*March and April mums and babies*

I'd like to get my son a swimming suit (like a wetsuit) do they even do these for babies? but he is still in first size & just into newborn clothes so I know a size 0-3 months will just be too big on him does anywhere sell smaller suits? I don't really want to get the swimming nappies if I can help it as for some reason I don't want his chest area exposed (strange I know) but he doesn't really get on with being bathed so I'd rather he was covered up a bit for the first time he goes swimming. I possibly won't take him swimming quite so soon as if I'm honest I hate swimming but I don't want him to be like this so my mom may take him for me!

He is also on 5oz bottles now but he also can be a little sick after his feed & it does look like he brings at least an oz back but he finishes the 5oz bottles! He still isn't sleeping much during the day which is fine as he slept last night for 7 hours then he just has the odd little nap here & there? I'm trying to "feed on demand" but I still see myself clock watching is this bad?!

I've tried a few groups now at my local children's centre & not taken to 2 of them! Took him up to the one closer to my new home (once it's finished being built) & felt judged even though I know I'm a fantastic mother to my little boy (not to brag!) but he started to scream (I had feed him around 7.15) It was coming up to 10 but I know he usually goes 4 hours & this older lady there said she would take him for a cuddle whilst she made his bottle. I felt he wasn't quite due at that time because I felt a little like why is she telling me to make my own son a bottle I do know when he is hungry (no logic I know but I felt like a rubbish mom) but she said he is showing all the signs of being hungry! I did make him a bottle but I just felt it wasn't her place to tell me I know my own baby, I know his hunger signs & my son hates having his hands covered as he loves sucking on them as a comfort thing so I know it doesn't always mean he is hungry! I just felt like they must think I don't know th signs of when he is hungry but you can tell he is perfectly healthy & gaining weight even though he is tiny it has nothing to do with his weight as the midwives & HV all think I'm doing a fantastic job & are really happy with his weight gain so I must be doing something right?! It did upset me a little but I suppose she was only trying to help I just need to let it go over me or else I'd never go out the house!
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I might some C&G comfort then thanks rooster. Is it supposed to be used in place of or along side the standard infant milk?
You use it instead of the standard stuff. It helped my son. I think my daughter is en-route for colic too. She has not napped today except for in our arms. Getting a bit worried about the night ahead!
Allthingsgirly I haven't seen any newborn swimming gear and even 0-3 is hard to come by in the shops, I've bought 3-6 for Zach but he is on 91st percentile for length and almost into 3-6 stuff at 2 months old. You will need swim nappy anyway to wear under his suit but if you meant speedo type bottoms I know what you mean. I think he will be warmer in a suit and therefore happier.

Sorry to hear you haven't had a good experience at the children's centres, that lady was a bit out of order really but she probably was only trying to be helpful. Don't give up on the centres though as my local groups have been keeping me sane!
Allthingsgirly I haven't seen any newborn swimming gear and even 0-3 is hard to come by in the shops, I've bought 3-6 for Zach but he is on 91st percentile for length and almost into 3-6 stuff at 2 months old. You will need swim nappy anyway to wear under his suit but if you meant speedo type bottoms I know what you mean. I think he will be warmer in a suit and therefore happier.

Sorry to hear you haven't had a good experience at the children's centres, that lady was a bit out of order really but she probably was only trying to be helpful. Don't give up on the centres though as my local groups have been keeping me sane!

What age can they go swimming from? Is it just when i am teady for him to go? My LO is nearly 7 weeks now but he is first size & his newborn are still big on him So be a little while yet until he fits into 3-6 months even though he is quite a long baby. I need to get the huggies little swimmers for under his suit? I know i sound crazy but dont want him wearing just some speedos and top half exposed it just makes him look too exposed which i know is daft but wouldnt feel comfortable with that! I think id prefer a little suit for him to wear & it may make me go in as i wont feel as concious about him slipping even though ill have a float for him to go in.

