*March and April mums and babies*

hi guys, have tried putting her down an hr after waking today and also ignored initial fussiness and have managed two hr n half naps and just now after 20mins fussiness ater first 45mins she has just been asleep for 3.5hrs! The lights are on and she's been out in daylight today so i know she knows its daytime but wow, on the first day of trying she is napping longer and seems happier with it, she's been over 4hrs since feding tho so expecting an angry hungry baby soon lol...
babbybo honestly the tv worked for our lil miss, lay her down head closest to tv and angle her so she has to crane her neck, that way you can encouage hands to the chin and when you roll her she follows the tv and stays up...worth a shot...
My little boy hates being on his tummy and he has strong neck muscles he can hold his head up etc he just doesn't like to be on his tummy as he gets so frustrated when he can't do something! He is rolling onto his side which is good so hopefully soon he will roll over on his own! I'm trying to not force it he will do it as & when he wants to. He is also still little even though he is over 10lbs you would have to see him to believe that he is still small but not too small but he can support his own neck for a few seconds.....

We have had the letter threw for his last lot of jabs until he's 12 months I believe so I will be so happy when they are finally over for a while!

We have been out most of today and he has been as good as gold hardly known I have had him & ive proved to myself that I can manage just perfectly getting around on public transport & feeding! My LO hates his bottles cold so it can be a nightmare finding somewhere to get hot water as the bottle warmers take too long for my inpatient little boy!
allthingsgirly we have the next jabs coming up, be glad when all three are over and done with...

niknaknoo, how old is your LO? our lil miss is 12wks but I swear she is either going through a growth spurt or starting the sleep regression earlier...she has always been good at going to bed 8ish and sleeping through to 6/7am with one night waking at 4.30 but no night feedings and no need to assist with sleep until now...the last two nights I have spent an hour at 1.30/2ish settling her with dummy/soothing words/mobile etc and it takes ages and only lasts a little while. I was so proud of her going that length of time with no food but thinking she now needs it as this morning after taking an hour to settle for an extra hr sleep then again 20mins settling for another hr finally caved at 4.45 and fed her and she took 6oz straight down...

I really want to maintain the bedtime/morning routines with no night feedings but how do I know if this is the sleep regression or a growth spurt and therefore she needs feeding during the night? I know she can last on the qty she takes during the day especially after cluster feeding for the last two hrs of the night but should I throw that out the window and just take each night as it comes even if it means feeding 2-3 times? won't I undo the hard work and the ground we've made prior? She also used to only stir during the night and the noises wouldnt last for long, now though I either get insistent crying with eyes closed (used to think were nightmares - now not so sure) and recurring babbling away at 3.30am as if she is ready to be up for the day...I also read somewhere if the nightwakings are not consistent then its a growth spurt...is this true...?

it doesnt help that at the same time I finally managed to get her to extend her nap yesterday but went from one extreme (45min naps) to another (1.5-3.5hr naps)...today I took her out in pushchair to help her reset her clock as wondered whether yesterday avo she somehow thought it was nighttime...hopefully that will help tongiht but today she is fighting the naps and not getting consistent 45mins anymore, she'll take 20mins, fuss for 10-15mins then take 30-45mins...very erratic...feed quantities roughly the same...Ive also been working on 1hr waketime inc feedings whereas it was 1.5hrs two days ago but thought that was preventing her nap extensions as she was hungry before she transitioned to next 45mins...I do still get tired cues (yawns/ glazed eyes) at the one hr mark so pretty sure im right in putting her down just before but wonder if she has had too much sleep...would letting her get overtired help swing the balance? I hate all this ftm self doubt as there is no correct answer, all trial and error...I know she'll never work like clockwork but I get frustrated at 2am wondering whether to cave and feed her thus undoing her routine or keep battling with other soothing techniques (which generally work after much time, usually if she were hungry dummy wouldnt work)...sorry for the ramble...
16 weeks kitten. There is a growth spurt about 12 weeks so that's probably it!
I would always offer a night feed anyway if zach wakens. And don't stress about naps, zach has no pattern at all, sometimes he only naps for 10 mins!!
thanks niknaknoo, i have wonder weeks app on my phone and it said signs include crying more, withdrawn and drinking more - she defo has been doing all those things so quite possibly, its called the third leap of smooth transitions - apparently her movements become more fluid after...last time after a leap she had a lot of sleep and we saw difference immediately to will be watching her lol.

well after three feeds that night and lots yesterday she went down9pm last night n aside from a couple of nightwakings she's still asleep now, no night feeds...couldnt sleep myself after 4am d'oh just didnt expect her to sleep any longer...managed to get up to 4hrs tho - the way i know is that was trying to find her in bed clothes twice last night and this usually only happens when get more than 1hr sleep in one slot...moving her to a spacesaver cot i found in a charity shop yesterday as she has almost outgrown her crib lol...they grow up soo fast lol...the spacesaver is only106 x 56cm and will last up to 2yrs, our nursery quite compact with single bed, wardrobe, table, rocking chair and recently an air conditioner, this cot means nothing has to move out just yet...still may get some hot nights, im able to maintain 18 degrees centigrade in nursery with it running 60% of the time inc all night lol...couldnt live without it now...

off to see parents today so will be nice, cudnt sleep for planning what outfit she was going to wear and packing her essentials for napping/changing etc...
I don't really like the wonder weeks app but think it could be the fact that I seem to have a baby that is more advanced at his age than he should be as he has been doing some of the things it says he should be doing around such a time well before then - I hardly use it really I go just on my own instincts! I have a sort of routine but at the moment it isn't as important to me as I just go with his prompts & things are going well. He goes to bed now around 9 & wakes up about 7 he has done this for 2 nights now normally he wakes without fail around 6ish.
I think it's okay for babies to still have their night feeds at 2/3 months old? My son didn't drop his until about 4/5 months old?

