*March and April mums and babies*

oh n re: nappy rash we increased frequency of changes for a day n temporarily switched to pampers sensitive from supermarket brands...
My son got prescribed Timodine(?) for his bum rash. I understand this is a steroid cream though so not sure if they'd prescribe it to a newborn? Apparently the creams such as sudocrem them and bepanthan they just protect rather than ease the rash. The steroid cream worked a treat on my son.

My daughter is rocketing in weight. She's such a beast :lol: I'm just pleased breastfeeding is going well at the moment. Not sure when I'll stop doing it yet as I don't want to be a long term breast feeder, but since we're only 3 weeks in and it's going well, I may as well keep going for now.
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Yes! My little boy is awful when he get that way out he just won't settle & gets overtired! I can cope when it's hunger as that is his only way of letting me know he is hungry! But he screams blue murder at the moment sometimes it is done in temper!

We got 8 hours sleep last night though so i'm not complaining too much ;) during the day you can cope that little bit better but i am lucky if he sleeps an hour at most when were at home. If were out anywhere though i don't know i have him good as gold! Trouble with my LO is that he gets bored so easily it's like he wants to be up & playing with the other kids & he is only 7 weeks old.
Ok so I'm gonna put it out there.. Might be TMI but I need some advice..
Has anybody still got piled from birth? I had esmae 8 weeks ago Thursday and ive still got them, tried cream but hasn't worked! I now think I have thrush too!
I'm in such a pickle im seeing the doc Sunday?
Anyone else having similar problems??
Hope all you mummies are well and little ones are well too:)

The day after my LO was born i had awful piles but at the time i didn't know what they were & i didn't get much interaction from the midwifes on the ward i was left alone most of the day. It was only after telling my mom that she told me it was normal & that they would go away.

I mentioned it to the community midwifes as mine were big & sore i could hardly sit down with it & they recommend 2 creams ansoul & preparation H , the preparatipn H was a god send it soothed & minimised them from the start but it has a steriod in it which helps to make them shrink quicker than the other cream which wasn't as effective! If used as prescribed i'm sure mine would have gone quicker but i was a buggar for remembering to apply it! Ive still got a very small one (i only got the one but it was huge) but it's more a less gone now
My LO hasn't suffered with nappy rash (touch wood) yet & i am certain it's down to the wipes i am using. They get rave reviews for reducing the cause of nappy rash i don't think there is anything that prevents it?! They are not cheap though i stocked up when they were 3 packs for £5 at boots. They are called water wipes & are truly amazing i wouldn't use anything else on my little boy
My son jake had bad nappy rash, I tried everything, even the GP couldn't help and sent me to A&E in the end where they gave me orabase paste, it's amazing stuff and it's all natural, you can buy it in the chemist or online, just wash with water, dry their bum and paste it all over, honest to god it's the best thing ever!

as for piles I suffered so bad with them and still get them, only thing that was amazing for me was this http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B003840WFS?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00

it takes the pain away really fast! xx
i'll book her an appointment at the docs for tomorrow afternoon see if they will give me some cream :) thanks for the advice ladies,

at the moment i have a very excited 4 year old who thinks the tooth fairy is going to come tonight, shes had a very weak tooth from when they first started to come through as a baby and its cracked and a lil bit has fell out and now she's reckons she'll get some money lol bless her in two minds if to put a couple of pound under her pillow her older brother has told her she'll get a 10a!!!
How we all doing ladies?

Had Alexis weighed yesterday, she is now 9lbs 7! She was feeding while HV was here and did her normal thing of falling asleep mid feed, so the HV suggested going up a teat size, as she may be exhausting herself sucking so hard. What a difference it has made!! She took 120mls in 10 minutes using the bigger teat size, we were amazed! No more hour long feeds!

Anyone got any nice plans for the bank holiday weekend?

My daughter spent her first two weeks sleeping and now she's getting a bit unsettled. I'm wondering if colic is starting to make it's appearance as she gets really, very stiff. If she isn't feeding or sleeping she's usually crying :-( We struggle to get her to nap during the day as she won't have a long, decent nap in her crib or carrycot at all during the day. With a toddler it's a bit tricky as I really need her to nap elsewhere so I can entertain and spent quality time with my son.

