*March and April mums and babies*

Felix does the bottom lip thing too haha so cute! He has started sleeping straight through the night almost every night now :D sooo lucky with that, he's also started copying and playing with toys and babbling to himself so it's so much easier to keep him entertained in the day xo
haha lol northerngirl, pleased to hear others have same expressions! yes she is now showing interest in toys n playmat, more interested in moving objects atm...

anyone else's LO have toilet issues....?
I think mine finds it hard to go at times he goes all red & blotchy when he is trying.

He also gets very bored very easily he gets so frustrated when he can't do something!
No toilet issues Kitten. Probably the opposite. Our LO fills his nappy so many times a day and most times with no effort. Others with oh shaped lips which is funny to watch. Must book myself a pampering session- do need something.

Also does the bottom lip tho the funniest is when he manages to make it quiver or stick out which makes it look like he's saying poor me.

Northerngirl- a full nights sleep would be amazing. My LO has been pretty good from the beginning but still does a night and an early morning feed so I'm worn out as I'm bf'ing. Mind you sitting up hours after baby has went to sleep probably isn't smart as he will probably wake me in an hr or two and we have his christening tomorrow-so unorganised its not even funny!

Niknaknoo that's ridiculous. I thought my docs were bad. It wouldn't take you to be depending on them by the sounds of things.
So pissed off with things & certain people grrrr. Just finished a feed his first since going down last night! Yesterday was a tough day with him though so hoping today is a little easier
well bicycle legs seems to help but it is hard to watch when it seems to take her hours...

here's a link you'll all find amusing where a bottom lip is shown lol....we all need laughs lol:


Babbybo, know how you feel im lucky if she goes 3hrs between feeds later in the night, after her first 3-4hr slot its generally every 2-2.5hrs but its amazing how you can fall asleep v quickly and wake quickly when you need to and still feel rested ...eventually lol...
Today has already started horrendously majorly feeling like just getting away!

My little boy is bringing back his milk quite a lot! Just feed him now & hes been really sick with it three times in just under ten mintues! I also think he is finding it really hard to go to the toilet. His milk has been the same since he was born never had any problems. He is also really chewing down on his soother could all this be teeth related?
allthingsgirly we had this a few days ago and when realised she hadnt pooped in 36hrs realised why, the daft thing is they need the milk to help gets things moving but the straining forces it back out again, she also did this three times before making it clear she was trying to 'go', 3hrs later she was fine and keeping milk down, try the massage techniques and the bicycle legs, seems to work for out lil girl to ease it but still takes her ages and so now when we know its been a while we try to make sure she's fed well and napped well before the process begins as nothing worse than an overtired/overhungry baby after 3hrs straining lol...hopefully this is the issue with your lil one, we have tried the dummy sometimes and sometimes that soothes enough for her to concentrate but generally milk going through the body eases things in that department IYKWIM and also cooled boiled water regularly daily should also help things along...

Im trying to work out how I can transition her to not needing fed every 2hrs between 2am and 8am. when she's with hubby he doesnt tend to nap himself so although it may appear that she's slept 4hrs she probably has stirred quite a bit, myself I try and sleep in same room as her to eventually adapt to being with her at night but constantly get woken up with her fussing/grunting ever hour or two and when put fingers near top lip (she's swaddled with arms down) she always roots, but I want to try and get her to go longer between feeds, do I simply ignore the grunting and wait for a full blown cry by which point she's eat fussily not dream feed and probably either need burping for an hour or bring it back up? atm she seems to need the 85ml every couple of hrs but sometimes I wonder if its me as constantly preparing bottles to have one on standby and as they have 2hr shelf life wonder if its my subconscious waking me up (bottle due to expire) and her tuning into me waking up?? dilemma...

sorry for the essay but detail was needed lol.
Ill give it a try & speak to a health visitor if he is gaining weight etc my own hv doesn't seem to be too concerned & he always looks well enough. It's the bringing up a fair amount of milk that's concerning me though & he is getting more difficult to settle even when using the soother! He is taking 6oz nearly every 2 1/2 hours when it used to be 4 sometimes he will take less than the 6oz. Think this is because he is hungry sooner as he is bringing a lot back?

I'm very lucky he sleeps threw the night but he also makes noises, grunts etc in his sleep & esp during his cat naps during the day! I tend to leave him until he wakes up fully as he sometimes nods off back to sleep anyways!

