*March and April mums and babies*

I think my little boy is terrified of the bath which is what is putting me off trying again because I hate seeing him so heartbroken! I know I need to get him used to it but he's still so young, I'm hoping getting a smaller baby bath may help as I really don't want to get in the bath with him I'd be terrified getting in & out with him ESP as I'm on my own so don't have anyone there to help me!
My son was only bathed very rarely because it was just too traumatic for him and for us. If you are on your own then it would be really difficult to co-bath :-( Which is a shame because it did help us out. I'd get in and my husband would be waiting nearby.
I think my son is going to be the same unless he gets used to the bath because I can't put him threw it too heartbreaking for the both of us, I was lucky I had my parents with me because on my own I would have been in pieces! Yeah it don't want to risk getting in & out of the bath with him on my own it only takes a second to slip & then I'm living with a lifetime of guilt!

Did you try your little boy in a baby bath or the main bath? My little boys first bath was in the big bath but in a bath support type thing (sorry don't know the proper name) so we're looking to see if maybe (fingers crossed) he may feel safer being in a smaller baby bath as the big bath can be quit scary & he is only tiny still.
He was in a baby bath - his reaction 100% of the time was pure and utter terror. We lived in a terraced house at the time and wondered what the neighbours thought we were doing to our baby with the shrieks of fear he'd emit! We even bought a huge bath sponge liner thingy for the baby bath for added comfort but nothing worked until we bathed together.
Sounds like my LO could be the same then :( I really can't risk getting in & out the bath alone it just isn't worth the risk! my LO really screams & the pictures I got of him having his first bath were heartbreaking I don't think I can put him threw the heartbreak of going in the bath again. I'll try him again though as it could have just been the initial shock of being in the big bath & if he still doesn't take to it I'm not trying him again!

My parents are helping me out at the moment so if it comes to it I'll try him in the bath with me & get help from my mom but I think even doing it that way could be risky as I think he will hate it just as much & he is quite strong already I'd be scared of dropping him
Yeah, see if your mum can help you out, doesn't matter if you get in with a swimming costume/bikini on. I just cuddled him close to start with. I hope things improve for you anyway. For what it's worth - my son LOVES baths now!
There are other oilatum products too I think they have a top to toe was which you can just put on a cloth and wipe them down with. I believe that's meant to be good too. So weird Felix screamed like he was being tortured when he had his first bath, now he loves them, don't know what changed! xo
I'm hoping he will get used to them but for now As long as he is getting a wash that's all that matters I'm not going to put him in a bath that makes him traumatised not fair on either one of us! He also has a point during the day/early evening where he will just scream for no apparent reason but now I think that putting him on my chest like skin to skin just clothed really helps he laid on me for 3 hours & nevr moved like that & he is still asleep now & gone past his feeding time! I think I'm now finding what works for us both.
There are other oilatum products too I think they have a top to toe was which you can just put on a cloth and wipe them down with. I believe that's meant to be good too. So weird Felix screamed like he was being tortured when he had his first bath, now he loves them, don't know what changed! xo

Thank you :) I'll have a chat with the health visitor when I next see her as she advised me to just use water on his face & nothing else. I'm using olive oil a the moment on his other dry areas as advised by the midwife but don't want to try anything else without checking it's okay
How often are you ladies seeing your health visitor?
I had to change GP once I got baby home from the hospital, we got discharged by the community midwife when Arran was 11 days old on the 21st of April and we met with the health visitor from my old practice on the 24th of April but as I now live outwith their catchment area she couldn't come visit me and was passing my details over to our new GP who Arran is registered with. I called them twice last week and was assured someone would call me back - they never did - and now today when I try to call there is no answer at all. I'm getting really frustrated, maybe I was spoilt as my last practice were fantastic the reception staff were lovely and things would always get done. The health visitor that we seen wanted Arran checked weekly because he had a low birth weight and even let me drop into their baby clinic just for a weigh in while things were getting handed over which she didn't need to do but these new ones don't seem interested in picking up on him.
I've seen my health visitor once last week and she is coming again tomorrow, not sure how much longer they will be weekly tho.

