*March and April mums and babies*

hi cdx well done to your LO! Our lil miss has rolled twice but since then has been trying to figure it out....think she's thinking...'now how did I do that last time??' bless her....our lil miss now 19lbs and think she's the opposite higher than 95th percentile...thats why starting on porridge and rice now cos she needs to slow her weight gain lol...plus she's developmentally ready....

she's had a horrible cold bless her passed from me to her...gave her calpol for the first time last night and didnt hear a peep from bedtime for two hrs straight lol...almost got concerned we'd knocked her out lol...also put vaporub on her bedding to help her sniffles and did the trick didnt sound so bad last night...

yeah 20wks wow, cant believe the time has flown so fast but isnt this the most fun part...theyre curious, excited, learning to babble/laugh and get more mobile but we've also got it sussed with feeding and sleeping...or so we think til they change the rules again lol....
I love our little chats and his smiles melt my heart it is amazing to see him grow but I miss my baby snuggles without getting headbutted or him grabbing at my face lol. We had to move him from the carrycot part of his pram to the buggy yesterday and I burst into tears, another part of his baby-Ness gone it's all happening too quickly!

bless ya CDx, I miss the snuggles too, the other night after a nightfeed I had her in my arms for burping and she reached her arms around me, leant her head back, opened her mouth and I saw smiles and even heard a chuckle - heart melting...also reminded me of newborn days as you're right its not headbutting as they turn their heads to see stuff...lol...yes it was a proud day for me putting her in stroller part of pushchair as opposed to just the car seat attached...our lil miss outgrew the carrycot at 8wks old so those days are long gone, i remember when she used to sleep in carrycot at nighttime before moving to crib and now cot...sigh....
rooster, ive now had two nights without a night feed lol...she still stirs, fusses but doesnt cry for food so think she's waking out of habit...I always end up making a bottle to have on standby but end up falling asleep with it on the nightstand lol...thats 3/4 nights now without a night feed so hoping its a sign that she's ready...also she only had 5 feeds totalling 900ml yesterday and still went almost 13hrs through without feed...shocker!

out for my bday lunch today and have a night outfit to put on her...she hates being changed tho so may have a battle on my hands but its a cute red sparkly top with leggings and sparkly red shoes...has to be done for special occasions lol...
Anyone else got teeth yet? My little one has definitely got a tooth coming through. After weeks of drooling and shoving her hand in her mouth a tooth is finally on the brink of coming through. Bless her, she is barely 4 months old so I'm surprised it's here so early.

She's battling naps at the moment too, I'm guessing this is down to teething and/or sleep regression? I couldn't get her to sleep past 1430 today at all - not even in a buggy so she ended up having an early bedtime.
HI rooster, wow a tooth already! Im waiting for our lil miss cos she's been teething on and off for past two wks and yesterday think I saw inflammation of the gums so guessing its imminent, she has had 2-3 bad days with it where she's had teethers and bonjela...yes naps are are affected by teething especially if they cant self soothe, now our lil miss out of her swaddle and in her zippy she can get her material encased hands to her mouth and seems to have helped her go through the night, now had 3 days in a row with no night feed...fx this is it for night feeds aside from when ill, growth spurts etc....last night i managed to resist getting up and getting a bottle readyin case and waited for her to bawl but she didnt...she did wake twice babbling away and I thought oh oh here goes she'll be hungry but no, fell straight back asleep....and thats whilst teething and with a semi bad cold....luckily our lil miss still naps but doesnt always suceed at extending them past 45mins lol but not worried cos she gets the sleep she needs....
Oh my goodness. Up and down all night long. I'm guessing teething/development leap time is upon us. Luckily all the gets up involved nothing more than turning her over after she rolled but we're not used to so many night disturbances!
lol bless ya, im so used to them that if I dont get them I sleep too well and the next night have a terrible night where I see every hr on the clock lol...tempted to try bein in other room at wknd for a night now I know she can go through and see if sleep better, havent slept in with hubby since late pregnancy as he took spare room when I was uncomfortable lol...will i have the guts to switch off monitor volume tho or will I be glued to it all night long is the question lol....

bless ya, now our lil miss in her zippy have seen her attempting to roll but she defo would get stuck mid r9oll if she did as its a spacesaver cot so not as wide as standard and she's a big baby lol...
I've seen a hint of a couple coming threw at the top but it isn't affecting him too badly just a few dirty nappies that are green?! He is a little sore but that doesn't seem to be bothering him as much as it is me as it is awful to look at it as he has never suffered with soreness before now...

