*March and April mums and babies*

Feeling pretty evil tonight, Arran had his 6 week checks he has a bit if conjunctivitis so was given eye drops and has been really stuffy so was prescribed nose drops too and he hates them both. It's so hard having to force them in. I'm going to be a wreck at his jags next week if I can't handle this.

Did you get a prescription for calpol/baby paracetamol or can you buy it over the counter for them this young? It totally went out my head to ask the doctor this today.
I just purchased mine from my local pharmacist for about £3 i think. I only needed to give my LO one dose but i am glad that i had some in for that "just in case" moment as i found it helped a little!

I was crying before he even went in for the jabs i was a complete mess of emotions that day & he was such a brave boy cried for 2 mintues then went back to sleep whilst we walked home. He wasn't cracky a few hours later but that was to be expected & he was very clingly towards me! Hearing him screaming in discomfort totally broke me it effected me for a few days afterwards! In about 3 weeks time he has second lot & i am not looking forward to that!

We have finally got somewhere with his tongue tie & we go back to the hospital he was born in to have it snipped! That appointment is next tuesday & i am not looking forward to it at all i am already a catalouge of emotions i just hate seeing my little boy in pain & knowing that i caused it even if it is for his own good.
Like you say it's for his own good and he will never remember any of it growing up, easy for me to say when Arran hasn't been there yet! I'm sure I will be in the same state next week.
Poor wee soul must be not well he went down at 12 took longer than usual but he's still asleep now, he's usually up at 4 for a feed. You can hear his wee nose/chest rattle.
I wouldn't give before. I gave a dose a couple of hours after jags. Zach settled fairly quickly afterwards as I put him straight onto boob when we came out.
Allthingsgirly the procedure is so quick, the most stressful thing is being held down but again feed immediately and it will be grand. Yours will be a bit older than when Zach had his done but I'm sure it will be fine, try not to stress beforehand as baby will pick up on your emotion. X
Good sleep CDx!!
I wouldn't give before. I gave a dose a couple of hours after jags. Zach settled fairly quickly afterwards as I put him straight onto boob when we came out.
Allthingsgirly the procedure is so quick, the most stressful thing is being held down but again feed immediately and it will be grand. Yours will be a bit older than when Zach had his done but I'm sure it will be fine, try not to stress beforehand as baby will pick up on your emotion. X
Good sleep CDx!!

Thanks honey X the nurses told me that when we took him for his jabs & i tried to make sure he couldn't see me crying! I was just heartbroken because he did cry, then he was fine & then a few hours later he woke screaming in what i was sure was discomfort! So many emotions went threw me that afternoon & i am ashamed to say that i did feel like i was the worst mommy in the world for allowing this to happen to my little boy! Feelings are illogical when it comes to your child!

I wanted him to have the tongue tie done there & then but was refused as he was so young (day old when he was seen) but was told to come back 14 days later & since then it has been a nightmare getting a referral back as had to go via a baby cafe! Why they wouldn't just let me make the appointment direct i do not know & my local hospital refused to do it as he had no feeding issues! I am lucky though that i've got in so soon as the referral was done via phone yesterday (the DR was away for 3 weeks) & she phone me a couple hours later with an appointment for next tuesday! Just feel bad it wasn't done sooner & if it had then he would't have been able to feel it etc etc. i sometimes wish i wasn't the sole person who makes all the decisions would be nice to have someone else to have a say
hey ladies, haven't been on here much as Mia has me run ragged lately lol.
Her reflux is pretty much under control now but has the odd days where she does suffer with it badly.
She know weights 9lb 13oz and is 9 weeks old :) not bad for a 4 week prem baby :D

My nephew Leo was born Monday night and weighed in at a masive 9lb 1oz! he is a chubby so and so i mean really chubby to look at him compared to Mia its like shes the newborn and Leo is a few weeks old lol. She done really well though my SIL she had a water birth and no pain relief apart from gas and air but she had to be rushed from the birth centre over to the main hospital to have surgery because she teared both inside and outside. x

managed to get a decent pic of all 4 of my beauties together lol



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Thanks everyone. I was told guidelines were for calpol to be given after if needed but doctor said they'd given it before to their own children. Unfortunately my LO obviously didn't like it so spat it out.

The injections were awful. He had been asleep and they stabbed both legs at the same time (I can see the logic obviously) but he was so shocked he jumped and I don't think I'll ever forget the look on his wee face before he squealed the place down. Have to say it made me cry a little too. He settled in a couple of minutes though. Dreading the next batch and think I might bring husband along.

Really annoyed at staff as they literally stabbed him and escorted us to th door by carrying his car seat and bag out to reception before I had even got his wee trousers back up again. Annoyed at myself for not saying anything but I was so upset.
Adorable children :) My LO still looks tiny @ his last weigh in he was 8lbs 13oz i think roughly!!

Omg i can't believe they stabbed it in both legs at the same time i would have been mortified & hit the roof! How awful for your LO :( when mine had his least they did it 1 at a time i was emotional as it was so if that had happened i think i would have been a sobbing mess! They did something similar with us about getting you out but they kept us in a little longer as they were speaking with us asking us questions about my little boy because he is still small etc so i didn't feel rushed out as we had a little chat before & after but i didn't manage to get his bottoms on but to be fair i was more intrested in getting him from my mom & giving him a cuddle
Arran has been really clingy today so lots of cuddles. He is really warm to touch I stripped him down to his vest when I took his temp it was 36.6, that was about 1 o'clock today I've kept the heating off and him in his vest with room temp being about 18, ive just took his temp again and it's up to 37.1. He is becoming more unsettled, not sure if I should phone NHS 24 or wait until the morning. It's like he wants a bottle all the time but he is only taking an ounce then napping for about 30 mins and then another ounce, his dirty nappies are a bit darker too.