How has your bank holiday weekend been ladies? Hopefully better than mine....

Our landlords have given us notice that they won't be renewing our lease when the contract ends,so we have 2 months to find somewhere else to live. And on top of that my c section wound is infected so I'm on antibiotics and have to go to the doctors surgery daily to get it dressed due to the amount of leakage from the wound.

Our health visitor came to us once and then sent an assistant out two weeks later to weigh him. Was told health visitor will come out again at some stage between 6 and 8 weeks. Our little one will be 5 weeks on Friday.

Emmajaine that's awful news. Hope you's get sorted soon and your wound heals.
Long night with Mia after a few good nights shes now had a rough one. She just wont settle seems like she doesnt like to be swaddled anymore. And the only time she has settled is when shes being held and that didn't last long. All together ive had 2 hours sleep :(
bless u emmalouise, we've had 2.5wks of taking it in turns and getting some much needed rest but it was the honeymoon phase lol...we are now trying to sleep at same time in another room to Phoebe and use the monitors but as she takes so long at night to settle and hubby usually takes the 9-3 shift he's finding it hard leaving her and ends up asleep on sofa...I then wake up realise had loads of sleep and try and remain until 7/8ish with hubby and monitor but awake by then and guilty for being in same room as hubby with the monitor as it means he doesnt have sound sleep...I then cant sleep anymore and get up earlier anyways...we are trying but atm he's getting less sleep and he has more to do during the day lol...I realise we are very lucky to be in a situ with both of us off work but its proving tricky getting her to settle before 2am and thus hard for us to change the sleeping pattern...the strange thing is during the day time she sleeps v well in crib soo frustrating, even when she is sleeping she isnt a quiet sleeper and the monitor picks everything up...dont want to turn volume down tho as may miss choking sounds/being sick etc so we hear EVERY whimper and tapping of her hands against bars etc...hard to sleep through that lol...
Same with Mia she sleeps great during the day and most nights. But last night was the worst. What ive found as well is that she sleeps great in her carry cot as well.
Been on hold to tax credits for nearly half hour now wish they would hurry up n answer the call!
My daughter is sleeping okay - she has to be very very snug to sleep though.

I need advice/tips re. breastfeeding/expressing. My milk seems to have come in thick and fast and my daughters feeding has slowed down (probably because there's loads more milk now??), she only does maybe 10 mins on each breast whereas she used to do 20mins each. I've had my OH buy me an electric pump as they just feel full and uncomfortable. How do I hand express until the pump arrives?

How do I store breastmilk and how long for?

Sorry, loads of questions - i'm just very very new to it.
Hard to describe how to hand express Hun but I'm sure there are loads of videos online. As for storing milk, I think it's 4 days in fridge, 6 months in freezer but again just google it and find it somewhere more official than me! X
Youtube has some good videos of hand expressing rooster. The midwife tried to explain it to me but I had to youtube it lol. Breastmilk once expressed can be left 6 hours at room temp, 5 days in fridge (not in fridge door) and 6 months in freezer �� xx
Thanks ladies. I find breastfeeding very daunting. And expressing really creeps me out :lol:

Is it normal for babies to feed less once the milk comes it. I don't think my daughter can handle the new amount of milk as she starts spluttering and coughing after a couple minutes - as if she has drunk too much too quickly and then I struggle to get her to re-latch - however she seems content afterwards?

Argh. What a stress.
I agree, breastfeeding is very daunting. My daughter only managed for a couple of weeks then I had to express for her as my letdown wasn't fast enough and she got impatient. My son however seems to cough and splutter as well and fusses initially as though its too fast for him. I'm also paranoid about whether he is getting the hindmilk too...ahh, minefield!! X

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