Hi ladies, how's it going? Alex is 8 weeks old today and I really don't know where the time has gone!
Is it around this age that they start staying awake a lot more during the day? It really doesn't feel like he sleeps that much at the moment. He's been awake today from 7am to 10ish and woke about 10 mins ago. He's not due a feed for another hour or so. He's not too bad at night. He gets fed between 7&8pm, is bathed and then has a play on his playmat and when he starts to yawn and look sleepy, we take him upstairs and put him in bed for around 9-9:30. We have to sit with him for half an hour so he can settle. He then sleeps from 10ish to 3-3:30am, wakes for a feed and is then asleep til 7ish.
He has his jabs tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it. Although my mum has offered to take him in while I sit in the waiting room. I feel like such a bad parent for doing this but watching his heel prick was heartbreaking and I can't watch him cry like that again. After he's had them, I assume I'm ok to give him a bit of calpol if he needs it?