eye on situation/hopefully not a sign of things to come. Am also hoping to bring bedtime earlier so looks like I will have to go back to a night feed:(
No idea about sleep regression but like Babbybo I think ignorance is bliss. Arran is sleeping 8-10 hours at night so hoping that continues! Yesterday we started introducing his cot in his own room, will gradually increase his naps in there until he's (I'm) ready for the big move!
Arran is still in newborn at 16 weeks, some 0-3 months is starting to fit him. He's 11lb 12oz.
A picture came up the other day on my time hop for Facebook it was my last big blowout before I found out I was pregnant. A weekend away with the girls and lots and lots of alcohol...I feel guilty now knowing he was in there at the time literally just starting out. What a quick but amazing year.

I got my follow up appointment with the Endocrinologist Consultant and I feel anxious. I've dealt with my delivery and got over what could have been so a bit scared this will bring all those feelings back. But in a way it's good I can have a chat with him to see if he thinks ks there is anything my SIL should keep an eye out for as she is now preg and due in January.

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Babbybo that is exactly what my LG is doing at the moment, after having slept through from about 7 weeks, she is now waking sometime between 3am and 4am demanding to be fed! She settles back down nicely after that, so I don't think it is sleep regression (from what I have read about).

Am thinking it might be a developmental leap and she is just needing an extra feed St the moment (she has been on five 6 - 7 oz bottles per day, but with this night feed it is nw 6 a day)

Arran is doing well then CDx. So pleased. Good luck at your app. Hope it goes well.

Thanks EmmaJaine. Was thinking I'll see of it continues it could be growth spurt or sign that he needs a feed. If it gets worse I might try him on a bit of baby rice in a week or two. Anyone else considering it? I had hoped to leave it until 6mths but not sure LO will hold out that long lol
We've started Felix on baby rice, he's had banana in it as well and tonight am gonna try some mashed carrot, no problems so far! xo

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