*March and April mums and babies*

Hi rooster, know how you feel, I had a philips electric breastpump which was c**p even when milk came in, doula showed me her ameda one and its ace, bought my own double pump (half the time lol) but then was curious about hands free options as its tiring for arms and shoulders holding them...check this link out, on the whole it works and can move fairly freely but not ideal if someone comes to the door and you want to detach everything lol...tried that and milk everywhere! otherwise great if you want to be able to eat/drink/operate your phone etc and I have even done it with DD on my lap facing me feeding from bottle (once she learns she can grab things though this wont work lol)


Its a good cost saver though as didnt want to spend money on another nursing bra specially for pumping as changing into it would take more time lol...

also on the expressing front I find it helps to apply cream before and after expressing (havent had cracked nipples once and using mum&me asda nipple cream) and good idea to have something playing on tv or music etc as need distraction from the nipple pulling lol...get used to it eventually...I am expressing three times a day now as production was lowering when doing twice and like to eventually give her two bottles a day with it...oh and get the lasinoh breastmilk bags, great sealing, take up little space and you can write date and time on it so you ensure you dont go over 5 day rule...I basically filled a bag for two days then started a new one...the date you put first qty in is the one that applies to whole lot so by day 4 have emptied the whole bag with her feeds....hope that makes sense...

she sleeps ok in crib but boy is she a noisy sleeper! havent tried carrycot at night and tbh want her to get used to crib as that is what she'll need to adapt to in time anyway, tried swaddling to begin with and she seemed to prefer to have hands and legs free but now see her waking everytime her hand or leg hits the sides and wonder...not using bumpers atm as traps air in the space and can be a hazard for her to lean into/grab...we have inclined the mattress though (with a bath material support thing) and she seems to prefer that...have just had to buy a load more crib sheets though as realised only had two and she likes to puke in her crib lol...cue ebay purchase 4 more... :)
Calling all formula feeding mummies. We are having a few issues with feeding Alex. He's taking 4-5oz per feed during the day. He does struggle with his wind which we are giving him infacol to try and help with it. The problems hit at night time when he will take 2-2.5oz and then fall asleep. We can't seem to wake him to take the rest of his bottle. While this sounds like it's not a problem, when he takes a full bottle or close to it he sleeps for 4-5 hours whereas on 2ish ounces he only sleeps for an hour or two before waking wanting more. At night and in the early hours of the morning this is not good for me and OH as both of us tend to wake when Alex does so we end up exhausted!

Any ideas? Xx
Arran started to fall asleep mid bottle as well so I've started changing his nappy when this happens which wakes him up a bit and he will then take another oz.

hi guys our lil girl cluster feeds in evening from 7ish til midnight...if we're lucky she then settles for couple hrs, feeds again then another couple hrs...this is y we r still taking it in turns otherwise neither wud get much sleep...
How long did everyone's after birth bleeding last for? I feel like it's never going to end!
Phoebe is 3wks old and its still there, granted nowhere near as heavy as first week and a half but it can stop and start and so keep wearing pads is what my midwife told me...also any type of exercise or sexual activity (non intercourse of course) can cause it to be heavier but it will stop eventually and this is different for each woman but believe the average is 6-8wks...
My bleeding is very minimal at the moment and has been since birth really, I got lucky!

Cossie, have you tried waking him to take more? We used to blow on my sons cheek to try and rouse him a bit. My sister said she used to put a cold, damp flannel on her so s cheek to wake him.

Pump day for me - can't wait. I was sitting up most of the night with achy boobs! My daughter only feeds once or twice a night so gives my boobs plenty of time to start aching and I really can't bring myself to express by hand!

We've also got our 10 day midwife appointment. Really hoping she's gained weight from her initial drop so we can be signed off.
Calling all formula feeding mummies. We are having a few issues with feeding Alex. He's taking 4-5oz per feed during the day. He does struggle with his wind which we are giving him infacol to try and help with it. The problems hit at night time when he will take 2-2.5oz and then fall asleep. We can't seem to wake him to take the rest of his bottle. While this sounds like it's not a problem, when he takes a full bottle or close to it he sleeps for 4-5 hours whereas on 2ish ounces he only sleeps for an hour or two before waking wanting more. At night and in the early hours of the morning this is not good for me and OH as both of us tend to wake when Alex does so we end up exhausted!