Wish I could take this for him.
CDx I'd contact them if for no other reason than to put your mind at rest. You won't settle until you know he's ok.

Allthingsgirly what makes how they rushed us out was that we had waited an hr and a quarter to get that far and they couldn't give me a minute to try and settle him. Before I knew it I was out the door and in the middle of a busy reception with a screaming half dressed baby:(. He has slept a lot since and we just had a very stressful feed with lots of crying, grunting and being sick. Looks like his reflux medication isn't working as well as it had been!
Aww babbybo that does sound stressful! They did 2 at same time for my fella too which I liked but it was all explained and we weren't rushed out. They must have been really busy to be like that! X
Yeah I think it's better to do two at once but a bit of warning rather than the 1 2 3 count they gave themselves might have been nice and a minute to console him a bit. Ah well it's done now and hindsight is great. I definitely won't be so soft next time. Think they were rushing to finish baby clinic as they left room while I was still in reception as I was told to wait for 10mins though still no excuse as we had waited for so long in the first place.

I have my 6week check up next week (at 9+ weeks) with more than likely the same nurse and I'm dreading it now.

To any of you who have had your check ups what exactly do they do?
Maybe try and get to clinic a bit early then you are high up the list! No excuse though for the way it all happened.
My check check up is at 1 3weeks.... Sh#t Drs!!
I had my check up last week, she just asked about my general health and my mental health (I am on anti depressants so not sure if they would do that if not on them), she had a look and feel of my tummy, and asked about contraception. Was all done in 10 minutes.

How is everyone's little ones getting on?

Alexis was weighed and measured yesterday in prep for her 8 week check next week, she is now 10lbs 1oz and 54.5cm long. The HV said about injections and said not to give calpol before them, as there has been research that suggests it can impact on the effectiveness of the immunisations, and she advised to only give a half dose after if it is needed.

Hi guys, our lil girl is having her checkup monday first time to the docs lol but luckily local to us in our village then immunisations will be booked! jabs sound horrible, have the calpol at the ready lol, cant believe our lil miss is 7wks already - where did the time go lol...she is now starting to go longer through the night generally following a 4,4,2,1,1 routine with feeds from 9pm til 9am so not terrible, starting to take longer shifts with her allowing hubby to get to bed earlier eventually will do the nights on my own in her nursery but working up to it...

have a couple of nights away planned in 3wks with hubbys brother wedding and only 30mins away in a 2 bedroom lodge so should be able to manage some sleep lol, then have to navigate walks round the lake (done locally and no probs) but even more interesting will be managing during the wedding and buffet and the following night at a restaurant dinner! yikes...all firsts for us lol...she is a lil darling though, has all of a sudden ramped up qty and frequency of her poops as she has recently had growth spurt, its hard to watch their groans and cries in pain from all the straining but fantastic when we have result! Never thought would be more excited to find poo in a nappy lol! off for a massage shortly...full body...first since birth and boy am I ready for it lol....
Thanks Emmajaine. I wondered how much of an examination there would be lol.

Sounds lovely Kitten-the message (not the poop). The wedding sounds stressful to me but hope it all goes well for you and you get to enjoy it. Good to hear LO is improving with her sleep and feeding pattern as it sounded like you and OH have had a difficult time of it with not much sleep.

Niknaknoo-I thought I was bad getting an appointment at 9 weeks, 13 weeks is awful. Your surgery must be really busy.
Yep, minimum 4 weeks wait for a routine appointment. Dint help the receptionist told me I would be done at same time as Zach and when I turned up to clinic at 6 weeks they said they said no I needed a separate appointment and we don't see baby till 8 weeks. Its horrendous!
How we all doing? I'm currently up because my boobs hurting from engorgement because little lady is snoozing away! She's a rubbish sleeper during the day but the positive result is that she sleeps well at night - though wouldn't mind my pump being awake at the moment! :lol:
He is doing so well just adoring motherhood at the moment things couldn't be any better for me, i am just so much happier in myself & my life since becoming pregnant & then having him. We had just short of 8 hours sleep last night & he woke up without crying with the most adorable smile on his face! Just had his feed & now he is wide awake again for the day. Like you Rooster my LO is rubbish at sleeping threw the day but come night time he is amazing! They must be so shattered by then though, bless them!
babbybo, lol yes massage was ace, was v tense in hip muscles nr coxyz not to mention shoulders n neck (from feeding n carrying a 12 pounder lol) but heaven to get some pressure there (heated blankets n your own hands just dont do it lol)

yes will b interesting taking her to wedding...fun part- dressing her up, not so fun part- dealing with hunger as its at similar time to when she cluster feeds, when she finishes a bottle n cries blue murder seconds later, god forbiod u dont have a bottle ready! wudnt work well when the 'I do's' r said lol...

yes babbybo she is doin better n managing to nap with her for more of the night than im apart eventually the aim being id be with her all night...knowing my luck tho she wont do 4hr straight with me lol...

thanks babbybo, it is hard to watch sometimes, does ne1 else have to soothe their LO whilst trying to poop? sometimes massage helps, sometimes distraction with toys or milk but it always seems to take her 1-3hrs to 'go'...going twice a day, right colour n consistency but qty massively increased (coincided with changing to size 2 nappies thankfully!)

oh n has ne1 else's LO's learned wat their bottom lip is for? whilst trying to 'go' she wud stick out bottom lip, make eyes go huge n make whimper like cries (sounds like meh) alternating between cry then bottom lip etc etc...first time saw it burst out laughing but then had to control myself cos she was clearly frustrated/in pain...tears at heartstrings lol

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