*March and April mums and babies*

I've just sent off for my tax credits form & my honey will be 6 weeks Monday so I'm panicking that I've not done it sooner, will they back date?

My child benefit came back quite quickly in fairness & was backdated to when he was born.

My little man sleeps amazingly well @ night it varies from 4 hours to sometimes 7 1/2 dependant on what time he had his last feed. During the day is when he will fight it, he just seems to want to stay awake he is so alert already. He went down @ 4ish & is still sound asleep now @ 8pm but he will waking shortly no doubt for a feed.
I think tax credits backdate 31 days from when you claim. Thats what I was told before. Mia will be 6 weeks old on Tuesday then on Wednesday we have our 6 week check up at the docs. Hopefully they will finally give her something for her reflux this time as I think its just playing her up quite a bit

Didnt get chance to come on yesterday as it was ollies 2nd birthday and we popped out to get a few bits for his little party we had for him. He loved it and his batman cake he didnt want anyone to have any of it lol.
Now ive got two living rooms to clean up from my nephew and my 3 eldest mess they made yesterday.
Im shattered and seem to be getting headaches regularly again :( looks like my migraines are making a comeback.

Oh noticed yesterday just how long Mia is now lol I didnt really notice til he pointed it out. Shes starting to fill out a bit now and has some cute chubby cheeks. Ignore the spiderman blanket ollie was insistent that it goes in with her lol.
My little lady took ages to settle last night - she woke at 5am and didn't settle back down until 7.30am!! She was really squirmy so wondering if she has tummy troubles.
Wow you ladies with sleepy babies are lucky haha Felix doesn't sleep during the day, maybe an hour of the 12 hours of the day and at 5 weeks he already requires us to play with him otherwise he screams, means daytimes are sooo tiring. But he sleeps pretty good at night, usually 4 hours at a time and straight back off after a feed so can't really complain xo
Gabriella sleeps well at night but only seems to sleep for a few hours in the day. If she's not attached to the boob then she just cries. Can she possibly be so hungry? I can't really do anything in the day and eating is a challenge! I feel like she id constantly attached to my boob! Is this normal or is she just greedy?
I think around 2 weeks is a point where they have a big growth spurt so it is possible that she's very hungru, but possibly also a little bit greedy 'cos lots of babies are! Is she definitely drinking the whole time she's attached or is it possible she just comfort sucking? xo
wow so jealous that so many of you get 4 solid hours at night...Phoebe sleeps a few hrs at a time both day and night, waiting for the 3-4hr stints so we can all be in same room at night, still doing shifts as she doesnt sleep for longer than 2hrs and even then stirs a lot during that time so if you were trying to sleep you'd constantly get woken up. We each manage approx 1hr n half naps within 6hrs slot so would really struggle if was doing the whole night with her! Anyone else finding themselves v emotional about stupid little things? I keep getting amazed by the strength of emotion one can feel...you maybe have a split second thought about something you'd like to get done or can't do at that time and then straight away feel guilty for thinking it as you look at your newborn and then find myself crying buckets for having those thoughts...its like really bad PMS seriously! Hubby is great though and we've been talking things through - even the stupid things and we are very lucky both being off and getting the sleep we need but wow those hormones dont have play tricks on you! Oh and the finding baby in the duvet hasnt stopped...I maybe get a night or two a week free from it...last night was sleep walking round the room as was certain her milk bottle was in there and had a crying baby to settle (even though I didnt and she was next door lol)
Hi ladies,

Hope you are all doing well, my 3 year old took very sick with very bad pain and his penis swelled up, it was really awful, ended up in A&E on Friday, spent most of the evening and night there, turned out to be a bad infection, no idea how he really got it. All started on Friday morning, he was a bit red down there but I didn't think much of it and just put some cream on him, when he came back from nursery he said he was still sore so I gave him a bath but I noticed when I took him out of the bath it was starting to swell and within an hour it started to get worse so I thought oh god this isn't right, that was when he started screaming with it so I took him to A&E by the time I got there it was even more swollen and had gone purple!

He is now on antibiotics, pain relief and cream, thankfully the swelling has gone right down now, it really did scare me though, made me cry :(

As for Caleb he is doing really well, now on 6oz and sleeps from 9:30pm until 6am, I'm sure it wont last but I will enjoy it while I can xxxx
Oh gosh, that sounds super scary, I'd have cried too hun! So glad to read he is doing ok now tho.

Alexis is really changeable with her sleep, sometimes she will only do 1 hour, other times its 4-5 hours, she obviously likes keeping us on our toes.

Not looking forward to Wednesday this week, as OH is going back to work... Feel really anxious about it. I'm not going to be alone as my mum is coming to stay for a few days, but its not the same, I've gotten so used to it being him and me dealing with her, and now its going to change... Logically I'm sure it will all be fine, but emotionally I'm really struggling with it.

