*March and April mums and babies*

Hi guys, OMG can't believe it, our lil miss finally went thru the night without a feed! I couldnt believe it when saw the clock say 6.40 as last nightwaking was 12.30! Either I went into a coma or our lil miss didnt wake once (I usually hear her and stir myself then fall back asleep)...She fed at 7ish and so went the full 12hrs! When she did wake she wasnt screaming for food either...how strange...She did have an extra top up bottle yesterday of 100ml as she did the previous day when she went 10hrs so think she's slowly adjusting her night feed to a day feed! woohoo...not expecting the same tonight but wow, first 5hr stretch of sleep since she was born! Im walking on air....lol...well I would be if it werent for PMS but hey Im so proud of her!
Hey congratulations kitten. I'm delighted for you! I remember the first time that happened to us- we woke up feeling refreshed and couldn't understand why until we checked the time. Mind you that was pretty early on and was a one off. At this stage you might find that even if she doesn't do it again tonight she will start stretching it more often and then get into a routine of it (with any luck). My LO has never went 12hours but I can't complain as he is very good. I don't think I would've coped with less than 5hrs sleep a night to this point so well done you!
Waaa! Think my girl may be hitting sleep regression. Its hitting me hard as she has been such a good sleeper until now. Fingers crossed this is just a one off bad night.

We did out bed time routine as normal at half 7 (and she normally sleeps through til 6am) and she was fine, just gone eight I start hearing noises on the monitor, leave her to see if she'll drop back off, but no it starts to escalate. So I go up, put her dummy back in, Ewan back on and out I go. This repeats every 2-3 minutes for the next half an hour, so I get her up cuddle for a bit til she is driwsy again, put her back down and the whole cycle repeats again! At 11 she was hungry, so fed her and re did the whole bed time routine, but this time when I put her down she started crying, cuddled and burped her, tried again but still no luck.

At this point my OH comes home and says "I thought you were going to have an early night?!". I could have slapped him, instead I passed him his daughter and came to bed, but now I can't bloody sleep, while little miss is zonked out on her Daddy.

Sorry, rant over!

Babybo thanks, not so lucky last night but she didnt cry until after 10hrs so think she's gradually working towards it...

OMG emmajaine, I am SOO scared of the sleep regression but touch wood it hasnt landed on our house yet....sounds like you're doin everything rite ...altho falling asleep on hubby wont help long term I can appreciate why he did it, when you're at your wits end you pick the option that stops the crying lol...good luck...
I am dreading the sleep regression. I've been so spoilt with my baby girl. She sleeps through the night so well and goes 7pm-8:30am (ish) without waking at all.

Though, last night she cried at 0130am.... she had rolled over and couldn't get back again :lol: I didn't know she could roll! Anyway, I turned her back over and she fell right back to sleep. Phew!
wow rolling bless her, I always get nightwakings but its whether or not its a slight resettling or full out hunger I have to identify, last night she was unsettled from about 3ish but didnt cry for milk til 5ish, im now getting all the teething woes, the crying is heartbreaking cos you know its a 'im confused, why doesthis hurt, please make it better' cry....the teething gel seems to help but dont want her getting used to it, the fractiousness is hard too as she'll literally go from babbling/chuckling to crying with barely a breathe inbetween bless her...right now, she's trying to nap but I know she's struggling cos it hurts!
Kitten if she's anything like my little one her teeth will settle. We had a few days that they were really bothering him and he was obviously in pain' the salts worked. I'd give gel if she needs it as it won't be long term. Been about two weeks since we had trouble though bubbles started again today so bound to kick off again I imagine.

Wow rooster-rolling. LOs doing great by sounds of it. I was impressed with my LO getting his foot in his mouth yday:)

Emmajaine hope its just a phase. My LO was unsettled for about a week &started night feeds again. So tough after getting used to some sleep again.
thanks babbybo, Im just grateful that its not affecting her night sleep, it seems once she is asleep it doesnt bother her but naps have been majorly affected, takes her 10mins or more to fall asleep bless her...Ive been giving her the teething dummy you can get from boots which helps plus she likes knawing a cold flannel...its heartbreaking but at the same time so cute to watch them try and bite everything!
Just checking in as I haven't in a while hope you and your little ones are well. Arran still doesn't sleep the 12 hours but he goes down at 10 and sleeps until 7 so I really can't complain, he's usually back down at around 8.30 and naps for an hour - 2 hours.
I'm also thinking of weaning HV said wait until 26 weeks but I've found he's less interested in milk these days and wondering if I should just try him with something new - what's best to start off with?
I've been introducing his cot for daytime play and naps but haven't been brave enough to move him over just yet.

He isn't rolling, feet and bum lift off the mat but he has no interest in going anywhere with it. He's at baby yoga and ive noticed younger babies doing it. I'm not too concerned as he is still small for his age and I know all babies develop differently as well but do you have any tips for encouraging him to roll?

Yes show him how to do it then leave him on tummy for a bit then roll back. Ialso roll our lil miss during massage n getting changed so she gets a feel for it. She is very close to doin it herself! Also a fave toy just out if reachnear head helps motivate...
Major announcement: Phoebe just rolled over from back to front independently! Two things spurred her on aside from natural curiosity and plenty of mummy guided rolling....a rolling toy rattle thing and our videocamera with the screen facing her way like a mirror...oh and my cheering on voice of course.....

Exactly 19wks old today, also she has graduated to highchair for bottle feeds and is now taking 1/2 to 1 teaspoon baby rice each day...she's mastered the opening and closing of the mouth but have to stick finger in to encourage the swallow...she knows its fun though and seems interested....
My little girl is doing really well. I tried her on baby rice this morning as her '4 month-day' gift. She ate it! Though, I didn't really know how thick baby rice should be - so might have been too much on the milky side but whatever, she fed from a spoon! Round one of weaning is a success.