He is now fully out of his newborn clothing & into 0-3, moved into his pram & will finally move into his cot once we are in our new home! All going way too fast for me & I am feeling a tad emotional but he is such an amazing contented little boy! We are getting now about roughly 10 sometimes 12 hours at night now which is amazing..

His jumperoo came today we got it in the asda baby event for £60 & he enjoys it. I'm amazed he can actually go into it at all yet as his mama & papa seat & bumbo we have are still a little too big for him to be in safetly. I also bought his high chair yesterday which I was stupidly excited about! Gone are the days I would blow silly amounts of money on myself but he is so worth it & more
thats good news allthingsgirly, Im still waiting to see that first white bud, I think its imminent with her teething signs now progressing to red cheeks and gum inflammation. yeah they do grow fast lol, I was excited about getting the highchair down from the loft, its one I bought second hand...figured Id try it first and through using it work out what we need from a highchair before buying brand new as there are soo many choices lol...I agree with you on the shopping front, for the first time in a womans life they have guilt free shopping...its not for them but they still get a buzz out of it...dare I say it a bigger buzz than buying for ourselves....
My girl absolutely loves her jumperoo. It has become a bit of a lifesaver as she is a clingy baby and it become the only way I can put her down whilst I give my son some attention. We've had a much better night. She is still sleeping now. She woke at some point in the night for her usual turnover and I went to her at 0615 to move her as she got her arm stuck in the bars but that's it. I'm so so so lucky. My son was never this good.
I like the jumperoo too but she is still a bit small for it and so dont use it every day but she loves her playmats and enjoys sitting on my tummy when im lying down and standing on my lap bless her...she has gone through the night for the past 4 nights now...excited that there wont be regular night feeds now aside from growth spurts/illness etc...I put a lot of it down to the zippy and the ability to self soothe...
Self soothing is so important and it is something my daughter has mastered really well. She sucks her thumb, bless her, but it saves from having to 'pop the dummy back in' all the time and she never sucks her thumb whilst up and awake. My son was terrible at self-soothing and had to go through sleep training at 9 months old. He's brilliant now, but his sister has been better. She's STILL asleep (no wonder she only has short naps!), meanwhile her brother has been up for two hours.

My daughter weighs less than yours but she's very very good at the old jumperoo and she holds her head up supremely well. She bounces away in it without even holding on. It's hard to get her out of it as I don't like to disturb the bouncing. My son had the jumperoo when he was slightly older and was nervous about it and took him a long time to bounce and enjoy it.
yeah she holds her head up fine but have to use cushions to propr her up in it but her chubby thighs means she gets her legs stuck when taking her out lol...she has jumped a bit but is still getting used to how fun motion can be....
It's official. The first tooth has cut through :-( Not such a gummy baby now. She's growing up too quickly!
bless ya, well we've just moved on from porridge to carrot puree...first orange coloured smile lol...she had two heaped tspoons and probably wud have had more but for now keeping qts low in case of allergies ....its quite major tho as only had porridge with her milk til now so first new flavour....woohoo!
Omg! First tooth appeared today! LO had been biting on my knuckle and nothing then an hour or so later did it again and ouch!! Had a hunt and there it was. I thought it was his reflux last few nights as he was being sick and was in pain when he was put to bed with it taking an hr or more to settle him. Seems it might have been his teeth all along. Poor baby. Growing up so fast it's scary.
oh wow Babbybo, we expect our lil miss is about to get hers..cant feel it yet but her teething symptoms have ramped up a notch and its now waking her at night occasionally, we've also had bad nappy rash which some say can be a sign of movement of the teeth due to extra bacteria in the gums...
I can't believe it. He has had bubbles and dribbles on and off and has chomped on everything for a long time but this seemed to come out of the blue. Though last few days he's bitten and pulled at dummy instead of sucking. Hoping he will settle tonight. He has been in fantastic form this evening so here's hoping the worst is over. Good luck with lil miss.
Hey ladies haven't been on for a while. Been really busy. Mias now 6 months old and starting solid food. She's been teething for a week or so now chewing on almost everything she gets her hands on. Been a very hectic last few weeks. So hoping now everything will calm down but here's to wishful thinking as OH has his pre op on Friday then two weeks after that he has his operation. So gonna be a very busy Xmas.

How are you all and your lil ones? Xx

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