*March and April mums and babies*

I wish I had been told about expressing but even if I had done it I probably would have made the switch I think for me it's the not doing things & wishing k had just because I haven't done it if that makes sense! I just put a certain amount of pressure on myself to do the best that I can do & I think I am missing out on just going with the flow as I'm doing an amazing job & loving being a parent but think I'm holding back a little because I've got all these what ifs? I think I may speak to someone about it get it off my chest & see if that helps? I know I don't have PND because I've taken to motherhood so well & I do have an easy (ish) baby to look after him the problem doesn't lie with my baby.

I also think this weather can't be helping our babies either I think this is at times why he can get a bit grumpy along with his gums playing up but it's understandable as U.S. Adults can find the heat a bit unbearable at times I know I can & I think he could be getting thirsty? So now I am carrying around some cool aired water in a bottle for him. I'm not 100% that I am doing it right though, I do it in the perfect prep like I would make a bottle just not adding the milk is this right?

He slept threw again last night he went down about 8ish & slept till 5.40am he has been sleeping threw more a less since he was born though! I just fall more & more in love with him everyday he is just so perfect in every way I thank him everyday for coming to me as he has changed my life for the better! He is beautiful I have strangers coming up to me telling me every day what a beautiful. Baby I have & how much hair he has lol. I

How is everyone else getting on? Did I let everyone know how his tongue tie procedure went? I can't remember now if I did
hi allthingsgirly, main thng I was told was to boil water then let it cool (30mins in fridge should do the trick) then you can offer that, should also change every 2hrs but we make one for the day then again at night, no problems so far, she'll take 20-50ml per day. think you can add drop fruit juice (orange/apple) to give it some flavour too...
Thank you honey once he has finished feeding (he seems to be going every 3 hours now think he may be catching up on the feeds he missed during the night) I find doing it in the perfect prep it still is a bit warm, is it ok to give them cold water though once it's been boiled then put into fridge? I've still got one of his smaller bottles left so I'll give it a try! I'm pretty sure it was hunger cry though & not just he was thirsty as it has been 3 hours since his last feed.
Arran has a throat infection wee soul is on antibiotics, he's had a cough for over a week and the past 2 days bringing his feeds back up so hoping they work soon and he's back to his normal self.

What age is it ok to give them water? I asked the doctor at his 6 week check up and she wasn't too keen on it. He has to go back next week to check his neck strength hes fine when they pulled him up but not as it should be when they put him forward. I have been trying tummy time with him but he hates it and gets so frustrated.

Arran is 9 weeks tomorrow, always been formula fed and ive still not had a period. I know I'm def not pregnant is this normal? I'm surprised they returned so quickly for some of you. Got to admit I've loved not having my monthly cycle and the crazy hormones that come with it, think OH is too since I've not been as moody.
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Arran has a throat infection wee soul is on antibiotics, he's had a cough for over a week and the past 2 days bringing his feeds back up so hoping they work soon and he's back to his normal self.

What age is it ok to give them water? I asked the doctor at his 6 week check up and she wasn't too keen on it. He has to go back next week to check his neck strength hes fine when they pulled him up but not as it should be when they put him forward. I have been trying tummy time with him but he hates it and gets so frustrated.

