*March and April mums and babies*

Northerngirl I wouldn't give yourself a hard time. You have tried really hard by the sounds of it and shouldn't feel bad about it.

Rooster I had problems for about a week when milk came in. Boobs were so swollen & sore-couldn't bear to have anything touch or rub against them including a bra. Like you I couldnt think of hand expressing and my attempt was useless. I ended up using a manual pump to get relief. You'll find even a small amount will bring relief. I didnt worry about increasing supply as I just wanted to be more comfortable and figured Id deal with any increase if and when it happened. I didnt have a problem in the end (LO maybe caught up with my supply?). Things have settled down and lanolin cream worked a treat on my nipples:)

Stick with it if you can as you've probably done the hardest part now. Should also say I found soaking in a warm bath gave me some relief or even standing under a hot shower-you might find a little will leak but if not the heat works while you're in the water anyway. Good luck!
If it helps when my boobs were engorged and painful - I found that massaging them in the shower was helpful ( although massaging them was uncomfortable, after the shower I'd feel much better)

Diet can effect milk volume... For example eating oats increases supply so in your case I'd be avoiding porridge! Lol x
My little boy is 6 weeks on Monday & he is 7lbs 9oz he weighed 6lbs 9oz when he born I'm amazed that he weighs less than the royal princess did at birth & he is nearly 6 weeks older baffles me & I don't know why!

He is bottle feed & a very good feeder he is on 4oz bottles at the moment, hardly sleeps at all during the day so he can go every 3 hours needing a feed! I'll tend to give him 5oz before he goes to bed & he will sleep longer he slept 7 1/2 hours last night. Tonight he had his bottle about 7pm & he is still asleep now.

I tend to change his nappy before a feed as I find that once he has finished his feed he will go straight back down as if I did it after a feed he wouldn't go back down for nearly an hour to two hours! He does tend to fall asleep during a feed but it isn't a heavy feed & just taking the bottle out wakes him but it is very rare he will fall fast asleep before finishing a feed.

I find winding him very hard so got some advice from the HV as he hates having his bottle taken out to wind he will scream blue murder so she said to just follow his prompts which I've been doing & everything is working out well just wish he would wind better for me but he has never had colic. I do find he brings some milk back up & it's normal for babies apparently to have a time when they cluster feed.
Hi ladies. Could I please get a little bit of advice from some voices of experience on how to help a 3 week old who has a cold? He will only take about an ounce of milk per feed and doesn't settle well. He also suffers with wind but during winding he struggles to breath so it's like a vicious circle. We have propped up one end of his Moses basket so his head is higher than his chest so at least he can breath a bit better when lying down but I hate seeing him so upset and feeling like I can't help him. It honestly makes me feel like I'm a terrible mum :-( I haven't rung doctors yet as he's only really been like this since yesterday early afternoon.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks ladies xx
Saline drops are great and can be used from birth or run the hot tap in the bathroom til it steams up and let little one breathe it in and that will help xx
Child tax credits are really starting to annoy the hell outta me. Been trying for the last week n half to get through to them and still nothing. They either hang up Cuz they're too busy or I'm on hold for over an hour at a time all this just to update them on us having Mia.
Been on hold now for nearly half an hour now.

Anyone else have a problem getting through to them?
How long does it take for child benefit to go through?
Claiming benefits is just awful been waiting 10 weeks for my maternity allowance to get sorted!
Our child benefit came through pretty quickly, make sure application is sent in quickly everyone as it can only be back dated a few weeks. X
I sent my application for child benefit about 2 weeks ago and checking my bank balance this morning 2 weeks money went in yesterday but I've not received any letters or anything from them so wasn't expecting it.

Yet to sort ours out! It's my OHs job, but he doesn't do anything until i've asked him about 100 times.
Sounds familiar rooster!!! I did ours coz I knew it wouldn't get done in time otherwise!
It took 10 days for them to pay us two weeks child allowance and then we received a letter of confirmation about 4 days later. I still haven't received the birth certificates etc back though xx
How long do your babies sleep? Not that i'm complaining but my baby girl sleeps A LOT! Seriously starting to wonder if I have a daughter?! She wakes up to eat and then is straight to sleep again - sometimes it gets to a point where I think I need to wake her up for her food!
I feel the same at night rooster! I shouldn't complain but Gabriella slept like 6 hours last night and I got so worried I had to wake her up for a change and a feed. She then slept for another 3 and a half hours!
Theo sleeps for about 3 hours, wakes up for a change and to feed then goes back to sleep again xx
Cherish it ladies. Doesn't last long. Zach is 8 weeks and only has a couple of naps during the day. Most I've had at night is 7 hours but mostly 4-5 then every 1-2 hours till its time to get up. X
Ha Rooster my husband is the same so I filled form and he posted it (I hope). Sent at the start of the week so shouldn't be too long from what everyone is saying.

I totally agree yous should enjoy your sleepy babies. My LO sounds very similar to yours Niknaknoo and he's 5weeks today. The first night feed will be 2, then 6ish, 8ish and 10ish then back to every 3 or 4 hours. I find the 6 and 8 the worst as I'm exhausted by then. The feeds aren't too bad but the winding is a nightmare. Glad it's the weekend tmw and hubby will be here for winding duty:) The longest I've had between feeds was 7hours and it happened twice on random nights when we hadn't done anything out of the ordinary. Pity really as it would be great to know how to get that every night.
Arran is the same usually wakes for a feed and change and before an hour has passed he's sleeping again. He wakes for a feed every 3-4 hours during the day and 4-5 at night although slept 6 the other night.

I had my first night out without him last night and he really wouldn't settle for my OH no idea why though because he always does the last feed and puts him down when he's here, was working away 2 nights this week and not sure if that's disturbed his routine or that he noticed mummy wasn't home. Needless to say he's sound and me and OH are exhausted as he only slept between 4-6.

Phew! Sounds like my lady is sleeping the same. She sleeps for 3-3 1/2 hours mostly, including nights. Sometimes she will stretch to 4 hours at night but most of the time it's the 3-3 1/2 hour mark.

My son never slept so I'm enjoying this whilst it lasts!
rooster you are lucky to get 3hrs gaps, she occasionally does 3 but usually 1.5-2.5hrs at a time generally 1-3 and 4-6 but last night she did 11-2 - v early for her...daytime usually 1hr gaps morning n evening (cluster feeding) and 2hrs early afternoon...think she may have giggled earlier sounded like it after an involuntary smile..gotta love those lol...

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