*March and April mums and babies*

My girl HATED her 8 week check and jabs. Poor girl definitely made her opinion known :lol:
My little boy had his 2nd set of jabs today & he really screamed :( I managed to hold him this time how I did it I don't know! Touch wood though this time he hasn't been poorly with them like he was first time round so no calpol needed
Oh no! We got our appointment for second jabs through the post today- seriously dreading it. Husband said he'll come this time though not sure if it will really help as I will probably want to be the one to comfort LO rather than just watch.
My mom held him the first time around, i was a mess so no way i could have done it & my little boy would have become more anxious. I comforted him straight after & because he was poorly afterwards i was all he wanted.

This time around he was a totally different child after them he screamed more but he wasn't poorly with them like he was the last time
We did our first night without the swaddling and poodle pod combo last night and she did superbly! She only woke once and settled an hour later and sleeping now. So, no difference really, and to be honest I think she woke mainly because she was hot.

Does anyone give their babies Hipp Organic formula? I tried it yesterday (I combi feed) and she just seemed either gassy off it or extra hungry (unsettled anyway) - either way she was only settled after having to have boob after it. I'll keep going with it for today and offer her more of it, but if I have to keep giving her boob afterwards then will have to switch back to C&G.
I am going to start combo feeding soon as I'm struggling to express enough for lo and ive no idea which milk to go for lol. Ive read reviews on them all and cone to the conclusion that none are better than others lol. What do u ladies all use?

Rooster, I used cow and gate with lg and she was fine with it but very gassy on hipp and aptamil xx
Hmm, thanks for that. I thought Hipp was supposed to reduce wind. I've put it down to the fact that it's thinner milk and probably gulping it too much. I'm hoping she'll adjust to it. She's just gone back down without need for boob, fingers crossed it is progress.

I used C&G Comfort with my son, it really helped him. Trying out Hipp with my daughter on the recommendation of my sister as she thought it was great for her son.
Ah I hadn't thought about the thickness of it. That could have explained it too! :)

Hi guys, glad to hear 2nd jabs werent too horrendous, not looking forward to the next set, we use cow and gate and never had any issues with that in combination with expressed breastmilk...

wantobeamum - Im expressing and was at one point getting 50-60ml total from both boobs twice a day but now lucky if get 20ml from both and worried that its only foremilk now as very watery...I express for 30mins but time them around lil miss so morning cud be anything from 5am-10am and evening from 5pm til 10pm - could this be why? I have to wait until she's napping to do it and cant really do longer than 30mins but concerned that milk will dry up really fast this way? Also the drop seems to have coincided with my first period since birth (which coincidentally lasted almost 2wks!) could this be why? She isnt refusing it so obviously not giving off a poor taste but is it benefitting her?

Also, after a couple of really good days and nights of at least 7-11hrs sleep at night with no feed and at least 3 or 4 hour long naps...last night she kept waking every hour and then I caved at 1.30am and gave her a bottle, which didnt make her sleep longer and only served to wake me up fully and then I couldnt sleep til 4am! Was shattered as she then woke at 5.30...left her to her noises and eventual crying by 6.30am as was determined that the day wasnt going to start any earlier...Then on top of that today she has had four tiny naps 20mins-40mins since 5.30 this morning (one in pushchair on walk cos thought she'd sleep longer with that), she is napping now but also guessing will only get 30mins, one of the naps earlier was with me/on me as I needed the rest and thought mayb she'd sleep longer...nope 20mins again...combined with this she has been properly guzzling pretty much every hr to two hrs and has already hit her usual daily amount at 5pm! we are doing the usual playmat/rolling over practice/tummy time that we do 2-3 times per day to tire her plus lots of 'babbling sessions', Ive had lots of smiles and giggles so know that she's content....Could she be going through the third leap do you reckon? She has appeared to be more clingy with me...she has also been trying to 'go' since about lunchtime and seems this time around to be more painful for her so she keeps falling asleep and it wakes her...could be a number of things but wondered whether anyone else had this after about a week and a half of good sleeping/eating patterns developing...sigh...fx she sleeps solid tonight but I am not going to do a dreamfeed this time....I am ignoring any sound thats not a cry...soo hard when you struggle to sleep lol...

rooster, our lil miss needs the serious swaddle, not only do I do batwings but I then wrap material again over each arm more bunched up and then go under the back around and meet at the belly in a double knot...its the only thing that works lol...last night she almost got out of it twice...sigh...the battle continues...
My little girl has been like that since two weeks old. Petty naps and lots of feeding. I thought we turned a corner yesturday when she had two super long naps, but today, nope. It's hard to establish a routine when she is so unpredictable.
bless ya thought things were improving on the nap front...bless em they like to keep us on our toes lol...i was right on the mark 30min nap...again lol...oh well not long til bedtime...yawn...
Morning ladies, hope you are all doing well :-)

I'm facing a bit of a dilemma and wondered if I could get some opinions. Alex does really well through the night and usually only wakes once for a feed. We have co slept (me or OH in our bed with him and the other on the floor) once or twice and he's as good as gone through the night. When we do this he sleeps on my maternity 'V' pillow and he seems much more content with a pillow under his head. I've looked into it and there are pillows designed for babies - do I risk getting one? I know babies under 1 aren't supposed to have a pillow due to risk of suffocation but as he's not rolling over yet and these pillows seem to be well vented I guess to stop suffocation I though it might be a good idea to at least give it a go. But I wanted some opinions first. Has anyone ever used a pillow for their baby before? How did you get on?

