*March and April mums and babies*

Allthingsgirly with the best will in the world you will forget to do things. Being a mummy is hard work and being there for LO is more important. You will remember roughly when he reaches each milestone and its probably only the big ones that he will ever ask about though I understand how you feel. We all want to remember each important step but there will be so many over their lives that we can't possibly remember or take note of them all.

CDx thinking of you and poor little Arran. Hope he improves very soon. You must be worried sick.

Kitten-well done on cast. I still haven't tried mine again but will have to get a move on for Father's Day (or make do with my first attempt which isn't perfect).

Just thinking-for anyone who still has to go to injections advice would be to wear something with short legs on LO so you can comfort them quickly and not have to worry about dressing them again. Read on here befor and someone advised this (sorry can't remember who-but very good advice so thank you to whoever it was). It was after our first injections but will definitely be doing it for next!
babbybo, thanks for your suggestions, we were already advised to do babygrow cos then dont have to take fully off...

the cast is amazing but to keep her calm we had her in her bouncer pivoted so she was almost standing strapped in with scarf around chest leaving one arm free, bottle at the ready, let her put arm in warm water first to prepare her, mixed and then worked out thru many tests the latest time to put hand in n how long til sets, i then kept feeding til time was up with an extra bottle at the ready...as we did it in a measuring jug getting out the plaster once dried was the challenge but wow an amazing effect n soo realistic...gonna do her other hand n feet next....
not looking forward to jabs as she has only just recovered from heat rash n yesterday she was tired, hot n cranky, her cries developed into piercing screams n before we knew it she was choking n struggling for breath bless her, after calming her down she promptly fell asleep wearing only her nappy n slept for 9hrs straight! wow...believe it or not but she has also had two 40mins naps this morning too n is now playing catch up with her milk...
Afternoon all! How is everyone enjoying this lovely sunshine? :-) I love this weather but the problem I'm facing is that Alex is a very sweaty hot baby and I'm not sure how to help him deal with the heat without making him feel cold xxxx
hi cossie we had this, add to the above not able to sleep unless swaddled...what worked for us is fans/air conditioner nearby not directly on, only wearing nappy and socks, if sleeping very thin cotton blanket over the top legs kept free to allow cooling, if too hot and clammy hold in your arms directly near a fan for few mins each side (lol), tepid bath if all else fails, try and get him to drink cooled boiled water even if you have to flavour with a drop or two of fruit juice...
ok she went 9hrs again...do i dare hope she is now going thru the night? last nite 9pm-5.45am, night before 10pm-m7am...hmmm...unfortunately its jab day so suspect she will struggle to go all night tonight...well it was nice while it lasted lol...
My little girl slept 13 hours last night! Completely amazed! 8pm-9am, then up feed, change, bath, dressed, then she fell asleep to my hairdryer as I got ready :lol:
ditto rooster, after 9hrs had two feeds with and hour of playtime in between then promptly fell asleep again and has been napping for 2hrs now, gonna have to wake her in the next half hr though to go into carseat for naps...she is gonna b hungry lil miss : ( pleased she's sleeping well tho...
meant to say 'careseat for jabs'...napped myself still waking up lol...
she's had her jabs, hubby held her she did very well, mainly cried after second one, went bright red n started sweating but an hr n half later she's napped, fed n about to nap again...
Very good kitten. I'm still traumatised from seeing my LO react to jabs though he settled quickly.

Well done on the nights sleep too. Even though I know you more than deserve it I was slightly jealous when I read that lol. You too Rooster. I went to bed about 1130. Woken at 2by LO fed him back to bed at 3, woken up again at 520 and back to bed at 6. He didn't really settle again though hubby took him downstairs so I got a nap. Then we were up at 915. That's the worst night since about week 6. Hope it was a one off-I'm exhausted as I already knackered yesterday.

On a different note babies bank account opened today. One job done at least.
and again 9hrs wow, and thats after not settling for ages last nite...after her jabs bless her...anyone elses LO start babbling to them like they are talking? it's soo adorable!
Very jealous of the long sleeps!! Arran was doing 6-7 but since he's been unwell he's coughing every few hours because of him gasping for breath I'm really struggling to sleep.