I think she was just trying to be helpful but ive had issues with people taking over with my son & not asking me just doing & this woman was a complete stranger! I didnt like having to leave him like that to go make his bottle esp when it was my first time at the group made me feel so bad! Im glad that someone else agrees with me that she was out of line i thought it was just me being over sensitive! Doubt ill go back to that 1 as i didnt like a complete stranger just taking my son from me & me leaving him like that what was i thinking?! At least i should have done was made the bottle up where i could see him thankfully i dont think he would have known he was with a stranger but still it makes me feel bad enough to not want to go again!

It hasnt put me off the centres there is another one which isnt too far away from where i am moving to which means i wont go to that one again dont think i can get over that woman doing what she did & how i just didnt say no i dont feel comfortable doing that as i dont know you &
Its my first time at group! More i think about it the more angry & upset i become about it!
Don't give yourself such a hard time Allthingsgirly. I think we are probably all a little more sensitive than usual but I think it's just because we are trying our best for our little ones and want to know we are doing things right for them. I'd put it down to experience and now you know how you would deal with it if it were to happen again so maybe no bad thing.

CDx and Emmajaine, it can't be easy for you's to think of what you's missed out on but like you said CDx the important thing is you's are both here and healthy. Also if it makes you feel any better I had my baby in my arms straight away and held him while I was being stitched and to be honest it's all a blur. Only for seeing a photo of me with gas and air in one hand and LO in other arm I wouldn't have remembered! In sure even more will fade with time. Try to remember your first moments instead of what you missed. My first proper memory is the first night in hospital with LO-the place was crazy, it was the middle of the night and my LO was lying in the cot beside me just looking at me:) I felt a real connection then. Still makes me smile and even brings a tear when I remember it and the feeling that it was all over, he was mine and like you said healthy.

Sorry for the long trip down memory lane;)
Don't give yourself such a hard time Allthingsgirly. I think we are probably all a little more sensitive than usual but I think it's just because we are trying our best for our little ones and want to know we are doing things right for them. I'd put it down to experience and now you know how you would deal with it if it were to happen again so maybe no bad thing.

CDx and Emmajaine, it can't be easy for you's to think of what you's missed out on but like you said CDx the important thing is you's are both here and healthy. Also if it makes you feel any better I had my baby in my arms straight away and held him while I was being stitched and to be honest it's all a blur. Only for seeing a photo of me with gas and air in one hand and LO in other arm I wouldn't have remembered! In sure even more will fade with time. Try to remember your first moments instead of what you missed. My first proper memory is the first night in hospital with LO-the place was crazy, it was the middle of the night and my LO was lying in the cot beside me just looking at me:) I felt a real connection then. Still makes me smile and even brings a tear when I remember it and the feeling that it was all over, he was mine and like you said healthy.

Sorry for the long trip down memory lane;)
I know just didnt think she should have put me in that position in the first place! Hindsight is such an amazing thing but ive got to try forget about it as i know once hes at the age he goes to the school nursery & he crys that again ill have to leave him with a stranger just didnt like it when i didnt have to! Worse thing was i didnt need to go out the room or leave him as i didnt need to make the bottle up i had pre made forumla with me that just needed putting into his bottle the situation just threw me! Did think now that maybe she was just trying to help in her own way! Still wont go back ;) prefer the other group & its a lot nicer.
Im totally shattered just done a night feed but hes back to sleep already in my arms he really is good at night so i cant complain
bless ya allthingsgirly can only imagine how you must have felt...im getting organised alsofor surestart groups...im guessing once ive had my 6wk doc checkup im ok to swim? do they do an internal to ensure everythings sealed up to to speak or do they go by q&a n assume thatif you've stopped bleeding you're closed up? ive pretty much stopped now with occasionally brown like end of period (sorry if tmi) so shud b fine as want to take her to aquayoga....