Arran is 9 weeks tomorrow and ive still not had a period. I know I'm def not pregnant is this normal? I'm surprised they returned so quickly for some of you. Got to admit I've loved not having my monthly cycle and the crazy hormones that come with it, think OH is too since I've not been as moody.
allthingsgirly, so long as boiled first cold isfine altho if your LO used to warmed milk they may pull faces/spit up if cold! our LO does... CDx we've been giving water since 5wks old think its fine give it a try, in warm weather its gud idea...
I tried it I put boiled water in from the kettle then popped it into the fridge to cool down & it wasn't cold cold like I was expecting it was just a similar temp to what the perfect prep would make it at. I tried him with would take a little sip then make funny faces lol & eventually he realised this wasn't his milk and wouldn't take it. He has been so grumpy today will not sleep & screaming the place down think it is the heat & his gums but it isn't good for me either as I can't seem to settle him & I am finding feeding him his milk is helping him but that means he could be feeding on the hour instead of 3-4 but if he is hungry he is hungry! He fed 3 hours after his last feed and only took 4oz he is now out for the count as I have given him my blanket so that seems to have settled him, for now!
bless ya had a spell similar myself last night (took 2.5hrs to settle back to sleep then she was out for the count from 4.30 til 10.30! Typical as I only slept couple of hrs in that time as was morning lol...) both cos of heat and irregular BM's bless her, today she has only been awake for about 2hrs and both times to try and do a poo lol...we have only had about 10mins on playmat whereas normally she has 1-2hrs over course of the day, think the heat is making them sleepy too, she wont sleep unless swaddled at the arms and encased in sleeping bag so have her only in nappy, with air conditioner going etc....

yes she also makes faces with the water, tempted to try fruit juice idea as a drop or two should be sufficient to give it flavour, we also test the water three times, then at least even if she does make faces she may get 5ml down her - better than nothing...

he may be cluster feeding also if he hasnt fed much, we generally get two spells a day where she will feed on the hour, large quantities then sleep after...we then get top up feeds (smaller quantities in the evening) in prep for the night ahead we think...
My poor little honey is really out of sorts at the moment it's breaking my heart! All he seems to be doing is screaming & feeding just now! I am pretty sure he is in some discomfort with his gums & I want to say sod it & put some anbesol on to help ease it but HV told me to just give him the teething toys but he isn't much into them as he can't grasp very well at the moment. If he is still like this tomorrow then sod it I'm putting it on him it says it can be used in babies from birth & I can't bear to see him in pain! He is hardly sleeping at all during the day & he gets so frustrated because he is wanting to "run before he can walk" so we don't get much playmat time as he just doesn't want to be down there he gets fed up no matter what I do with him! It seems like he only wants me at the moment even though he screams just as much with me but my blanket seems to settle him & sometimes will pop him off to sleep but not always.
What time do your babies settle for 'night time'... my lady is really starting to wear me down. She COMPLETELY fights sleep until she caves at between 21:30-22:30. She nap here and there but from 6pm onwards it's a battle of wills. Nothing is working. I miss the first two weeks where it was just a case of plonking her in her crib with Ewan the Sheep and off she'd sleep for 3 hours. Now it's a complete battle until she over does it and conks out and when she does it's for 10-12 hours.

Still day time and evenings are so so hard :-(
Wow rooster 10 or 12 hrs would be amazing! My LO used to drop of to sleep around 8 or 9 after a bath and feed but recently he stays awake for a good while after. He will lie in Moses basket in living room with us making noises and rocking until 1030 or so and then drop off. It's no problem if we are up but very noisy if we were to go to bed but we've only done that once. He will only sleep until 4 or 5 when it's feed time again (from about 8/9).
My little one is back to sleeping threw again but once he is awake, fed & changed getting him back off to sleep isn't easy. We were chatting & smiling then the next he's crying, I don't know why he fights sleep so much or gets so ratty! weve been up since 5.20am showing no signs 2 hours later of wanting to go to sleep! Brought him downstairs & watching kids programmes which he seems to like as he is making a lot of noise lol
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OMG what a laugh, our lil miss went two days without a BM and then last night she threw up full bottle then OH took her to changing table to get changed, she pood her nappy nearly came out the sides but when got 2nd nappy ready she kept on poong which got us both in hysterics - she was quite happy lying there as poo ooozed out lol, after much laughter to the point cud barely see for tears, we got 2nd nappy ready again only to get weed on! cue laughter again, swift bath prep and dettol on the changing mat lol - bless her she was happy after that!