I took him to hospital yesterday as I really wasn't happy with all the different opinions from different doctors. I took him to the baby clinic and he had only gained 9oz in 3 weeks - he gained that in a week the last time he was weighed so at almost 10 weeks he is only 8lb 10oz. The hospital did some blood tests but they all came back clear. He took a coughing fit while we were with the doctor and he has diagnosed reflux, prescribed gaviscon so fingers crossed it starts to work soon I'm exhausted and now have cold symptoms with a banging headache.
HI CDx, the long sleeps are what baby gets lol, not the mums as we also have a noisy girl and generally resettles herself every couple of hrs so you hear her then but like Ive said in previous posts, you soon learn which sounds to ignore and which to wake for so even though its probably light sleep its still sleep lol...Tonight gonna go thru the night with her from 10pm and if have issues hubby has offered to take over at 5am so I can catch a couple more hrs if needed...at least this way wont be trying to find her in the bed clothes every night from 10pm-1am or think Im hearing her crying when she's not (mind over matter lol)...Anyways after three nights of doping 8-9hrs last night she did 6.5 but think thats cos she didnt do a bm last night whereas every other day she has right before bed bless her, getting progressively later then last night she skipped...think is when she woke at 4.30 and had two feeds, she then took ages to self settle for a further hr sleep then she was awake for the day...sigh...of course she's napping now but Im awake now lol...it may be because yesterday she had 4 naps instead of 2 and her latest one was 4.30-7pm - v late lol...think she's still establishing her routine...

CDx, good to hear you've finally had a diagnosis, hopefully things will get better for you both now, annoying on the cold front tho lol, can't imagine that right now, having period at same time as less sleep is hard enough (although almost done for the month now...)
oh forgot to say, we had her first laugh yesterday and I caught it on camera! I kept repeating hahahaha and hehehe to her whilst communicating and got a definate ha in amongst the babble combined with a big smile - yay! Been filling in the firsts on the baby book lol...think her next will be rolling over as she has already figured out how to shift her weight by lifting her legs in the air and is soo close to turning to each side...soon I wont be able to leave her unsupervised for a few mins on playmat lol...really proud of her though and in the same wk as her jabs too...
CDx glad to hear you got a diagnosis too. Reflux can be a bit of a nightmare but hopefully it will settle down now with medication. If it isn't working go back and ask for something different. My sister had awful trouble years ago and she had to try various things before she got something that worked. Luckily my doctor put my LO on that stuff straight away and it's working pretty well.

Kitten it sounds like your LO is doing great. It's so lovely when they smile and laugh at you. Makes everything so worth it. My LO is nicknamed smiler as he's such a happy baby:)

Everyone organised for Father's Day? I just had to panick buy a grandad card for my father in law (forgot about needing one from LO even though I managed to remember about my own daddy-doh!)
Babbybo thx she is an angel altho has had a few issues with swaddling n bm last night bless her- meant only got 2hrs sleep from 10pm til 6am n so had a nap just now only to discover she had a bout od inconsolable crying for 15mins for hubby (not nice on fathersday lol) but think its partly development n partly unused to bein tended by daddy as recently ive taken on full responsibility for her....does seem strange tho that after 3 nights of going 9hrs (albeit not sleeping til 10pm) she then went 7hrs then 7hrs yesterday n slept most of tgphe day to only 5hrs last night n finally sleeping again now...cud this b a development phase as she had started to go to bed earlier but waking up 3am ish...perhaps she's trying to set sleeping cycles?

Here's a q- the nursery is west facing n so gets daylight from 4am til 10pm, during day we have lights on n curtains open only switch off lights for naps she still gets sunlight, does sheneed curtains closing for naps too? They r thin curtains so dont prevent bright sunshine coming in...shud lights b also left on?
hi guys its been quiet here recently, how did the new daddies enjoy fathers day? my hubby loved the mug n card i ordered off moonpig...

had to share, proud mummy of our lil miss, she lifted her head loads during tummy time (bet all week) and has almost mastered rolling over...her motivation? toys - a little, us - a little, the tv? lots! bless her....

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