My girl wakes once for hers at 4-5am and wakes quite late there after. She goes down just after 7pm (wakes again at 8pm but a quick rock gets her back down - she can't seem to resettle that well after the first sleep cycle).
some nights she does, some she doesnt rooster, thats whats so wierd and why I think its a growth spurt, last night for example she went 7-7 with one feed at 1.30, the night before 9-8 without a feed...the night before 3 feeds over that time period. the fact that it is sporadic and not the same time every night suggests she is developing...

Not only is our lil miss nearly 3months old (on Wednesday) sigh but she has today moved our of her crib into her spacesaver cot (100x50cm), she looks tiny in it but at least she can't hit the sides lol...our lil miss is growin up so fast...
My girl is the same, I wouldn't worry about it. Let her have some food if she wants it. Mine went 7-7 last night but sometimes she wakes at around 4am for food. I'm not too worried.
Hi mummies - im feeling a bit sad today - ive realised my baby girl is very independent already and isn't even 4 months old yet. She likes her own space and will sometimes whinge to be put down! She loves playing on her play mat, sitting on the couch playing with me etc, she's so happy, full of smiles and is always so happy to see me and her dad so I'm not worried that she doesn't like us haha! It's just she doesn't like it if I lay with her too close or hug her if she can't see over my shoulder and hates my chest! She usually whinges for 10 mins before going to sleep with me talking to her gently and putting my hand on her tummy but today I thought I'll see how she goes on her own and she went to sleep!
I keep thinking did I not hold her enough or give her enough attention but I don't think I could have given her anymore!!
Any other mummies have a little one like this?
yes! exactly like our lil miss! My hubby tells me its a girl thing...I noticed it couple of weeks ago, the only cuddles I get is burping after feed and once she's done she's wriggling to be free. Its an independence thing and probably ties in with them realising having arms and legs free to move isnt so scary anymore and can be fun, think it also ties in with getting her to sleep in crib/cot for naps and nighttime sleeps as she used to fall asleep on us, think its been two weeks since we took a nap together with her on my chest and even there after 30mins she wanted to be free...don't worry though it will come back when they're bigger, its just a phase I think. Im exactly the same though as I believe hugs and cuddles are very emotionally enjoyable for both mother and baby and so feel like we're both missing out but she chose to do that not me so just go with it now...she also settles herself to sleep with the odd chest rub and head stroke...the main time I get the least resistance to hugs is when she's burping after an evening/night feed when she's sleepy...
and then of course i fighting to keep her drowsy for burping/self settling as trying to wean her off falling asleep in my arms as ten mins after being in cot she will wake perhaps wondering why she isnt in my arms anymore lol...anyways it makes you realise what people meant when they say enjoy those newborn hugs as now get very few lol...she's happiest on her playmat...
Thank you so much for replying kitten! She's been like this for a while now! As soon as she became alert that was it she wants to explore and enjoys her own space. She does like cuddles but definitely on her terms! Aw your little girl sounds exactly the same! At least I know it's nothing ive done, like your hubby says must be a girl thing! How old is your little one? Esmae is 16 weeks tomorrow but not technically 4 months until 26th x
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she's 13 weeks or 3months...Ive heard others say the same so think its quite normal...earlier though got lots of smiles mid feed, which is unusual for her so definately on her terms lol...
on the plus side independence is good as means they will be happier at self play/quiet time and eventually means they dont rely on you for their sole enjoyment (although is about 80% atm).
Mines similar. She MUST always be facing outwards if I hold her, she likes to see what is going on and certainly isn't much of a cuddly baby. She likes lying on the floor most off all, just kicking her legs and watching whatever is going on.
It's not just a girl thing ladies my little boy can have his days where he is like this 2!
Yep rooster esmae is the same! Thank you ladies for your comments. She has just babbled to herself in her moses basket for about 5 mins and gone off to sleep herself!
I'm glad she explores and is learning on her own, but she's still my little baby.
Crazy to think this time last year I was just about to find out I was pregnant (25th July!) x
It's been a while since we checked in I hope you are all good.
Arran is doing really well and is eventually into newborn clothes! His neck strength has really improved so hoping he gets the all clear from the doctor this week. Starting to see his personality coming through more and more each day he is very strong willed (like me) and impatient when it comes to food (like daddy). He's another one getting to that stage he doesn't want cuddles unless he is tired or his mouth is bothering him, he would much rather be facing the world and having a nosey at what's going on around him. OH has been working away a lot and he's really struggling I feel awful for him, luckily he hasn't missed any first yet like his first proper smiles or noises.

I know loads of people find parenthood puts a real strain on their relationship and pushes people to their limits but are any of you finding it's the total opposite? We've always had a pretty solid relationship but seeing how much he loves our son I just love him so much more. He's helped me to love my c-sec scar and just generally made me feel better about my body. I kind of feel the way I did when we first got together 8 years ago.

C x

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