*March and April mums and babies*

Aww hey ladies.. yes come join us on fb group. . Do u want to send me ur email address and il invite u that way
I'm still around, just! Finding it hard finding the time to keep up here & update most of the time. I'm enjoying just being busy looking after my little boy & being a mommy im loving every single minute of it!

He's a really good baby even though he hardly sleeps much during the day he's eating fine & gaining weight still looks tiny & in his small clothes but he's quite a long baby so won't be long before he is out of his carry cot for the pram & his moses basket! He is very strong minded already, he's extremely strong little boy who's very alert to everything! He is very active with his kicking & punching how I hardly felt him when I was carrying him is beyond me the amount of kicking & punching he does but because he is a long baby I'm wondering if he didn't have the room to be able to do as much inside me as he now?!

During the night I can't complain he is up once has his bottle then straight back down again with no fuss. All in all I don't know that I have him he is so content! Everyone adores him so I'm not short on baby sitters but I don't want to leave him With anyone! He's just perfect I can't believe when I look at how handsome he is that I made him my heart just melts with the amount of love I have for my little boy, I admit I sometimes have a little cry because of how much love I feel.

I don't think he is very well at the moment he has a cough & is sneezing a lot so I'm thinking maybe I should make a trip to the doctors? HE is feeding just fine though & the health visitor on Friday said he seemed fine but I know he isn't 100% but it's nothing serious.

Hope everyone else is doing okay though I miss being on here & chatting but things have changed with me now being a mommy .
I think I was out & about with my LO the day after I was home from hospital even though people thought I was mad but I felt alright even though just being out 1/2 day was enough as I was shattered then.
hi guys anyone else get really dry hands? between knuckles n on wrists...? now luks like Phoebe has the same but dont want to use any moisturisers on her yet if can avoid it...mine started as a rash n now just remain dr n flaky hers r just dry n flaky...we've had a second bath yesterday since her arrival almost 3wks ago n just used warm water...any ideas?
My skin has been really dry too.
For baby use sunflower oil! Or olive oil works too. That's what we use at baby massage. We used it on Zachs feet on midwife recommendation when they were really dry and it worked a treat. X
Midwife told me to use baby oil and that olive oil will help with dry skin. Mia suffers with it a lpt and baby oil is helping :)
She had a pretty decent night last night but she was up at 4 and didnt go back to sleep til half 4 and that was once we had decided to go downstairs so we didn't wake her dad up.
Gotta pop town to morrisons later to pick some milk up and nappies for her. Anyone rate the morrisons nappies? X
thanks guys will try that...morrisons we rate same as asda n tesco - all work well...we dont like sainsburys too big for a start....pampers we keep for when have sore bum lol...
My little girl is sleeping so well at night, so amazing! She loves being swaddled!

Anyone got any tips on how to increase milk supply because from about 4pm-10pm she gets really fussy - on the boob constantly and never satisfied - I can only think of it being a supply issue?
Rooster, it might not be anything to do with supply. Midwife told us babies often cluster feed in afternoon/ evenings which would cause them to seem unsatisfied. Think supply increases with demand so baby taking milk and maybe expressing should cause you to produce more.

Kitten we were told to use olive oil or sunflower oil while another midwife said baby oil. We tried olive oil and it didn't really work. We're using lansinoh lotion now with lavender which works well and smells lovely.
Try Aveeno for your dry hands ladies, I get psoriasis on my hands and Aveeno is the best moisturiser by far.

Rooster - when I was expressing my midwife suggested fenugreek, flaxseed and food with oats in to help increase supply.

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She's definitely cluster feeding but it gets to a point were she's rooting but refuses the breast and i'm never sure what to do at that point :-(
My little boys skin is so dry & flaky I was jus advised to use olive oil & I just wash him in warm water nothing else as advised. I was up at 3.30am & I am yet to go back to bed! LO went straight back down after his feed & was back up again 4 hours later which is about right I think.
thanks everyone, have tried olive oil for now so will see how we get on, me Ive just gotten used to it as washing hands so frequently that keep washing it off if put it on plus dont always get the chance lol...

Trying out sleeping in same room tonight wish us luck! So far after the first couple of nights we've had a 7 on 7 off sleep shift with my hubby but now she is cluster feeding and sleeping longer at night albeit two lots of 3hrs we feel its time to give it a go but expect some very sleepless nights in the meantime! Especially myself as I am a light sleeper...will be able to nap during the day time lol...fx she takes to it as we are still struggling wth her sleeping in the crib although she has improved...
Rooster I'm having this too. We try and skin to skin to allow him access to breast if he wants it but he gets to the point where he fusses at the boob so much! Dont know what to do either. Had to top him up with expressed milk as he wasn't gaining weight and now worried that he finds bottle easier and that's why he fusses x
I actually wish I could of carried on breastfeeding but Cuz of tablets the hospital put me on Cuz of my blood pressure I had to stop. Was gutted that I had to stop.
Might try and get an early night tonight not been able to get to sleep til after 11/12 the last couple of nights.
Mias reflux has hit a rocky patch she projectile vomited a Lil yesterday when she was in her bouncer. And has been sick/fussy with her bottles a lot today took her an hour to finish a bottle this morning x
Rooster and want2beamum, sometimes they. Just not to suck and by doing this your supply will increase. I went through a period of the same...nipples were so sore! But it has settled now - Zach is 7 weeks. I take fenugreek (although I'm not sure i need to anymore )porridge for brekkie and I make 'lactation cookies'


I half this recipe and it makes loads! The full amount wouldn't fit in my mixing bowl!

I don't know what did it or if it was even anything to do with these tricks but my supply is definitely good enough now. X
For anyone who's babies are suffering with dry skin I've just used an Oilatum bath formula and it's amaaazing! It's cleared Felix's dry skin right up after one bath, it's expensive but my god it's worth it! You just put a little bit in the bath water and let them soak in it.


My little boy hates the bath I got some pictures of his first bath but I can't bring myself to look at them because to me as his mom they Truly are heartbreaking!! I hope eventually as the more he goes in the more he will get used to it & not scream blue murder (it's heartbreaking for me having him do that so I dread bath time) I may get some pictures I can treasure & love then get rid of the other ones as I don't like them! - I'll ask my Health visitor about the Oilatum though could it be used without putting it in the bath because at the moment I.m sticking to top & tail at the moment!

Also can anyone recommend a bath baby suitable & safe for a newborn I know he doesn't like to be naked but he doesn't mind getting washed top to tail & it is scary being in a big bath so I'm looking for a baby bath which may make him feel safer & cocooned more than being in the big bath.
I haven't even attempted bath yet. My son was absolutely and completely terrified of the bath and he didn't calm down and enjoy it until we co-bathed. Any who, it makes me really dread giving my daughter a bath - she was born in water so who knows what awful memories it'll bring back :lol:

Thanks for the advice ladies. Seems like I just have to keep feeding her continuously! Just given myself a break and she is happy enough sucking my husbands finger at the moment! But think she'll be back on me very shortly!
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