I also find with him at times he will take a full bottle then bring up what he doesn't want afterwards rather than just not take the full bottle
allthingsgirly, bless ya hopefully you get something sorted...

well like I said if I let her grunt she eventually wakes herself up, breaks her hands free of the swaddle then cries and always find she is fussier eater then but perhaps should as thats what hubby does waits until she properly cries for food...could be she's thinking ok Ill feed but then surely she'd bring it back up if she was feeding out of boredom or frustration? either way I can manage at the moment but keen to see the day when she goes 7hrs straight lol....
not had the chance to get on in the past few days.

Allthingsgirly Arran brings up at least half his feed once a day, he is gaining weight and doesn't seem in any discomfort the health visitor said sometimes you just get sicky babies.

Had Arran at the out of hours doctor yesterday which was a complete waste of time she made me feel stupid and like a paranoid mum. No signs of infection with Arran but you can still hear the congestion he has, he developed a cough that sounds nasty too but was keeping his feeds down - until this morning where he coughed that much he brought it all back up.

Arran has always been a good sleeper but the past 5 nights he's slept at least 6 hours through the night sometimes 8. I'm hoping this sis his new routine and not he needs more sleep because he is feeling rubbish. Can't help but cuddle him all the time and wish I could take this cold for him.

Bless you CDx its not nice being made to feel paranoid - afterall until you ask the question you cant help but be concerned, hopefully he'll get better soon...

well I tested the theory of waiting til she cried and she went from 9pm til 6am with one feed at 1.30! I didnt sleep much lol as kept listening/watching her but she went 4.5hrs this way so hoping to maintain it...I did eventually sleep at 7am (after feed, burp, nappy, feed again lol...) and we were both out for the count til 9am it was bliss!

Of to the docs for her checkup today so hopefully all will be well, we have noticed what looks like heat rash spots on her neck, chest and near her ears but have been keeping them clean and dry and temperature not so hot now so hopefully will go on their own...anyone else's LO have heatrash? how long did it take to disappear?

Had another bath with her yesterday and dared to let water splash occasionally in her eyes whilst laughing/smiling straight after and thankfully despite some interesting facial expressions she didnt cry lol...still dont know if I dare to do the dunk though lol...she does seem to enjoy the bath with me with her though and she constantly stares at me as we swish from one end to the other lol...gotta love those moments lol...

she is definately showing more awareness of her surroundings now and showing her opinions of it lol...used to be we could take her in pushchair for a walk and she'd fall right asleep, now she looks around and cries if sun is in her eyes or she doesnt want to be outside, the other day we had a bbq on a particularly windy day and it was so noisy that she kept bringing up milk when startling bless her!

she seems to be having more comfortable BM's now so hopefully her body has adjusted to the larger quantities lol...it is hard when they look at you after each strain as if asking 'what is this mummy, it hurts!'...
Got the letter threw for the date of my little boys next set of injections :( doesn't seem like 5 minutes ago he was having his first set! He also has his appointment tomorrow at the hospital for his tongue tie so I'm expecting a very unhappy clingy baby again!
allthingsgirly it certainly seems like they are close together, Phoebe is booked in for hers next Wednesday! Yikes...not looking forward to it...she had her checkup today and everything checked out fine although felt for her as she has been trying to go for BM all day and he pokes and prods near that area bless her...perhaps will help get things moving lol...
My little lady has her first jabs two weeks today and I have my post-natal check on Friday.

Has anyone decided what contraception to go for? I'm so confused! I want something though as don't want anymore children! I have two now, and one of each (though wasn't fussed about that, even if I had a boy I'd have stopped at two).
hi rooster, I went for mini pill and touch wood after a week no negative reactions which was thinking would happen after almost 20yrs on microgynon lol...the mini pill is also known as cerelle...
Hi ladies, how's it going? Alex is 8 weeks old today and I really don't know where the time has gone!

Is it around this age that they start staying awake a lot more during the day? It really doesn't feel like he sleeps that much at the moment. He's been awake today from 7am to 10ish and woke about 10 mins ago. He's not due a feed for another hour or so. He's not too bad at night. He gets fed between 7&8pm, is bathed and then has a play on his playmat and when he starts to yawn and look sleepy, we take him upstairs and put him in bed for around 9-9:30. We have to sit with him for half an hour so he can settle. He then sleeps from 10ish to 3-3:30am, wakes for a feed and is then asleep til 7ish.