Had my little boy's letter threw with his appointment for his injections :( afraid to say I had a little cry over it & had to have cuddles with him which made me cry all over again. I know he has to have them though
Had ours through too, although his are going to be at 9 weeks! Apparently that is quite common now if they have a busy week but I'm not impressed.
I'm not too worried, Zach slept through his heel prick so hoping for a similar thing! Although he will just have had his examination too so will probably be awake :-/

Emmajane you will be grand. I actually really enjoy our days on our own now! Xx
Oh my days chrissie, you seemed to have handled it really well. I'm not sure I'd have coped at all with the situation!

Emmajaine I was exactly the same when my oh went back to work. My mum had the week off that oh went back so I was lucky in that sense but it meant that yesterday was my first full day on my own. It was tough but i got through it!

I'm not looking forward to Alex's injections allthingsgirly. I'm dreading them I really am :-(

When do you class your little one as being a month old? Is it after 4 weeks or so you go by the date? X
My little one didnt flinch when he had the vitamin K injection & he was only crying during his heel prick because he was hungry! It's more me that's going to be upset by it i need to toughen up a bit more but he's my little boy my entire world!

He slept nearly 8 hours last night, getting him up into his bed after his feed really seemed to work last night! I don't have a rountine going yet were working just fine as we are & he has always been a good sleeper during the night.
It's so horrible when our OHs go back isn't it? I still feel that anxiety even though my OH works in the garden in his garden office and my mum lives less than a minute away and isn't working at the moment! I have plenty of help at hand but I still worry every day about how the bobbins am I to handle two tinkers on my jack jones?!

Frustratingly, I can't take the kids for a walk at the moment as my son refuses to go on the buggy board. I might have to contemplate a double buggy, but he's almost 2 1/2 years old. He can walk - just very slowly, and sometimes 2 1/2 year olds need to be contained!
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Thanks cossie and em, it was truly awful but thankfully he is much better now :D and Caleb slept again from 9:30pm until 6:30am and then went back to sleep until 10am!!! Had him Weighed today and he is 14lbs 3oz now! Xx
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Hi guys, posted this as a new thread also, keen to hear your views...she has been in crib for almost 2hrs and has turned head twice with no problems...

Phoebe has taken a long while to settle to sleeping on her back but always loves sling carrying and lying on chest frog style and has always excelled at tummy time (introduced when she was a week old and done daily). Today I tried putting her on her front for tummy time to which she fell asleep so have now put her in the cot this way and keeping a close eye on her...I know its not recommended for very young babies but she seems to sleep far better that way...the only concern I have is if she is sick/dribbles during night and when turning head drags herself through it and struggles to breathe but perhaps lying on front will prevent her being sick in the first place? Not sure what to do but we only get 1-2hrs during day on back consistent sleep and 2.5hrs at night if we're lucky....again during tummy time she can turn head very well and has started lifting and looking in front of her so know she has the strength and ability...could this be our answer to longer spells asleep or could we be starting a bad habit?
Kitten i think its just trial and error as to what suits you and your baby with sleep time etc, everyone has warned us againist letting Mia sleep on her side thats 9 times outta 10 they only way she will sleep very rarely she will sleep on her back and if she does its normally only for an hour or so.
we make sure she cant roll onto her front by placing a rolled blanket to her front so it will help stop her, shes 6 weeks old today as well.
have a word with your health visitor she may be able to advise you more.

thx emmalouise, gonna keep doing it for daytime naps for now n keep doing tummy time until she can move her head more confidently then introduce at nighttimes...
yea i'd do the same kitten :) gradually introduce to sleeping like that of a night and see how things go :)

Mia and i have our 6 week check up tomorrow :) hoping that shes not in a grump while we are there waiting lol.
also hoping they sort her reflux with some medication as well :) shes amped up the sick and smelly burps over the last few days and has been really fussy with her bottles.
Thanks guys for all your comments, I have tried putting her on her side but she just rolls on to her back... after her napping for an hour and a half on front yesterday hubby has noticed a significant improvement in her neck movements overnight when holding/carrying her so if at the very least it speeds up her neck development then thats good too...she sleeps for 30minute spurts on her back and havent dared tried swaddling again as after her first night it was clear she was very tactile and liked being hands free...have just now put her in crib on front as I am now awake so will keep an eye on her, she does seem to settle within minutes whereas on her back can take half an hour...is it also normal that they dont pass wind as much as yesterday after nap where she was silent for ages when I picked her up she farted loads lol...on her back she finds farts easier but uncomfortable as she has to bring her knees up and sometimes have to assist her in doing this when she is fussing but asleep...

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