*March and April mums and babies*

How we all doing ladies?

Had Alexis weighed yesterday, she is now 9lbs 7! She was feeding while HV was here and did her normal thing of falling asleep mid feed, so the HV suggested going up a teat size, as she may be exhausting herself sucking so hard. What a difference it has made!! She took 120mls in 10 minutes using the bigger teat size, we were amazed! No more hour long feeds!

Anyone got any nice plans for the bank holiday weekend?


Had a mad few days so haven't been on in a while and just catching up with everyone!

This sounds so familiar Emmajaine! Alex falls asleep after 2-3oz rather than taking the full 5-6 and then wakes up an hour later hungry taking another 2-3oz and then goes to sleep for around 3 hours! Maybe this is why! The only problem is he is glugging his milk with the slow flow teat so not sure how he'd deal with a faster flow. Does alexis take her milk quickly? Or did she before upping her teat size?

How we all doing ladies?

Had Alexis weighed yesterday, she is now 9lbs 7! She was feeding while HV was here and did her normal thing of falling asleep mid feed, so the HV suggested going up a teat size, as she may be exhausting herself sucking so hard. What a difference it has made!! She took 120mls in 10 minutes using the bigger teat size, we were amazed! No more hour long feeds!

Anyone got any nice plans for the bank holiday weekend?


Had a mad few days so haven't been on in a while and just catching up with everyone!

This sounds so familiar Emmajaine! Alex falls asleep after 2-3oz rather than taking the full 5-6 and then wakes up an hour later hungry taking another 2-3oz and then goes to sleep for around 3 hours! Maybe this is why! The only problem is he is glugging his milk with the slow flow teat so not sure how he'd deal with a faster flow. Does alexis take her milk quickly? Or did she before upping her teat size?


It always seemed like she was glugging it, but it took ages to get a bottle into her. I now think that was just cos she was sucking hard and swallowing air. I was worried that she would struggle with a bigger teat size, so went with the variflow ones (tommee tippee) which let her dictate the flow of milk depending on how hard she sucks, they have a cross over the teat hole to the harder she suck the bigger the hole. There was a little bit of milk overflow the first time, but nothing too bad (no choking or anything!) And now she is a pro at them, and is soo much happier with feeding. We have also got a couple of size 2 teats, and she is fine with them too! It is now taking 15-20 minutes for a bottle.

I would definitely try a bigger teat size Nicki, just have a bib and muslin to hand, if its too much for Alex then you can always go back to the slower flow.

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Wow. That sounds all too familiar!! I think we'll pop and get some medium flow teats tomorrow and see how he gets on. He is taking around 5-6oz at he mo but over 1 1/2 - 2 hours so it seemed like he was feeding every hour or two instead of every 4. We assumed it was because he was soooo hungry so put him on hungrier baby food about a week and a half ago - BIG mistake. He's so constipated bless him he doesn't settle because his tummy is hurting. So instead of just being awake in the early hours of the morning he's awake and screaming in pain :-( not going to use that any more now but will try the size 2 medium flow teats instead

Has anyone else started introducing dummies with their LO's? WE did today for the first time as she seemed to be in a good mood between feeds and sleepy and after 2mins of dummy being in hey presto she's asleep...is 6wks too early? We've just noticed her sucking her fingers and sleeves more and perhaps we take that as a feed cue sometimes as opposed to a comfort thing..oh well lets see how she is later on, currently she's in her fisher price rocker on vibrate with her dummy n seems content...I take it they would know to spit out dummy if they needed to be sick etc? Im guessing also that she would spit it out when hungry as she'd realise theres no milk there...? Got a few piccies, its another first lol...

Also this week after a couple of fussy nights she is now tracking loads better with her eyes and is noticing when we enter the room (we have cameras setup for popping to the kitchen stuff), the other day was out for 5mins and when came back in had a beautiful smile, the kind that melts your heart lol...