7hrs wow, we've now reached 4hrs 12-4an=m ish but other than naps no longer...trying to increase her bottle qts but she seems happy with 85ml n when cluster feeding 2 x 85 in an hr...still feeding her approx 15 x day so this wudnt work great with classes but have plenty travel bottles in cupboard...

get her weighed today, guessing 10lb 5oz lol...heavy girl...

registration day tomoz...getting her birth certificate ooh exciting...
They can go swimming at any age, some pools like them to have their jabs first though so just check it out with where you would be taking him. And yes, Huggins swimmers under the suit unless they have something built in but I would still put one on to be safe.
Im just an over sensitive protective moo at the moment when it comes to my little boy lol but thats part of being a mom. He does so well at night we dont always get a full 7 hours but we got around 5 i think last night. Its during the day where he just wont nap much at all esp if were at home, ive swaddled him & he is laying on me asleep so not going to move him as it is hard getting him settled!

Ive got my 6 week check next week & i stopped bleeding quite quickly really but i had to have stiches & my doctor is an old school male so not sure if he will check them or not?

I was looking online to see at my local pool how old they need to be to be able to go to certain classes so i emailed & waiting on a response! He has his jabs in 2 weeks time so not looking forward to that.

My little monkey has now decided to wake up haha! No rest for momma lol
Health visitor came this morning and measured and weighed Mia shes now 51cm long and 8lb 15oz and shes nearly 7 weeks old. I cant place if its good that its good that shes gaining quickly or not health visitor has said its good and shes not worried at all though.
She has her jabs on the 29th mat at 10 o'clock im dreading it as shes obky like a little bit and dont want them to hurt her Lil skinny legs lol x
Here she is at 6 weeks old :)
aah v cute emmalouise, Phobe isn now 10lbs 11oz almost gained a pound in a wk! feeding v well so not surprised, discussed doc appt with midwife n she recommended us to try n DTD
...before doc checkup to see if sore down there...erm who has time or interest lol but hey gud excuse..my bleeding has stopped so shud b gud to go lol..now on to finding time of day when she will sleep long enuff lol, anyone else been recommended to do this?
Oh gosh ladies I am SO TIRED, so so sooo tired :lol: Can't wait for these night feeds to be over! 2.5 weeks in and already feeling drained by them haha! 20:20pm and already considering going to bed whilst both kids are have a snooze.
Allthingsgirly my friend is a swimming teacher with Turtle Tots and their rule is 12 weeks or 12 lbs whatever comes first. I can't wait until Arran starts his lessons but I think we will need to wait until he is 12 weeks.

I saw a post on here about night sweats and it's your body's way of getting rid of excess fluid from pregnancy - are any of you experiencing this? when I'm getting up for night feeds I'm soaked, my hair and everything. Teamed with the smell of baby puke u have no idea why OH misses me when he's working away! x
yes CDx i had this for the first three weeks, i thought was due to too many/not enuff layers but when wore less layers still had it so theyre like cold se=weats like some ppl get when ill...thats how i knew was hormone related also was only on chest n neck not underarms or bak or anywhere which is where i usually sweat...

also find sweat more during daytime...between baby puke n sweats i change my top n wash about 5x day...more than she is now lol...

interesting about the 12wk or 12lb rule, think im gonna wait til wk or so after jabs...
No sweats here. Thank goodness because it sounds awful! I got lucky because my body bounced back almost as soon as she came out, plus breastfeeding apparently helps too.
Oh yes I have the sweats big time! It has helped all my water retention go down, which is a good thing, I nearly have ankles again! Lol

Kitten - wow, DTD, not even thought of that yet!! No idea when we would find time for that!! Sleep is def more of a priority!

Yes! I get night sweats only had them a couple of times though! Mine seemed to be when my milk started to come in so I was uncomfortable, now I get them if I'm 2 warm.

CDx they can't go swimming till they are 12lbs? My little one is only 8lbs 5oz at last weigh in so he will probably be over that but he is nowhere near 12lbs yet lol but he will no doubt get there v soon!

Emmalouise she is gorgeous & so dinky!! She can't be bigger than my little boy though & last weigh in he was 8lbs 5oz I think! She still looks tiny though but she's gorgeous!! I'm feeling all broody again. My lo gained his weight quite quickly & my midwives & HV were really happy with this so think it's a good thing hon!

Yesterday my lo decided he was going to throw up quite a bit of his feed & he would only take 3oz!! He still had a good night though 5 hours sleep but he is feeding every 3 hours which I think is to catch up on what he lost out on?!
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