*March and April mums and babies*

I'm starting to feel a bit blurgh lately it isn't baby blues because I love being a mommy & he is such an easy baby to look after even when he has his moments. My hv is coming tomorrow so will have a word with her no doubt she will tell me off (not in a nasty way) again because I don't give myself a break or enough credit at just how well I am doing. I am quite close with her so it is easy to open up & she will give me her honest opinion.

I think we are at the teething stage now as he is quite grouchy at the moment, everything & anything is going into his mouth & had a few runny nappies. My boy only seems to want mommy at the moment which in one way is exhausting but in another I am so happy about. He is still sleeping roughly 8/9 hours a night.

Who else is bottle feeding? I am finding that the teats are getting discoloured with the milk and looking grubby which I am hating but there expensive to have to keep replacing every few weeks. Does anyone know how I can get rid of it? I got some nuk bottle cleaner which said it is supposed to get rid of milk stains but so far it hasn't worked in the teats :( I thought could it have something to do with the Milton? I am cold wat r sterilising at the moment as that is what I did in the hospital and just carried on doing. I know that his soothers got discoloured when I was popping Them into Milton so know I steam them and they haven't discoloured at all! I have ordered an electric steriliser so I won't be using Milton anymore just water so I am hoping that solves the problem!
Great news CDx :-) I'm glad Arran is getting on so well.

My girl is doing fab. She's a right chunky monkey and fits nicely into 3-6 month clothes. For the past week she has slept 7pm-8am. She takes about 28oz a day (not over feeding am I?!) I have two gripes with her though - she is still very clingy which makes looking after my son difficult and she only cat-naps during the day. She naps for only 45 minutes at a time. I think she just wakes herself up after the first sleep cycle. I try leaving her but she won't settle back down. I'm getting her weighed later so will ask the HV about it.

She also has her second set of jabs tomorrow morning :-((((( Eugh I actually hate putting her through it :-(
I'd love my little boy to sleep that long during the day! He sleeps 10 minutes if i am lucky & that's all! He does sleep well during the night though think we have just got about 9/10 hours last night! Was up & fed @ 7.15 & he has gone back to sleep again @ 7.45 but keeps wakin then dropping back off again! Hopefully he may sleep more today as we have a busy day & he does tend to sleep when we are out
Hi guys nice to hear from you all again. Good news CDx, allthingsgirly don't worry im the same. Very content non clingy bany hardly cries but still have emotional moments with her. Uts the self doubt of a ftm I guess its v strong second guessing yourself. Rooster as you know I managed to ger LO to nap longer than 45min intervals but it then affected nighttime sleep. Now I dont stress as have worked out she needs 4-5hrs nap sleep during day n will sleep 10-12hrs at night. Will work on naps when she's older. The last couple of nights she has gone 7pm- 4/5am without a feed so proud of her. She then goes bak down til 7ish. Last night think I mamaged 3hr block of sleep! Never thought would feel refreshed at 4am lol! 28oz...our lil miss takes 32-34oz...ive found her qts fluctuate but making 7oz bottles now she's moved to size 2 teats...rooster its jab day for us tomoz too...not lookin forward to it ...allthingsgirly I handwash in hot soapy water as soon as put lil miss down for nap after feed n then microwave steriluse. Much better than dishwasher as that discoloured our smaller bottles...how soon do you wash out as could b the time sat there causing it?...rooster how long do you leave her after she wakes? I try 10-15mins n it's pretty clear whether she'll sleep again. Also how long is she awake before you put her down as tgat affects how easy they transition to next sleep cycle. Our lil miss likes 1hr 15mins any less she naps less tgan 30mins, go beyong 1hr45 (swimming/out n about) n she does the same...its finding the sleep window!
She has 90 mins awake time. When she wakes I leave her for 5 mins or so, but by then she's usually beside herself.

At night she is pretty darn brill. No night feeds at all. She has just now woken up after 14 hours unbroken sleep...
I wud count your lucky stars then...jealous of unbroken sleep lol altho 8-9hrs pretty gud...she may just start settling herself. Perhaps try putting her down few mins earlier/later to c n leave her extra min each time so she gets used to idea that wakeup isnt straight away getup even if u get a few tears its worthwhile in long run...but im sure uve tried all that already lol...its a bit of guesswork sometimes n what works for one baby wont work for another lol...
Sounds natural to feel that way allthingsgirly but worth having a chat to your HV like you said. With the bottles we have a steam microwave steriliser and so far ours have been fine.

