*March and April mums and babies*

I agree Aimee with the interaction, it is lovely even if you've only managed 2hrs sleep and were cursing them middle of the night, that first smile when you greet them in the morning makes it worth it lol... Im very lucky that we have air conditioning to keep the rom cool as we have already had one episode of heat rash and let me tell you I didnt like seeing our angry hot daughter that night lol...since then she is fine doesnt even cry straight away for milk just shoves her fists in her mouth for about 15mins lol, plenty of warning unlike those first few wks....

OMG Lizzimay, how time has flown - can't believe its July already! Still feels like May lol...

Just got her 12wk jabs booked :( hopefully she'll be good as gold like last time, just want the next two sets of jabs over and done with then can relax for a while lol...
It really is warm for them ive just got my little one in a vest all the time & even then he is wet threw :( i can't keep him in just his nappy when were not out so ive just given him a bath to make him feel fresh & just left his nappy off to have a kick about. I just don't know what to so @ night to keep it cool in our room the other night it was 23 :( it was esp hot last night & he woke up for the first time in weeks during the night which i'm blaming on the heat!

I did go out & buy him some really cute vests i couldn't resist just hope he gets a bit of wear out of them as the 3-6 months drowned him so i got size up to 3 months which are still a little big.
23c... that's a lovely temperature... beat this 30c, that's right, 30 flipping centigrade in my poor daughters room. My son is positively freezing in his 29c room.

I've tried all day to cool their rooms down but have got nowhere, they've just got hotter :-(
It could be warmer now though that was the temp a few days ago!! I was told his room should be about 18/19c thats why i felt it was warm & he never wakes during the night now & he did last night which is down to the weather.

Anyways .... My son has just sat up on his own!! I can't believe it he is only 13+3 weeks old & he has pulled himself up using my moms fingers we couldn't believe it
allthingsgirly, wow our lil miss will sit leaning against my boppy pillow but not sit up, we've been working on rolling over and lifting neck during tummy time...despite all manner of toys and mummy encouragementt guess what works for her? lying on my bed staring at lcd screen with something playing preferably lots of colours lol...today she was holding her head up two or three times focusing on tv for at least 10seconds! best she's ever done! so proud of her and think she can see the benefit lol...what I do is lie her down with her head nearest tv, then she turns her head round to look, I then coerce her onto her side for a bit and then tummy, all the while keeping her attention on tv....works wonders bless her...she is one tired lil miss now...fx she sleeps in this heat!
Wow clever girl! She will be pulling herself up in no time!

I couldn't believe he actually did it but i think that he is quite advanced for his age, he has been holding his head up independantly for weeks now for about 8 seconds at a time it is like he is doing a mini work out lol. Back in May he was rolling onto his sides but not quite all the way over & back again. He hates being on his tummy so i am not forcing that he will learn to do it when he is ready!

My little boy is excatly the same weeks/days old as when i had my very first scan telling me how far along i was, amazing! Time really is flying & he now looks like a little boy he no longer looks like a baby :(
hi guys, thought I was onto a winner with our lil miss going to bed at 8-9pm and waking at 7-8am but the last two days she has woken at 4.30 and 6am, if I play her mobile for a while she settles herself again but it can take up to 40mins, she doesnt full blown cry but she does get whimpery with her eyes open interspersed with babbling so i know she's happy and awake but Im lying there thinking 'its too early go back to sleep' lol..., do I take it that 4.30am is now her new wake up and embrace it (go to bed earlier myself to allow for it...) or resist it like I have been doing for an extra 45mins sleep, only to be woken again at 6am to the same whimpering and babbling as if she's thinking 'im awake, why arent you?' lol not sure which to do really, thought I was doing the right thing maintaining a regular routine morning and night but now im not sure what to change...any ideas?
Can you push her bedtime? We don't put Zach down till 9.30, he did the same kind of thing, wasn't ready to get up until about 9.30-10 am until a few weeks ago and it suddenly became 7am time to get up. Their routines change so much as they go through different developments so don't be too surprised if it changes again in a couple of weeks! Zach is 16 weeks and I think we have ht the 4 month regression, he went from sleeping 8/9 hours to being up every 3 hours the past couple of nights. I'm hoping he gets over it soon! X
Could it also be down to the warmer weather? My LO generally sleeps threw the night but their was 1 night he woke up once during the night & that was the night where it had been the hottest day since he was born.
Zach was fine on that hottest night slept as normal so I don think the heat is bothering him too much actually although I could be wrong! I'm half hoping it's the regression as I want to get it over and done with! X
thanks guys, she seems to have settled down again, today she went 8pm til 7.30am only waking 10pm and 3am but resettled ok with dummy and shush/pat...I realise she isnt far off her 11wk leap and then of course the sleep regression is not far over the hill lol...she's not showiny any other signs tho (cranky, clingy, feeding more etc) so cud have just been fluke as today she didnt start babbling til switched light on and her mobile at 7.30 - she's now talking away to it lol...
who follows the EASY routine/schedule? I have tried to but on one day when activity went on a bit longer found it became SYEA - I dont really mind but find sleeping straight after eating works better for her as she goes from her post feed doze/burping on shoulder and settles very quickly for nap, whereas now, have to wake her from her doze, play with her only to make her sleepy again...plus get more spit up when play straight after feed (give or take 10/15mins for burping)...she always wants a feed every 2-3hrs and is always tired by 1hr 30mins of waketime inc feeding so trying to reshuffle it lol...