Starting to struggle now! Sob :-(
Hugs rooster,

Alexis was the same, getting really stiff during feeding and crying loads, we have been using infacol with her, before each feed and that seems to have helped, as has raising one end of her crib.

try cooled boiled water its worked wonders for our lil girl plus its quite hot here for may so think she gets thirsty..it can also help settle an upset stomach
Thanks ladies. Think I'm just really struggling to 'read' her and know what she needs/wants. Today's cycle has been, feed, wind, change, wind, soothe, sleep for half an hour and start all over again. She's been at the boob every hour and to be honest I'm not convinced it's hunger cry but covering all bases anyway.

I strongly suspect wind issues as sometimes she burps as soon as I get her after her super short power nap.

Might give Gripe Water a try when she's a month old. As I am BF I can't use our old friend, Colief.
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Rooster if you want to use Colief you can just hand express a little breast milk onto a table spoon, add the drops to that, give it to her then feed her immediately after, that's how I was told to give it while breastfeeding anyway :) xo
Ahh brill! Will give that a go :-)

She's just having her longest sleep of the day - 2 hours and counting! She had a massive feed before it so reckon that helped as she has only 'snacked' on me all day.

Argh. Babies!!
hi guys hows everyone doing with their LO's sleeping patterns? daren't call them routines lol as everchanging. well we've had couple of nights of 10.30-3am for hubby and then 4-5.30, 6-7.30 for me so not bad...the warm water seems to be helping the inconsolable fussiness late evening (altho cud have been growth spurt or too hot - now using air conditioner - or lavender room scent...) tho she's still taking 800-900ml per day n if our scales r right now weighs just over 12lb up over a lb since week ago Friday- yikes n she's not even 3 months old yet! gave up on crib its now ready in nursery for her, she varies between carrycot, rocker or mine/hubbys chest in lounge now...sleeps wel during the day but only occasionally for more than an hr in rocker/carrycot whereas in our arms she'd go for hours lol

this wk her newest development is copying us...ive had smiles n giggles thru copying oh n if out of the room for a bit get lovely smile when return lol...bless em lil darlings...bath n walk in pushchair day today...
I'm packing for Arran we are staying with my mum tonight and have a wedding tomorrow so he will have his first overnight without me and OH. OMG how much stuff does a tiny person need! It's ridiculous and it's a certainty that I've forgotten something. Feeling really anxious about leaving him, I know he's in safe hands and will never remember that night I wasn't there when he was 6 weeks old but it's going to be tough.

He is doing really well and last night slept from 11.30 - 6.30, it would be an absolute dream if he continues this but his normal 'routine' he is only up once for a feed around 4. He has been quite sick after 2 feeds a day but not the same time every day and he's never unsettled just cries for his bottle again. Mentioned it to the health visitor but since he gained 9oz last week and doesn't seem to be in any discomfort she isn't overly concerned. He is now 7lb 5oz which is still tiny for him being 6 weeks but he is doing really well.

A few people I know have has babies since Arran's arrival and I get really emotional thinking back to being in the hospital with him. time is passing by far too quickly for my liking.

My daughter slept 9pm-4am and 4:30-8am last night - her PB! Like your daughter though Kitten, during the day she doesn't sleep fantastically, unless she's on me.

Her sleep was amazing last night but unfortunately couldn't take advantage as my son became poorly again and was up screaming all night :-( He's currently in A&E with my OH. I feel rotten not being there for both OH and my son but I can't bring an un-immunised newborn to a hospital really.

This is the third time in 5 weeks that my son has become this poorly. I really wish medical professionals would sort him out properly :-(
Aw no Rooster hope he's ok, he's had a tough time recently hasn't he.

well i spoke too soon...after 3 days of sleeping 10.30-2 or 12-3 she didnt sleep til 2am for hubby...course she allowed me to have 3 hour long naps lol but thats cos she was tired lol...wondering if approaching 6wk growth spurt is causing this? she wasnt overly fussy or upset tho just wudnt sleep...

rooster have you tried slings? theyre ace for carrying lil one but now she's over 12lbs not sure which is worse...carrying 12lb stood up/bending etc or sitting down on sofa slouched with them on u killing the hips??

anyone else find they have throbbing hips? like either side of coxyz (poor spelling i know...)...? only thing gets rid of it r heated blankets...exercise helps but next time carry/sit with her more than 15mins they ache again...its like a migraine in lower bak....any tips/suggestions for a heavy baby that doesnt sleep for long elsewhere...?

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