*March and April mums and babies*

allthingsgirly yes would say so, our LO will feed, spit some bak up n instantly want more feed to presumably make up for it plus get rid of the taste i daresay?

anyone considering taking LO for a night away together? i know daft right but we're thinking before summer sets in n just for a change of scenery, what do you guys use for LO sleeping - looking at travel cots, basinets, pop up travel bassinets etc...not sure which to go for...any recommendations? plus anyone had experience of taking LO away n have some top tips? will we b making big mistake lol...thinking in next month or so....packing the car will b interesting lol...
Kitten I took Zach to my mums in Ireland when he as 5 weeks old. He slept in the carrycot part of his pram. Not ideal but it's ok for the odd night. If you are driving plan the timing around normal nap times. We're staying at our in laws tonight and my aunts next weekend so back into the pram he goes! Try packing the car with a dog as well!! X
Sleeping in the carrycot is totally fine if you have the correct mattress. My LO won't have a Moses basket at home (he does at my parents) & midwife said it was fine for him to sleep in his carrycot if he had a mattress that was suitable for nighttime sleeping!
My bleeding has pretty much stopped but I am getting a lot of dark yellow discharge that sometimes is lined with blood is this normal? I didn't have any pre-labour symptoms or infact really go into labour but did have my watwrs broken and had a section so was thinking is this part of my mucus plug coming away? Or is that not something that happens after a section. Is it something I should be worried about?
CDx Im getting that too, assumed it was the end of the bleeding as thats all I get and small qts per day, but in your case maybe the plug not sure if after labour that just works itself loose/gets reabsorbed - wouldnt know...
My bleeding has stopped now on so relieved! I'm dreading my period coming back now.
Gabriella spent the whole night in the Moses basket and not the bed I'm so proud!
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I've still got a little bit of brown blood but other than that I'm okay.

How're we all coping with our new arrivals? Got to say, I'm really enjoying my LO which for me is amazing as I didn't enjoy my son until he was a year old. My daughter is a little beaut!

Weight check in an hour!
That's great Lizzimay And Rooster.

I am so lucky with Arran sleeps 4 hours at night before getting up for a feed and settles really quickly after it. He naps through the day to let me do some housework and is really content. Everyone keeps saying that'll all change but I really hope not! He's made it so easy for me especially as OH has been working away the past 2 and a half weeks and Arran is only 5 weeks old which we are both struggling with, OH more than me.
Yay for settled babies! My daughter is a right chunk! 9lb 5oz already!!! Everything is just perfecto!
Hi guys, Phoebe is mostly content but guessing she's going through a developmental stage as she often has fits of desperate crying then feeds loads then spits it back up again...not sure if she's being greedy, soothing with the teat or just going through something...its soo hard to hear the cries and both hubby and I have different ideas as to what to do about it...finding out we both have different methods is hard as you wanna step in but dont wanna undermine...ne1 else have this?
I'm really enjoying Alex when he's a happy and content baby but at the moment I'm really struggling as he's struggling and he stays awake for hours and isn't a happy boy when he is awake at the moment. I'm putting it all down to the cold he's got which does not seem to be getting any better. Does anyone remember karvol and if so know what happened to it? I imagine that would have been a god send at the moment as it always worked with me and my sister! And every vapour rub I've seen is for babies 3 months and over. I've got a nasal aspirator which helps for the very short term when used along side saline nasal drops. I just want to help my little boy xx
Oh no :-( Poor Alex. It's a frustrating age as there isn't much that can be done to help until the magic calpol can get introduced at 2 months old. Try running a hot shower in the bathroom and sitting with Alex so the steam can get to him. I was also told to raise the crib/moses basket. My daughter is a bit congested so we've raised her crib up. Unfortunately we can't run the shower as her brother sleeps next-door to the bathroom and don't want to disturb him.
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Just making it over here! Things have been crazy busy, and Cameron is 8 weeks old on Thursday!!
Can't imagine I'll be able to keep up much as I'm back at work full time on Sunday, but hope you are all well!!

Cossie: you can put some vaporub on babes feet with a wee pair of socks to relieve congestion xx
finally!!!! Mia has settled in her moses basket tonight and has been in it since half 7, shes had a cold for the last few days and a stuffy nose and brought some saline nasal spray for her and its worked wonders :) shes breathing so much clearer now.
Still can't get my head around that she is now 7 weeks old, how quick its gone as well. its my 25th birthday in just over 2 weeks and me and oh have decided to have a night in instead of going out for a meal he keeps asking what i want for it i just dont know :/ ive said to him before i'm not too sure and i'd be happy with whatever he decides to pick.
Mias had pretty bad nappy rash since yesterday and sudocrem isnt working to help soothe it so i'm stuck to which else to try next any ideas ladies? x
I've got some Bepanthen cream to try with my LO noot tried it yet though as I don't think he needs it I have just got it for a just in case moment.
Ok so I'm gonna put it out there.. Might be TMI but I need some advice..
Has anybody still got piled from birth? I had esmae 8 weeks ago Thursday and ive still got them, tried cream but hasn't worked! I now think I have thrush too!
I'm in such a pickle im seeing the doc Sunday?
Anyone else having similar problems??
Hope all you mummies are well and little ones are well too:)
Thanks nonabean I might just give that a go. I wasn't sure if you could us vapour rub at all. Alex has now had his cold for about 2 weeks. Think it might be time to make an Drs appointment.

Hope everyone is getting on ok with their little ones! Xx
EmmaLouise Arran had bad nappy rash a few weeks back and the health visitor was going to get my GP to prescribe a barrier cream but since Arran wasn't registered there and we were moving practices he couldn't do it and it's cleated up on its own so I couldn't tell you what she wanted prescribed but worth giving them a call. I hated changing his nappy because he screamed the place down and you knew it was sore.

Hope Alex is doing better Cossie.

Does anyone else have a teenager trapped in a baby's body? Arran has such a temper on him when he's hungry. Currently throwing his head about kicking and screaming while his extra 2oz cools thank god for the perfect prep machine and we usually don't have to wait too long for a bottle.
emmalouise we had this n after trying metanium for a few nappies concluded that nappy free time was the way to go...it wasnt easy we used bed wetting mats towels n about 6 nappies in 3hrs as was 'catching wees/poos' lol...it did work wonders
well either it was fluke or we have found our LO's solution to bedtime fussiness n sleeping longer...we explained to our doula how she gives mixed signals at 8/9ish whether hungry or not, gets frustrated n crys for ages before eventually taking the bottle then spews it bak up n cycle start again...she suggested she cud b thirsty n to introduce cooled boiled water...well what a difference! for 85ml milk we varied between milk n water every 5-10ml meaning she porobably also had 30ml water n she slept from 10.30 to 3am for my hubby! wow just waiting to c how long she sleeps for me lol

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