He has his jabs tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it. Although my mum has offered to take him in while I sit in the waiting room. I feel like such a bad parent for doing this but watching his heel prick was heartbreaking and I can't watch him cry like that again. After he's had them, I assume I'm ok to give him a bit of calpol if he needs it?

hi cossie, wow sounds like you have a great routine, we are still establishing ours and havent yet established daily bathtime, weekly is enough for us atm lol...each day is different, the only thing that is generally the case is sleepy time from 9pm at night til 9am in morning which means either feeds, nappy, sleep or dozing in our arms...then after 9am feed we have playmat time also (so adorable at this ace as they are fascinated with everything especially themselves in mirror!, then she naps from 10ish til lunchtime and generally is awake for a few feeds then naps in avo for couple of hrs but like I say each day is different and as yesterday she was straining for BM most of the day didnt get playmat time til 5pm ish...she is now starting to sleep longer stints at nighttime 9pm-1am, 2am-6am for example and during the day generally 1-3hrs between feeds (cluster feed every hr am and pm generally) we find that plenty of playmat time does make her nice n sleepy and have now resolved the swaddling in warm weather as well as swaddling a houdini...on youtube found a vid that showed wrapping the arms with material behind their backs then wrap them up - she hasnt got out of this...yet despite many attempts lol...also using sleeping bag with arms swaddled inside, gives her room to stretch her legs but also lets air in when hot, better than lots of blankets we find...

cossie we have jabs next wednesday, also not looking forward to it but local to us in our village and driving back so hopefully be able to settle her quickly....
Another emotional day today as has my little boys tongue tie procedure, we were in & out in just under 5 minutes & he was such a brave little boy I was so proud! We didn't have to go in the room with him they took him into another room & as soon as I heard a cry I was like to my mom is that my baby you just know your own babies cry & I just broke down into flood of tears I was devastated but his cry wasn't any worse to what it is when he is hungry or overtired. They told me that he was full of smiles for them & he didn't cry for very long at all. Thankfully it is done now & I can forget all about is as it was a success with minimal bleeding so I'm a proud but emotional mommy.

He is still being quite sick so he is feeding a lot more than what he usually would do but think that is because he will be hungry sooner because he won't be as full with him bringing it back up again.

He has his second lot of jabs coming up on the 23rd of this month it all seems like such a lot for such a small baby to go threw it is no wonder I feel like a terrible mommy at the moment what more does he have to go threw :( I know it is all good intentions but I can't wait until the jabs are all done for a while I cant put him threw much more I really can't.

I don't really have a routine for him as he doesn't really need one as he sleeps so well at night regardless of when he has a last feed. Last night he went down about 7ish & woke up I think about 6 so he slept all night & technically with him missing what would be about 4 feeds that could be another reason why he feeds more during the day as well.
Hi ladies, how's it going? Alex is 8 weeks old today and I really don't know where the time has gone!

Is it around this age that they start staying awake a lot more during the day? It really doesn't feel like he sleeps that much at the moment. He's been awake today from 7am to 10ish and woke about 10 mins ago. He's not due a feed for another hour or so. He's not too bad at night. He gets fed between 7&8pm, is bathed and then has a play on his playmat and when he starts to yawn and look sleepy, we take him upstairs and put him in bed for around 9-9:30. We have to sit with him for half an hour so he can settle. He then sleeps from 10ish to 3-3:30am, wakes for a feed and is then asleep til 7ish.

He has his jabs tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it. Although my mum has offered to take him in while I sit in the waiting room. I feel like such a bad parent for doing this but watching his heel prick was heartbreaking and I can't watch him cry like that again. After he's had them, I assume I'm ok to give him a bit of calpol if he needs it?


Not a bad parent at all when my little boy had his first set of jabs even though I was in the room my mom held him for me whilst I silently sat their sobbing my heart out! Didn't matter that they were saying to be strong this could rub off on him I just couldn't hold it in I was an emotional mess that day!

He had his procedure for his tongue tie but luckily we didn't have to go in the room with him they took him to the other room to do it then brought him back that's just how they do it here apparently. I felt bad thinking well one of us should be with him & all kinds of thoughts were going round & round my head! He has his next set of jabs towards the end of the month again I'll be in the room with him but I am hoping this time I'll be braver enough to be able to hold him!

One thing I would recommend is to (if you have one) put your baby into a romper suit that way your not having to undress & the nurse can get straight to his thighs. The first time I didn't do this but I a, certainly doing it this time so that their is minimal disruption to him no need to undress, she can get straight on to do it & I can cuddle him straight away without thinking or needing to put his bottoms on.

Yep it's okay to give him calpol if you think that he needs it, I gave my little boy it as he ran a fever, had runny nappies & he was screaming in discomfort. I am expecting the same to happen again with him but it isn't always the case that every baby will be effected by the jabs just my baby was so I gave him one dose & he would only settle on me he was very clingy

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