She's developing her leg and feet muscles now focusing on them during tummy time...oh dear how soon til she can crawl :{

Had family round yesterday including my Dad and all he kept saying was 'oh she's asleep' like in a disappointed tone a fair few times until I turned to him and said 'Dad, newborns sleep and eat, get used to it lol'...
Kitten, we had given Alex a dummy at 2 days old. He was waking up after half an hours sleep and we thought he needed a little bit more bottle but when he was given it he would just chew the teat instead of sucking. We introduced a dummy and he took it straight away and slept for four hours straight for the first time! He spits it out when he's sick or just plain sick of the dummy. We have four of them and he has a fresh, sterilised one every morning and afternoon. Considering I had always said I would never give him a dummy I now wouldn't be without them!! Xx
Thanks Cossie, thats good to know...we are going to try and only use it to settle at nighttimes though as during the day she seems to drop off to sleep fine...she now favours her rocker 2nd only to our arms or my sling (gotta love close caboo!), but she has excelled herself with milk qts today...where does one lil body put it all lol...1000ml and counting....
Mind you she only had 600ml yesterday and slept loads...do babies play catch up at all?
ok even wierder she then slept 10ish to 3am for hubby on and off no feeding! could this be her preparing for going longer during the night or just a fluke? I NEVER get 3hrs solid with her, always hr n half without fail then feed then hr n half again...lol
My daughter changes everyday with her sleeping. Last night she did 9pm-11pm up for two hours, then 1am-6am, 15 minute quick feed then asleep til 0845am.

I've just put her in her crib, she doesn't nap well during the day except on me but I've refused to even start to settle her in my arms this morning as I need to be available for my son. The sound of my electric toothbrush sent her off in the end and I sent her to her crib as soon as she started yawning so she didn't go in overtired, but still tired. She's asleep at the mo, will see how long she lasts...
Felix is still only drinking 2oz per feed, don't know why he just can't manage more, tried everything to get him to drink more but so far nothing's worked!
We are off to the Doctors in a bit as Mia has conjunctivitis. We've been bathing it with warm water for two days and it hasn't really helped.
Also wanna ask about her reflux again as the gaviscon isn't really helping. She's still being sick but not so much as she did before we started the gaviscon.

Mia still has 4oz of milk and varies with sleep of a night. Sometimes she does sleep great of a night and sometimes she's up most the night just wanting to be held or cuddled x
Hows everyone's LO's doing? Had my 6wk checkup today and passed lol, just got to register her at docs then get a checkup then get her jabs booked...I didnt realise would be so many steps, just want the jabs over with...

On the plus side we tried loose blanket swaddling today and may have found our sleep solution cos she went from every hr n a half to 4hrs, 3hrs, 1hr, 3hrs, 1hr sleep and has only had 500ml which she usually hits by lunchtime...but then again she didnt sleep for hubby at all so was shattered at 3am...could this be due to her growth spurt or development? the fussiness then extreme tiredness? who knows all I know if swaddling and dummy r working v well atm! she doesnt HAVE to be on one of us in order to sleep - woohoo...this may not be the case tonight tho lol...kept thinking it was closeness and position that she preferred us for but starting to think temperature had a factor as she seems much more content with a blanket wrapped around her...hmmm
My little boy had his first set of jabs today I was totally heartbroken, he screamed as they did it & for 2 minutes afterwards then he was fine! Touch wood he stays that way. He was such a brave solider it was mommy that was an emotional mess!

He is still doing so well at night sleeping the night before he slept 12 hours!!! Then last night he slept just short of 8 so each night is different never the same amount of hours but for 8 weeks old I'm happy! I am starting to have a bit of a routine with him & I am now getting to find out what works well for us.

During the day he hardly sleeps a cat nap here & there but I can cope with that during the day he still has his time where he will just have a crying/screaming fit for no reason which is hard emotionally for me as it breaks my heart seeing him like this & being his mom i can't seem to settle him that is hard on me.