Any ideas? Xx

Wow, Alexis isn't eating that much, we are lucky if she take 3oz per feed!! But anyway, she does the falling asleep mid feed too, I have found that changing her nappy mid feed tends to help, as does tickling her feet.

getting her to grip your fingers is good too, repositioning helps i.e. from feeding to burp position then back again, standing up rocking then sitting down and repositioning all help too...

wow rooster lucky you, I keep wondering if have an actual period cos goes v light like end of period stops then comes on dark red again, today thats happened n have some mild cramping...does your body usually wait a full month before cycle begins or can it happen immediately. as not exclusively feeding breastmilk figured this is y mayb earlier than most...oh well tiny bit of cramp nothing compared to giving birth lol...it will b a while before complain about period pains lol...well maybe few months : )

emmajaine, our lil girl takes 2-3oz per feed, only once have we hit nearly 4 and that was over course of an hr...despite this she is totalling 30oz per day now! yeah i know 17-20 feeds per day lol...
ok so took the plunge yesterday, dyed my hair...eek am i a bad mummy? i figured that seeing as tho out of her total feed per day 1/8th is breastmilk that its not as big a deal as if was exclusively breastfeeding...also only left on for 20mins not 45...it may need another application but its not as bad as it was...im naturally v dark blonde n dye v light blonde so the roots had become 5inches n looked terrible...oh well deed is done, i feel better but hopefully she'll b alright...
We tend to change Mias nappy to wake her before she has a bottle and this works. At 5 weeks old she's still only takes between 3oz and 4oz. She had another unsettled night and I caved and Co-slept with her. She cries when shes put down most of the time. But likes it when shes in her bouncer being bounced slightly just so it moves but where the batteries go has broke. So we have to do it for her.

Really think her reflux is playing her up. She's bringing about s quarter of her bottles and is really fussy when it comes to her having her bottles even though she's hungry and wants it shes just really fussy. Really hope the doctor gives her something on Wednesday to help her.
In two minds if to change her to the comfort milk to see if that will help?? X
Woohoo. We're signed off MW care - i'm so pleased! Very very happy my little girl is doing so well - especially since I am breastfeeding, i've never done it before so find it a mini accomplishment that I have ensured her good growth so far. She ws born 8lb 1oz, dropped to 7lb 12oz at day 5 and today, day 10 she's gone all the way back up to 8lb 3oz! Go go go little lady!

When's the best time to express? I've got my pump, sterilised it, we're good to go, but just not sure when's the best time to use? After a feed maybe?
hi rooster, i do at mealtimes myself so breakfast lunchtime (ish depending on what doing...)and tea but have hubby to care for lil girl when doing it...at brekkie i do it after a feed when she's dozing in front of me before settling bak down...
Way to go Rooster! I'm interested in finding out when is best to express too. Hoping to start for occasional bottle feeds to give me a bit more freedom.

Lizzimay I was almost 4weeks but was light towards end. The beginning was horrendous though with having to use 2hospital grade pads (even though people tell you it will be heavy I was not prepared for im what I got)!!!
I've asked this question in the BF section but thought i'd ask here too.

As you know, my baby is 10 days old today and since yesterday my boobies have felt hugely uncomfortable. They are constantly swollen but only in pain the hour leading up to a feed (when my LO is asleep!).

I bought a pump to alleviate the pressure, but have since read that this will only increase supply, so I do not want to do that and hand expressing really creeps the crap out of me, but it seems to be the only way to help?

How long does this last for and how the bobbins do I get through it? It was so uncomfy last night that it kept me up!

I hope this passes soon, as I read that once my supply matches up to babies feeding routine (about every three hours, she snoozes between then - she literally just sleeps and eats my girl!) that my boobies will return to normality.

Just to add, she had her 10 day check today and her weight has rocketed from 7lb 12oz at day 5 to 8lb 3oz and she poops and pees a plenty so she isn't lacking food despite decreasing her feed time now the milk is in and me having an over supply.
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I'm having to stop breastfeeding, feel so awful and rubbish about it :( it's just been causing me so much stress that I've not been able to cope at all, OH has been having to come from work 'cos I've been in pieces with stress and bfing and expressing 24/7 was making it so much worse.
I just feel so selfish 'cos I'm essentially giving it up to make my life easier, I've done as much as I can but still just feel like a shitty mum :(
Well done to all you mums who manage to stick with it! xo
I know its easy for me to say, but don't feel shit about stopping bf-ing. You have done your best for your baby. They need a healthy momma more than breast milk, and if bf-ing is causing you problems and stress then its not worth it. You are not being selfish hun, not at all.

I tried bf-ing but Alexis wouldn't latch at all, so was expressing, but stopped last Thursday as I was finding it all too much. Honestly it has made such a difference to me, I'm starting to enjoying feeding her, rather than being stressed.

Hugs, try to be kind to yourself

You have no judgement from me! You HAVE to do what is right for you, there's just no need to get stressed when there is an alternative. I FF my son and i'm 10 days into BFing my daughter and already finding it stressful - have already had to conquer cracked nips and now going full speed into engorgement. So flipping sore/painful and it means I am unable to sleep even when everyone else is! I'm keeping going for now but really not sure how long i'll carry on for. I'm taking it on a day by day basis so far.

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