Arran doesn't nap for long during the day unless he's on the move in the car or out in his pram, his swing is quite good as well but still only naps about 20mins-an hour. We got the mamas and papas stargaze gym which is an absolute life saver to let me get some things done he has hours of amusement with it and it's really helping his coordination.
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I think I just got lucky with my son then, as he always napped 1-2 hours for his naps. He was a rotter at settling though. My daughter does well at settling herself for a nap... she just doesn't stay there!
Arran naps well on a Wed after baby massage it totally chills him out. He had his first swimming lesson on Sunday as well and was exhausted after that.
It must be tough having a baby and toddler I savour the 20 minutes I van actually feed myself!
Felix has just gone back to waking every 2 bloody hours at night, am knackered! I think it's because he won't take big enough feeds to keep him full for very long, he'll never drink more than 3 or 4 oz, bit of a nightmare! Even when he has 3 or 4 hours between feeds he'll only drink that much xo
The HV was quite happy and we spoke about what may be causing me to feel a little down & how I felt about going back on the anti depressants if I thought that I wanted/needed 2. We are going to speak about it again on her next visit & this time it will be at my new home so she is going to see how I am settled in & speak again about how I am feeling.

Luca is really good at sleeping during the night his last feed was @ 8 last night and he woke @ 7.15 this morning so he is sleeping for longer so I can't complain really about the lack of sleeping during the day! Once I am in my new home I think I will get into the habit of going to bed when he does as I am still feeling shattered during the days now I feel like I have literally no energy. Doesn't help that I am finding I don't want to go out much anymore if at all & that's mainly to do with how I am viewing myself right now
Jab day :cry: I hate this necessary evil. I don't want her to get stabbed :-(

Got her weighed yesturday. 13lb 10oz :lol: Such a chunk! She's right on the 75th line. She has consistently stayed in the middle of 75-91st line, so her growth has dipped only the tiniest bit. No worries with her.
Ditto rooster it was horrible. OH held her n she flinched n balled her eyes out! didnt go bright red n overheated this time tho. Very clingy hungry n tired now tho. Still content n happy with playtime so she's probably forgotten. One more set to go in 4wks...sigh
Rooster our lil miss is almost 16lbs and is cruising the 95th percentile. She has my stocky thighs bless her...
Was jab day here as well & this momma sobbed her heart out! He did scream & cry took ages to get him settled i was heartbroken. Took me ages to get a feed down him & now he has conked out on me which isn't him at all. It was a different nurse this time & she did it differently so maybe that could be why he was so unsettled.

My little guy is now 11lbs 10oz so he is doing good hv is happy with him, i didnt know if that was big though im trying hard to not have hang ups when it comes to weight though & he has no fat on him.
Hiya all, all babies sound like they are growing well and you all sound great!

Eva had her 16wk jabs last week and I made her dad take her this time. Thankfully there's a bit of a gap now till the next lot. Getting her weighed on Friday and expecting her to b well over 14lb.

We went away for a week traveling the country and she was absolutely fantastic, she carried on sleeping through the night, would wake after each day nap in a new place with new people and took it all in her stride! We were so happy and will definitely do it again so that she can get to know her great grandma and great aunts and uncles.

Are Amy of you going away this summer? X
We head off tmw for a week. Renting a house with my family so should hopefully work out well and give husband and I some time together again. Looking forward to it and know my parents are looking forward to seeing more of LO. Lets hope it's good.
Hope you have a lovely break Babbybo. We are off to a log cabin for OHs birthday next weekend just the 3 of us...I can't wait!

Arran has started his swimming lessons today was his 2nd and hes been underwater already. He's doing well bit upset at first but I guess that's to be expected.
Hope you have a lovely break Babbybo. We are off to a log cabin for OHs birthday next weekend just the 3 of us...I can't wait!

Arran has started his swimming lessons today was his 2nd and hes been underwater already. He's doing well bit upset at first but I guess that's to be expected.

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