*March and April mums and babies*

Do whatever works for your baby. My son slept on his tummy from about that age too - best thing we ever did! After 4/5 weeks of sleepless nights for him as well as us, we all finally got some kip!

I'm thinking my daughter will be the same too...
good to know Rooster...

Well she's been on tummy for 2.5hrs now, turned her head 3 times and only now stirring for feed...I am exploring the angelcare movement sensor pad as a way of giving us peace of mind that she's still breathing although in top and trousers its easy as you can see belly moving...
ok ive bought a 2nd hand angelcare 401 monitor off ebay, see how that goes, keen to see if she sleeps longer this way as OH and I still taking it in turns with her and when he gets some work will be hard...
Just got back from 6 week check up and finally been given infant gaviscon to try her on. So hoping that will help her and was told to look into gettin her the comfort milk or anti reflux milk but im not too sure if the reflux milk is available in shops :-/
But shes doin all good in other parts :) shes been asleep since we got back. Actually gave in again last night and put her in bed with me as she was so unsettled last night from half 12 til half 3 x
on a slightly separate note for those who are bottle feeding (breast or formula), how do you work out your LO is ready for bigger bottle? we go by the amounts on bottle waarmer i.e. 30, 55, 85, 115 etc and have been doing 85 this last couple of wks but get the impression she'd take more if it was in bottle...they will only drink what they have space for right?

also anyone taking their baby to surestart classes like baby peep? are they any good? could b on a waiting list for a while but curious as to what others have done...
Emmalouise beware with gaviscon as it can make them really constipated. We got given for our lg but after a day she was screaming being so uncomfortable. Then a few days later ended up in a&e as she wouldn't eat they told us to stop breastfeeding and give her a prescription formula. Also gp has now given us an acid suppressant and I'm hoping she will b a bit better. Good luck hope ur little one feels better soon x
Oh has picked up the cow and gate anti reflux milk in the shopping so dunno if to put the gaviscon still into her milk :/
Im so tired I could just go back to sleep.

The doctor didnt really say much about tje gaviscon I asked if it could have any side affects and she said she wasnt too sure :/
Yikes emmalouise, Dr not knowing the side effects mustn't fill you with confidence! But at least you got your 6 week check! Ours isn't till 9 weeks along with the jags (which are supposed to be 8 weeks but apparently lots of babies born the same week as not enough time In the clinic!!!
Kitten I've been going to loads of groups and they are great, haven't had to deal with waiting lists though. I go to baby massage and baby moves. Trying to find a group a day, going to start the swimming group soon! Just got him a little swimsuit yesterday and need to pick up some swim nappies and we are all set!
Aimee hope you guys are ok, must have been a shock to be told not to breastfeed. What kind of milk is she on now?
niknaknoo thanks for this, Im also going to join swimming classes just as soon as I have the doc sign me off as all clear end of the month at my 6wk check...my bleeding has pretty much stopped so feel fairly confident that everything has returned to normal IYKWIM...I already went to an aquayoga class that mums and babies went to when was pregnant so will return there and perhaps attend some mother and baby classes with her, depends on what hubby will let me spend lol...

1 month old yesterday - is it just me or is time flying faster than when was preggers and that was fast as it was lol...cant believe this time last month was going into labour with her...she gets weighed Friday but if her heaviness and increased intake of milk is anything to go by she'll be well over 10lbs lol...

Anyone else starting to make bigger bottles for their LO? We have always made 55 or 85 depending on when she last fed but recently have found she's been finishing the bottles....
Niknaknoo - did you find a bathing costume for 0-3months? I have one for 6-9 but judging by her size she may fit it already lol...already have some size 2 huggies swimming nappies in preparation...
I looked it up this morning and read the leaflet in the box earlier. She seems more content today not sure if its Cuz the milk is thicker or if the gaviscon is helping :/
Kitten no, as Zach is already 8 weeks and in top 10%for length I just St got a 3-6 month costume. Matalan £8.
Time is absolutely flying! Zach is 2 months old today!! Can't quite believe it! X
Hi nicnacknoo she's on nutramigen to begin with apparently they will try different ones if necessary. Must say it's great being on prescription!
niknaknoo, no idea what percentile she is for length but she's 75th for weight...just tried it on n it fits now! a few more wks n it will b tighter on her as costumes should b but cud get away with it now lol....
How are you ladies getting on?
Arran is now 6lb 12oz and in the 2nd-4th centile, he's doing really well but the past few days he has been projectile vomiting a few feeds back up, spoke to the health visitor about it and she said just monitor it she isn't too concerned because he is gaining weight. He doesn't seem uncomfortable pr in pain and if he is sick when in his moses basket he will just lie in it and not let you know. So even though he is sleeping well I'm constantly checking on him. The health visitor did mention silent reflux do any of you have any experience of this?

I've made the mistake of watching the OBEM episodes I missed and I'm all teary I just feel my body failed me and denied me and my OH of those precious first few moments after your baby is born. I know in the same situation again I wouldn't change a thing because the main thing is he is here safe and both of us are healthy and I know how close we came to that not being the case but I just feel cheated.
bless you CDx as you yourself have said his safety is the main thing and you have a healthy baby boy but can understand how you feel...if it helps I only watched a part episodse and didnt continue especially before birth as would have scared myself...sometimes ignorance is bliss if only for the first baby lol...
CDx I completely get how you feel, feel similar myself, kinda like I failed at giving birth and because of that missed that vital first hour while I was being stitched etc. Hugs lovely!

Had Alexis weighed today, she is 9lbs 1oz now, so putting on weight well. Spoke to the HV about her seeming in pain after feeding, she suggested it might be mild colic, and to try infacol before each feed, so going to get some of that on the way back from seeing the nurse to get my dressing changed (am soo over this bloody infection, just want to be healed!! But instead am on my 2nd lot of antibiotics)

Bless you CDx and Emmajaine, I feel the same. I would have loved to have been able to have him naturally but I guess it just wasn't meant to be. At least he got here safely and I love him more each day :-)

Alex suffers with colic even during his feeds. He's on 5oz bottles at the mo but after about 2-3oz he either falls asleep or just screams and writhes around in pain. Infacol didn't really do much for him, he just kept throwing it back up. Yesterday we tried gripe water and oh my days what a difference. He brings up his wind so much easier! Hope you heal soon emma :-) xx
If you are FF I highly recommend C&G Comfort and Colief. Really topped my son up on the stuff as his colic was just horrendous. So far my daughter is coping okay on infacol, thank goodness.
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I'm quite stuck with my baby. She spends more time away in the day now, however, as long as she's awake she wants to be attached to the boob or else she just cries. I can't just have to attached to me all day! Does anyone have any advice on what I can do?

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