Northerngirl I wouldn't give yourself a hard time. You have tried really hard by the sounds of it and shouldn't feel bad about it.
Rooster I had problems for about a week when milk came in. Boobs were so swollen & sore-couldn't bear to have anything touch or rub against them including a bra. Like you I couldnt think of hand expressing and my attempt was useless. I ended up using a manual pump to get relief. You'll find even a small amount will bring relief. I didnt worry about increasing supply as I just wanted to be more comfortable and figured Id deal with any increase if and when it happened. I didnt have a problem in the end (LO maybe caught up with my supply?). Things have settled down and lanolin cream worked a treat on my nipples
Stick with it if you can as you've probably done the hardest part now. Should also say I found soaking in a warm bath gave me some relief or even standing under a hot shower-you might find a little will leak but if not the heat works while you're in the water anyway. Good luck!
Rooster I had problems for about a week when milk came in. Boobs were so swollen & sore-couldn't bear to have anything touch or rub against them including a bra. Like you I couldnt think of hand expressing and my attempt was useless. I ended up using a manual pump to get relief. You'll find even a small amount will bring relief. I didnt worry about increasing supply as I just wanted to be more comfortable and figured Id deal with any increase if and when it happened. I didnt have a problem in the end (LO maybe caught up with my supply?). Things have settled down and lanolin cream worked a treat on my nipples

Stick with it if you can as you've probably done the hardest part now. Should also say I found soaking in a warm bath gave me some relief or even standing under a hot shower-you might find a little will leak but if not the heat works while you're in the water anyway. Good luck!