He is developing so well sometimes I think he is advanced for his age he has been smiling, giggling & "talking" for weeks now total heart melt every time he does it! He is now 8lbs 13oz, he is being quite sick at the moment though which is meaning quite a lot of changes & washing machine being on lol. I tried him with 6oz but he was just so sick after each feed it was like he was bringing that extra oz up so I've put him back to 5oz & he seems to be doing a bit better, still sick but not as much. I know they say that babies only take the amount they want/need but my son guzzles the lot down & then sicks back up what he doesn't want the monkey lol.

I just adore him completely he is my entire world I've just taken to motherhood like a duck to water he is such an easy baby to look after generally I've been so so lucky with him. I don't think I could ever love another person as much as I love him I look at him & think wow I created you such a perfect gorgeous little boy. Its still surreal I keep thinking someone is going to take him away from me , that he isn't mine as I never thought I would see the day I would become a mother. But to become one to a baby that is just perfect we'll I thank god every day for sending him to me.
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yeah i know cant believe it either lol, agree on the screaming but for us we found cooled boiled water helps as she sees that as before a feed when she sends off confusing signals - i.e rooting but batting the bottle away with hands...and after when she thinks she wants more but actually she's just guzzled two lots of 85ml and she should let that go down first lol...also the dummy was a lifesaver for those moments when nothing seems to settle her and she is perhaps overtired...we have the fussy time early evening perhaps cos we both get busier...making tea, watching tv etc so perhaps for attention but when she gets it doesnt seem satisfied...
I've introduced the soother already to my son after 2 days of trying to soothe him but not being able to. I didn't want to give him one but after trying everything & speaking to my midwife I introduced it & he only takes it when he wants soothing. I've tried him with cooled boiled water he brings that back up he doesn't like it but I know his hungry cry now & he tends to feed every 3-4 hour odd occasion it is 2 if he has missed a feed. The midwife told me that they tend to cluster feed at certain time of day so maybe that is your little girls time perhaps?
My girl likes her soother too, but like you I only use it when she needs it. I really do dislike dummies but it has been a lifesaver at dinner times in particular.

She also cat naps in the day and usually only on us, grrr. Luckily she is relatively good at night and goes 3-4hrs between feeds at night. Though she has had times if going 5-6 hours (my boobs didn't like that :lol: ). Every night is different though. She's congested at the moment so she struggles to settle on it. Bless her though, she doesn't cry, she just snorts, sniffs and wriggles in her crib without disturbing us with it.

She's a cutie, just would love her to be that bit more settled. I do think she suffers colic/griping pain plus by evening she's overtired so she's an irritable madam by then. Ah well. Just loving not having PND (yet) and enjoying her for the most part. I do struggle with night feeds because I am EBF so every wake up is my duty. I'm sooooo ready for a decent kip!
I'm a bit concerned that my periods haven't come back yet, it's been over 8 weeks and i'm not breastfeeding, is it normal for them to take this long to come back?? xo
northerngirl when did your bleeding stop? Ive heard that some women have first period straight after their lochia bleeding whereas some have a big gap until their periods resume...have you had your 6wk checkup at docs? maybe ask them?

allthingsgirly you are right early evening is her cluster feed time but strangely enough after introducing swaddling yesterday morning she had drunk 250-300ml less than usual for her but she seems content so wondering if she was feeding to sooth as opposed to being hungry, she went from 10pm last night til 3am this morning between feeds for hubby, had 3am feed and is still sleeping now so perhaps being warmer snuggled up is keeping her more settled? She hasnt had nappy done since 8.30pm last night and altho she's been asleep most of that time, concious of how long she's been with it on lol but she doesnt seem uncomfortable so I'll keep waiting til she wakes lol...you cant deny its a cute picture a well swaddled baby with dummy in the mouth lol until she spits it out lol but as its new and she isnt dependant on it I find that she soon sleeps shortly afterwards as she only needs it for a while...
still sleeping...keep pouring fresh hot water for nappy but then she falls asleep again... :)
ok she finally woke, nappy, feed, burp and back in swaddled blanket lol...

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