Thanks in advance ladies! :-) xx
Never used a pillow for Arran so can't really give you an opinion. If you are looking to move Alex into his own crib you can get a wedge pillow for under the mattress if he just doesn't like lying flat, we got one for Arran because of his reflux so his head is slightly raised but there's no suffocation risk.

Just had a nosey in tri 3 - is anyone else really missing being pregnant? I mean I love having Arran here and seeing him develop a little more each day especially this week he has discovered making sounds and just generally so much more alert and aware of his surroundings. But I'm really missing my bump for some reason. A few people close to me have announced pregnancies recently so maybe that's it? I am convinced I will not have another OH says I'm being a bit dramatic but both Arran and I came really close to not being here and I don't think I could risk that again now he's here.

I was the type of person who loved to go on holiday and party and kids were a maybe in a distant future now I am wrapped around an 11 week old's finger and missing pregnancy - what a difference a year makes!! Absolutely wouldn't change a thing though.

I can resolutely say that I DO NOT miss being pregnant :lol: I love being able to sleep on my tummy and being able to have a drink in the middle of the night without feeling the need to vomit :lol:
I dint miss being pregnant but I look at Theo, 11 weeks old and feel really sad that I wont have those newborn days again :( I had an awful pregnancy though so would struggle to want to do that part again lol x
I try not to think about it as i miss being pregnant terribly that was a massive blow for me after i had my little boy as i felt i'd gone from having something to look forward to, to grow & having all the attention towards me to having nothing & trying to fill my days! I remember just looking at my perfect little baby & wishing i could do it all over again! I can see now why people have lots of children it can be addictive! For me i just loved my entire pregnancy it seem to go in a flash & i had no issues whatsoever apart from very minor ones & my labour was a breeze as well compared to how tough others can have it so i've been lucky!

I think i miss my oregnancy for a number of reasons it will always be memorable time for me for lots of reasons it was my life changer! I still don't believe that he belongs to me (he doesn't get his gorgeous looks from me that's for sure haha!) i keep on wondering when he is going to be taken away it is just so surreal at the moment. I've waited all my life for this moment & it's finally happened for me i wouldn't change it for anything! Things have just changed so much since becoming pregnant & becoming a mother! I can't put into words just how thankful & blessed i am that i've been given the special opportunity of growing & nurturing such an amazing little boy he is my entire purpose! I adore & love him more each & every day than i thought possible! Ive become a different person to what i was before having him. I've such a special bond with my little boy! Motherhood has come easy for me & that's also because i do have a very good & easy baby, no doubt their will be moments & there have been where i feel that it is tough but when i look back on the situation it really wasn't that tough at all.
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Hi guys I dont miss being pregnant aside from the using the pregnancy card on occasion :) I did however think the aches would disappear - they dont lol...it is tiring being on call 24/7 but so long as have something to look forward to and take one nap during the day with her I can cope on scattered 4-5hrts at night between 10pm and 6am lol...she is more interesting now but even that can be tiring as you're constantly trying to keep activities varied and being happy and excited frequently...feels like my wedding day lol with laughter aches...

Well we've just come back from our two day holiday and it was ace, she didnt enjoy the wedding much (too hot and doesnt like the car seat for long periods...also she burped at exactly the point when the groom was asked if he is legally allowed to marry lol...there was a lot of laughter at that! It was nice getting my dancing shoes on for a short while as well. we went for walks and then had lunch and tea out which was also an experience lol - one thing I did notice was when she was crabby due to tiredness, the minute she was stripped down to nappy and put on a soft large bed she calmed right down and coo'd away - bless her..she adapted well to the travel cot lol - defo cant use carrycot anymore she's too big...
Hi how r u all doing?

I've been so busy I've not posted in ages!

I can't believe my LG us 14 weeks old, how time flies. I loved being pregnant, after the first trimester anyway but I'm so pleased I'm not pregnant in this heat. So hard to keep babies cool :-(

Lovely now she's more interactive and especially loving the smiles when they get u up at 6am which just melts ur heart. She's very good generally and goes through the night, just hoping this hot weather doesn't upset that!
Just had a nose around the first trimester and I can't believe that March 2016 mummies are starting to appear! This last year has gone so quick I can't believe it!

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