then she goes and confuses me earlier, after traditionally taking 4 x 45min naps sometimes an hr, she does 45min nap, feed, dozes on shoulder so I lie down with her for some cuddle time and she proceeds to nap for an hour and 50mins! she never usually stays on me longer than 40mins at which point would either transfer her to crib or wake for play...very strange lol, perhaps development/clinginess...? she did really well last night though and they do say sleep breeds sleep lol...also have found it works better to do any activities like swimming/walking etc in the morning cos then if it costs her naptime (she'll only nap 10-20mins in car seat), she catches up in avo...is anyone else on similar schedule as me and have any suggestions/experiences to share...?
I dont have a routine with my little boy as such we just seem to fit into one as we go along. I don't follow a set pattern just go with the flow & it works! The one thing I know for certain now is that without fail no matter what time he goes to bed he will more times than not wake up at any minute past 6 in the morning everything else we just sort of fall into line with & it works.

This week he has been sleeping a bit more during the day which he never normally does but even when he was awake most of the day it was such a joy as he is such a contented baby so looking after him is easy. He has his moments but in generally he is a good placid baby. He feeds every 3/4 hours usually but he only takes 5 feeds in a day not 6 but I am not too fussed as he looks healthy & the HV is happy with him & he is gaining weight nicely.

He has just gone down to bed at 10 or just before & that should be it for the night now until 6ish tomorrow morning he did need cuddling to sleep tonight as he wouldn't settle himself in his basket & I don't like leaving him to settle as makes me feel like a bad mommy so I got him up as he whimpered, rocked him to sleep told him I loved him & off to sleep! Does anyone else put their LO's to bed for the night alone? Or do you go when they go to bed?
We put ours down by himself. Up until a couple of weeks ago he went down in Moses basket in living room and when we went to bed carried basket up with us but since then we put him down in his crib and leave him with the monitor on. He settles no problem and of he's been fed around 9ish onwards he should go until 5. After that he will go back down but no guarantee for how long. Best case around 9 when he'll wake for a feed but sometimes he will wake a chatter to himself from 6ish.
Always put our girl to bed at the same time as her brother and then OH and I have some alone time - unless one or the other want to be a pain!

We've had two nights of super bedtimes from our little girl - she has gone straight to sleep and put her in crib with eyes open then not heard anything until the next morning. Very pleased with that and such a result from the previous weeks of two + hours of trying to settle her. I'd much prefer her to go to bed this week so that it makes it easier on grandparents should she ever stay the night elsewhere.
How are you ladies doing? Hope the little ones are well.

Arran is going down at 11 and that's him to 7.30 the next morning which is fab, ive got an awful cough that's keeping me up all night though so not got the benefit of this yet! He's doing well but still small, 9lb 2oz when I got him weighed at 11.5 weeks so he is off the centile chart all together but still gaining weight.

I've poster another thread in here about stimulating timmy time - he's still not lifting his head on his own and shows no interest in it. In fact he's just fell asleep without really trying! Any suggestions on what I can do to help him?

I can't suggest anything sadly as I don't know what you could do maybe mention to your HV? My little boy doesn't really like being on his tummy but he will roll onto his side & is constantly lifting his head for a few seconds at a time. Each baby develops differently at the moment I am not concerned he doesn't like being on his tummy so I'm not doing it he will do it at his own time but I will see what the HV has to say! My little boy was weight nearly 4 weeks ago now so possibly he was about 10 weeks & he was 10lbs 4oz he is still small but he is very long though
Hi CDx. My LO is 13 weeks and absolutely hates tummy time. He gets so frustrated with struggling and ends up crying so I don't like doing it either. A bit like Arran he can move about when he's held and sometimes it seems he supports himself but still no sign of lifting it while on his stomach or when he's pulled forward. He seems advanced at other things and movements but not that and I'm starting to worry a little too. Trying to remind myself that babies develop differently but if you find anything that helps let me know. I considered a new playmat- one for tummy time is half price in mothercare today. Wondering if it helps at all?
I have nothing to suggest unfortunately (for you), as my girl has always had a very strong neck and since she sleeps on her tummy so she gets plenty of tummy time that way (15 hours of it last night!!). I haven't supported her neck when holding her for a good couple of weeks now as she holds it up perfectly fine.

I hope your little man gets his strength soon, it probably is just because he's so little.

Just bought a Close Caboo for my clingy baby girl. I need it so I can play with my son sometimes!! Can't wait to get it!

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