She continues to sleep through thank goodness, though does wake once but only to be flipped over as she tends to roll over in her sleep and shouts for us to put her back again. Thankfully for us she (so far) goes straight back to sleep after turning her over. Phew.
Bless ya, we're on stage 1 solids, baby rice too, I make it the consistency of porridge but on the slightly runnier side, she has mastered the basics but small qts atm once a day lunchtime...

Luckily our lil miss swaddled still so rolling over not likely altho she tries...when I wean her off swaddling with the zippy (hoping she takes to it) then rolling over will happen but thing is have spacesaver cot not as wide so wondering if when weaning her off swaddling we'll have to upgrade to standard cot too otherwise same thing will happen getting stuck lol...she almost rolled again today, you can see the determination on her face lol, was all set for giving her a day off but she lead the way lol...also really enjoying sitting on my tummy when im lying down and pulling faces, dont you just love the chuckles and squeals lol....
rooster, how many hrs does she sleep thru with? Do you still do a night feed? Our lil miss does 7-7 with one feed between 1.30 & 3am, she seems to still need it as tried once to wait her out and by 4am she was bawling but she still takes 5 bottles during the day as well (2.5-3.5hrs apart depending on time of day) with a total of 950-1100ml (1000+ on growth spurt days!)...Im not worried about weaning her off it but curious as to how many others are still doing a night feed....

Oh and rooster, do you have her in a highchair for the rice? dont they look cute in the highchair lol...) I cudnt manage feeding on my lap what with balancing her and offering spoon lol and perched on sofa with loads of cushiong ends up being a wriggly mess! She seems to like feeding in highchair different view of the world afterall and so have started using it for most of her milk feeds too...
Does anyone have a baby carrier for their LO? I'm looking into getting one as I'm fed up of having my pram taken off me all the time or being made to feel bad when I say no so the only other way round this is to buy a carrier. I don't know where to start my lb is now 21 weeks & ideally I need it to be as safe as possible, easy to get him in & out of & supportive for both of us .....
Well I only gave her food today and just had her on my lap. Will probably put her in her bumbo for food eventually. I'm in no rush as she sleeps through completely - she hasn't had night feeds for about three weeks now. She goes at least 1900-0700 but can go much longer - today she woke at 0830... the day before was 1030 wake up after being turned over at 0630 (16 hours without feeding!!).

I use a Close Caboo baby carrier.
HV still trying to talk me out of weaning Arran so we haven't been trying as much. He got weighed on Wed and is 13lb 14oz - he will be 20 weeks on Saturday.
Still showing little interest in rolling - should I be worried?
He's a very content baby, goes down at 10 through until at least 7, sometimes 8, 8.30. Full of smiles and lots of chat.

We only have the pram but thinking of getting a carrier to make it easier to take the dog a walk, and for when we go on holiday in Nov.

Hope your LOs are doing well.

wow rooster thats progress, its funny the moment I send that message she had a night where she went 12hrs and slept through but have since stopped swaddling her and transitioning her to the zippy - she sleeps well in it but its a big deal having her arms free and able to suck on the sleeve so had two night feeds last night as she was awake quite a bit at the beginning of the night, she did really well tho got her 12hrs and thats with a cold too (yes bad mummy passed her her cold but what can ya do lol...) its hard to hear the coughs and sniffles but luckily its not affecting her sleep majorly or her feeding...

I tried feeding in my lap but with trying to help her balance and reach around with a spoon it was just asking for trouble...at least with highchair she can lean back and support herself (it has 3 reclining positions so have suitable positions for milk feeding (semi reclinied) and two for her to sit up straighter...I still have to take her out to burp though but yesterday she had a carrot stick and I saw some definite sucking/chewing (helps that she's teething too so has a need to chew lol)

CDx why is your HV advising against it? Thats good weight gain our lil miss who was 8.9lbs at birth now weighs a whopping 19lbs 4oz...thats 2lb weight gain in 3 weeks...think its a sign that a) we have a tall stocky baby and b) we need to move her onto solids as she regularly takes 34oz per day now... she's making gud progress tho with her daily teaspoon of rice, may try the porridge again next wk but mix with her milk not hot water as the packet suggests...her milk flavour/smell definately helps motivate her...

CDx every baby is different, I think our lil miss will be moving and shaking before she talks and sings lol and they say each baby advances well on one or the other...perhaps Arran is leaning towards that development? Just keep giving him tuimmy time by rolling him over (plenty of youtube vids to demonstrate) and encourage him with toys and praise when she's on his front then roll back, I also try to encourage rolling at napy change/clothing change time, all times when you need to lift and/or roll the bum so good opportunities...He'll get the idea in his own good time...
I've had my HV & another one also advise me against introducing solids until 6 months it's something to do with their tummies but not 100% sure on the reason that they gave.

My LB is showing signs now that he is interested in trying solids so i have decided to give baby rice a try for now to see how he goes. My dad tried him with a little taste of his ice-cream & he enjoyed that!

My LB now weighs 13lbs something (Can't quite remember how many oz).
He rolled from his back onto his side last night yay progress!
It's good to see he has caught up, he was 5lb 11oz when he was born (20 weeks ago where has the time gone!) and at one point dropped off the centile chart all together so good to see he is close in comparison to your LO Allthingsgirly.

That's him finished his first term of swimming lessons and got an underwater photoshoot...One proud mummy!


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