today she went swimming for first time - we had huggies disposable nappy, konfidence overnappy and a swimsuit on and she spent time in the ring and on us in water - after 5mins to get warm (32 degrees) she loved it! we even dunked her but she hated that! her reflex did kick in though so all gud, we may leave dunking for home tho... all in all a gud day she's zonked out now lol...
correction she zonked out on me - twice - but when put her in carrycot fights the sleep, she has had two naps approx 1-2hrs today so not too worried about tonight but she usually naps for longer and she has been fed, nappy changed, had play time and is now listening to lullabys while she is all snug in her sleeping bag - fingers crossed she sleeps soon as we find otherwise she is cranky by 9pm!
Much better day today with LO even though he still won't sleep much during the day if at all we were out more today so he had more naps & I managed to get 1/2 hour with him in the car! Put him down @ 9pm in my room with the baby monitor on & he's been out for the count since. I'm feeling a tad down about something silly I have kept on forgetting to record down his milestones :( like his first smile, first started babbling etc I've been too busy being a mom that I forgot to keep a reminder & I think he will be my first a& last baby so I'm a bit sad about not recording it down ESP when he seems to be quite advanced with the things he is doing for how many weeks he is! I've had a few people now tell me they can't remember a baby smiling or talking (in his own way) quite this early before makes me feel proud! I've just seen there is a page in the red book to record such things as well I don't know why I'm down about it but I am as wanted to keep a record of it to be able to look back on & share with him. Just feel like I've lost out on those memories now
I'm at my wits end, Arran has been quiet poorly the past week. His cough has got much worse to the point he is gasping to breath and he has been sick after every feed since Wednesday night. He's been seen by 3 different doctors 1 was hopeless and made me feel like a paranoid parent, 1 thinks it's a throat infection and prescribed antibiotics which he's brought most of back up and the last one we seen thinks it's a viral infection, we have to look for signs of dehydration and take him straight to the children's hospital if they appear. His urine output has reduced so I phoned NHS 24 for some advice last night and they said phone our GP this morning (the 2nd one we saw). He's just had an ounce of milk and coughed it straight back up, the struggling for breath is still there.

I really don't know what I can do to help him and I'm frustrated that he has to get dehydrated before it seems anyone will take it seriously. As you know he was small when he was born and has continyed to be below the 5th centile so really can't afford to be losing too much weight x
Hi ladies, hope we are all doing well? Alex is now nearly 9 weeks old and HV weighed him the other day and he is now a massive 12lb 10z! :-D He's starting to take up almost all of my time being awake and talking and playing during the day rather than napping lots and he's such a happy little boy!!

CDx Alex was really poorly at 2 weeks old with a cough and cold and regularly brought his milk back up and it was very slimy and mucusy. How long has Arran been poorly now?
Hi Cossie, wow 9wks, Phoebe will be 9wks on Wednesday...she is also much more lively, chattering away, playing more and much more curious about her surroundings, she can support her neck much better and likes to show off, she is smiling loads now and we have even had her version of a giggle too...she does nap but nowhere as much as she used to, we have a battle to get her to settle for morning and afternoon naps and she ends up sleeping perhaps 40mins-1hr at a time..on the plus side we have finally managed to do her 3d cast - using alginate and plaster of paris, she was a darling and hardly flinched whilst her hand was in for a whole minute!...
He's had cold symptoms for 10 days but it's only a week later the sickness started and he is keeping very little down. I was convinced it was whooping cough but the doctor doesn't think so but his cough definitely sounds similar. I just wish it could be me suffering it all. He must be exhausted and sore from wretching and coughing so much.

He has to go back to the GP on Thursday to follow up on his 6 week check up as his neck strength was a slight concern. I will need to take him to the baby clinic to get weighed this week but I'm expecting him to have lost weight.
CDx sounds like hard work for you with you poor little guy hopefully they will find out what is wrong with him soon & he will start to get better!

My little guy seems to be sick now after every feed :( Ive the Hv on Friday I'm not expecting him to lose weight, I'm expecting he has gained weight but not as much as I think he may have done if his feeds have kept down though.

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